ilsangdo · 2 years
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beyond the sandy shores there’s a storm brewing, and NA CHAERI (she/her), a twenty-two year old ACTRESS has walked right into it. perhaps they aren’t aware of it now, but the CHOI YENA ( soloist ) look-alike is in for quite the memorable experience. will our beloved TOURIST be able to enjoy their stay?
be careful where you step, NA CHAERI, for HUMANS seem to be a little less welcomed here. and remember, here at ilsang, things aren’t always what they seem.
did na chaeri lie about her name too? posted by u/unidentifiedfryingobject2389
throwaway so i don’t get sued by A***N ent lol be safe guys. so everyone knows there’s nothing she didn’t lie about, but it turns out even her name is fake?
since she isn’t actually a ‘00 liner, na chaeri (?) was in the class of ‘17 at ****** girls high, right? my friend from college is from ****** girls high too and she thinks she knew na chaeri before, but she has a good reason why she didn’t recognize her at first… proofs are posted at the end! (edit: more proof in my comment)
so, do you want to see her graduation photo?
does this even look like the same person? but if you look carefully, you can see that it really is her. the point is the name, though. her name was actually shin chunja. total hillbilly name, lol!
it’s 95% certain that na chaeri totally changed her face and her name. so even aside from her birthday, she also lied about her name. i bet she changed it to hide that she was shin ceo’s daughter? there’s no way she would have debuted with her skills and even got the main role if she wasn’t the daughter of the ceo. na chaeri is completely shameless if she tries to come back from wherever she ran off to now
u/unidentifiedfryingobject2389 [OP]  |  1 day ago my friend sent me more proof that it’s indeed the same person… if you look at her hairline and ear shape, its really undeniable! [image.jpg] ╰ u/colorofcherry99  |  45min ago aren’t u obsessed with her? how do u know what her ears look like? ╰ u/colorofcherry99  |  edited 43min ago why are u posting a picture of someone else n claiming that it’s her? take this down! ╰ u/paranormalpenguins  |  37min ago omg did anyone see the unedited comment is the con artist herself making an appearance?
u/area51stormed  |  1 day ago wow… her transformation is freaking impressive, can her face even be considered human after all that surgery? ╰ u/colorofcherry99  |  15min ago look in the mirror, can u be considered human? anyway, i heard she only touched her eyes n nose, that’s natural these days for idols!
u/abominablesnowman  |  1 day ago Not a cherrypop but isn’t changing ur name common practice? Ur acting like she committed a crime but that’s just a stage name ╰ u/colorofcherry99  |  35min ago that’s what i’m saying! i don’t believe this ‘proof’ but even if she did, so what? there are so many idols who use fake names! ╰ u/paranormalpenguins  |  32min ago you’re working hard~~ A* E* company interns~~ i hope you get your bonus~~
u/colorofcherry99  |   31min ago ur working soooo hard to tear someone innocent down. she apologized for decisions her COMPANY made n even went into hiding when she did nothing wrong, chaeri is seriously pitiful… even if u hate her, she’ll definitely go viral when she makes her comeback, kkk ╰ u/area51stormed  |  27min ago it’s a fact that she pretended to be an underdog when she’s actually freaking old and only debuted through connections, though? flop idol lol ╰ u/colorofcherry99  |  26min ago she only changed her age by one month!!!!!!!!!!!
u/aliensoty  |  20min ago @mods can user colorofcherry99 be banned? she’s obviously a plant. just like her industry plant idol ╰ u/colorofcherry99  |  17min ago u just want to hate on na chaeri because she’s prettier than ur idol, ur obviously an idiot! just like ur stupid idol!
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ilsangdo · 2 years
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beyond the sandy shores there’s a storm brewing, and HWANG MINHO (he/him), a twenty-three year old BARISTA has walked right into it. perhaps they aren’t aware of it now, but the CHOI YEONJUN ( txt ) look-alike is in for quite the memorable experience. will our beloved TOWNIE be able to enjoy their stay?
be careful where you step HWANG MINHO, for HUMANS seem to be a little less welcomed here. and remember, here at ilsang, things aren’t always what they seem.
LOG #1 2132h 12052005
HYPOTHESIS: dad’s been abducted by aliens.
it’s in the way they argue. it begins as it always does: dad soils the timber flooring with his trousers soiled in mud and mom’s screaming in his ear. she hates it when it’s dirty, and he knows that she hates it when it’s dirty, so how could he do this to her when he knows that it’s something she hates. her father paid to have this timber flooring done—this one good thing in this rundown house—and now she tells him he’s ungrateful. now he’s inconsiderate. now she’s chewing him out about that one time on their wedding day when she was puking her guts out on the aisle and he didn’t try to shield her from the guests and their rolling cameras.
why it’s strange: dad doesn’t fight back like he usually does. minho’s got a lego castle he has to build but he’s too watching his dad. somewhere, dad stares back, emotionless. five seconds. ten seconds. dad looks away, but it’s too late. minho’s caught on.
CONCLUSION: plausible. more observation required.
─ ・
LOG #2 1307h 21082007
HYPOTHESIS: mom’s also been abducted by aliens.
mom doesn’t take to being a divorcee very well. when dad had served her the papers, she’d been inconsolable. said something about her life being over. it’s against the rules of the bible, grandpa spits out. the only way out of marriage is infidelity or death. minho doesn’t remember if mom ever stopped crying. he hears that the custody battle was brutal—talk of the town in a small place like ilsang, where everyone knows everyone—and mom spends all of grandpa’s savings trying to win minho over just to leave him on the floor of her parents’ living room with a box of lego while she bawls her eyes out in her room upstairs.
then she meets kim chanwoo. he’s taller than dad, clean-shaven, and he doesn’t smell like saltwater and dead fish. god is so good to us, grandpa says, he’s forgiven you for your sins and even brought along a good man.
minho suspects his mom was abducted that day. she stops crying like she usually does, drops minho off at dad’s without all the fuss she usually kicks up and when he catches her eyes through chanwoo’s car window, he can even see her smiling. she never usually smiles on drop off mornings when she’s forced to meet dad. strange.
CONCLUSION: likely. experiments to commence.
─ ・
LOG #3 0821h 12112008
HYPOTHESIS: aliens are afraid of water.
in hindsight, he could’ve planned this better. but he’d read some post on the internet claiming that aliens could not keep up their disguise when exposed to cold water, and there was really no other way for him to get a bucket of it in his day-to-day other than on mom’s wedding day. there are buckets of ice and water for the white wine here, when all he’d ever had before was a miserable cup. mom walks by in her wedding dress and he splashes it on her and she screams like he remembers her to.
his next mistake was not running.
he’s dropped off at dad’s. it’s not time for dad to have him yet, but they say they can’t have him running around and ruining mom’s big day. she bans her own son from her wedding, but he doesn’t fuss about it because he knows he’s got her.
CONCLUSION: likely, not fully certain only because there was a potential confounding variable.
─ ・
LOG #4 0215h 06012011
HYPOTHESIS: aliens need to bask in the full moon to recharge their life force.
this one takes a little more digging. he’s gone down a rabbit hole of sorts, clicking hyperlink after hyperlink and he can hardly sleep with all this adrenaline. it’s 3am and he’s shivering under the covers on a winter night, scrolling through a forum about aliens. 12pm and he’s at recess in school, peering at the phone he hides in his sleeve. until someone rips the phone from him and he looks up and realises it’s fucking joohyuk. video proof: aliens recharging with moonlight, joohyuk reads out in a mocking tone and clicks his tongue, you’re such a fucking weirdo, minho. minho demands for his phone back, but he hasn’t hit his growth spurt yet. not unlike asshole joohyuk who’s only popular for his height, he’ll bet. he’s jumping for his phone and joohyuk pushes him mid-air and earns him a gash on his elbow.
now it’s past midnight and he’s staring at the full moon as he camps by dad’s bedroom door. he knows his dad hasn’t been the same since he left mom, but ever since he met sooyoung, he’s gotten worse. she yells at him like mom does but he never says anything back. tells him that minho should be back at his mom’s place and dad just carries him away and does as he’s told. his dad was never like this. his dad always stood up for him.
the door opens and minho rushes to his feet. minho, what are you doing up? it’s a school night, dad says. are you here to… to bask in the moon? his dad pauses, poses the …what? but it’s interrupted when minho raises his fists and thrashes wildly against his torso. he repeats his question and begs for the alien to give him his dad back. he doesn’t remember what happens next, only that he’s back in his bed by morning, waking up to the ringing alarm.
CONCLUSION: inconclusive. experiment interrupted.
─ ・
LOG #5 1811h 23072014
HYPOTHESIS: aliens can’t leave the town lines.
he’s running on an open road. there’s the wind in his hair and the fire in his lungs, but he’s never felt so free. dad screams for him to get back, tells him it’s dangerous, and he almost likes it because it’s the most reaction he’s gotten from his dad in a long time. cross the town line, then!, minho dares, if you want me, you’ll have to come get me. prove to me that you’re really my dad. that you’re not some fucking imposter. because i know my dad would never have abandoned me the way you fucking did.
dad stands by the fringes of ilsang. minho’s just out of reach. he watches dad’s expression fall, watches him feel all the guilt and all the hurt all at once. dad takes a step forth, closes the distance between them so they’re both out of ilsang, and he pulls minho into a hug. minho cries into his shoulder. let’s go home, son, dad whispers. minho doesn’t fight it.
CONCLUSION: inconclusive. experiment binned.
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ilsangdo · 2 years
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beyond the sandy shores there’s a storm brewing, and KANG SEOJUN (he/him), a twenty-four year old SOFTWARE DEVELOPER has walked right into it. perhaps they aren’t aware of it now, but the JEON JUNGKOOK ( bts ) look-alike is in for quite the memorable experience. will our beloved TOWNIE be able to enjoy their stay?
be careful where you step KANG SEOJUN, for HUMANS seem to be a little less welcomed here. and remember, here at ilsang, things aren’t always what they seem.
tw: abuse? financial and verbal, toxic relationship
In this world, there was no Kang Seojun without his father, Kang Sangjun. The eldest and only son of a multi-millionaire, Seojun was nothing but a shadow in his father’s presence– forever tethered to the man who has ruined his life.
He couldn’t remember a time when he had actually enjoyed being around his father. Since birth, his father made it clear that he only married Seojun’s mom to keep the public quiet about Seojun nearly being born out of wedlock. And, well, Seojun was a carbon copy of his mother, so if there was no love for his mother then there was no love for Seojun.
Sometimes he wished the pictures of his family in the news articles smiling were something more than fanservice. Often times he’d stay over at his friend’s houses just to see what a real family looked like and wondered if someday his family could be like this too. Then, other times, he would press his ear against the cold walls of his bedroom to remind himself that his dreams were far out of his reach.
“He’s just a kid! Why can’t you just be supportive of him? Just this once?”
“He’s going to have to grow up eventually! In the real world, there’s no one there to pat your back when you fail to win first place. No one will be there at the end of the race to hand you a participation trophy–”
“You’re his father! It’s your job to–”
“It’s my job to raise him right. And my son isn’t going to be raised to accept some plastic medal like some fucking loser– god…fuck! Because of you, my son will grow up to be a punk bitch. But as long as he gets a fucking participation trophy, right?”
As a kid, Seojun would listen to his parents fight so much it became white noise for when he fell asleep. And when his birthday rolled around each year, his one wish would be that his family would be a real family the next year.
That never happened.
His father set the rules, and, in order the keep his family together, Seojun played fairly. If his father wanted straight A’s on a report card, Seojun would return home with not one red mark in sight. If his father wanted Seojun to ‘be more of a man’, Seojun would take all of his emotions and bottle them up deep inside himself. And if Seojun’s father needed Seojun to cover up his drunken mess for him to hide the dark truths of his own actions– well– Seojun would spend the entire night cleaning up the broken wine glass and articles of women’s clothing from the back of his dad’s car. He would do anything to please his dad, only if it meant keeping his own mother happy and safe.
“I’m home!” Seojun’s mother shouted from the hallways, “Do I smell kalguksu? You guys made dinner already?”
Before Seojun’s father could even say anything to make his mother walk out the door again, Seojun interjected.
“Yeah, dad made it all by himself.”
“He did? That doesn’t sound like him…”
“Well, I just wanted to make it up to you, I know we haven’t been seeing eye to eye lately…so…this is your favorite, right? You should eat, I’m sure traveling tired you out.”
All you could hear was the clanking sound of dinnerware as the tension in the room began to suffocate them all.
“Did you guys have fun this weekend without me? You guys got along well?”
“Well, I–”
“Yeah, dad and I went golfing. It was fun.”
“Oh..that’s nice. I’m glad you two were able to bond this week.”
He hated lying to her, but he would be a fool to break the rules of the game. If he wasn’t his father’s perfect puppet, then what was he good for? If he couldn’t protect his mother’s heart, what kind of son would that make him?
She wasn’t supposed to come home from her trip to Busan early. In fact, both Seojun and his dad thought she was supposed to return the following week.
“I can’t stand you!” His mom screamed, “How could you? I trusted you! And around our son too? Does Seojun know about your little affairs?”
Seojun wasn’t sure of the exact scenario that was occurring in the living room, but he didn’t need a visual to know that his father’s back was against the wall.
“No. No more! I’m packing my things and leaving. You can keep this fucking house– God, I should have never come back to begin with! You’re disgusting and–”
“Well you aren’t so perfect either! Do you think I’m happy to even have you as a wife? You were a fucking mistake to begin with. You and that god awful son of yours–”
“Don’t you dare talk about our son like that!”
“May as well! He looks like you– acts like you too! A bitch–”
“That’s enough! I’m leaving– and..I’m taking him with me!”
“Go ahead! But you’ll see, you need me.”
All Seojun could hear were the breaths of his two parents.
“Yeah, that’s right. You two need me. Go ahead, leave! Run to your mother’s house. I’m sure she’ll send you crawling right back when she realizes how much debt you all will have once Seojun’s college loans roll in. Oh, and I’ll be sending a bill too– for all the shit I bought for the two of you. Let’s see who wants to fucking leave then.”
That night Seojun’s mom came to his room with her eyes full of tears. The pain in Seojun’s chest was too much to bear, but what more could he do than to be brave for her? He had to keep being the light in her life; he had to keep being strong.
“I love you so much, Seojunnie. You know that?” His mother sniffled, resting her head on his shoulder as the two embraced.
“Of course. I love you too.”
“Never leave my side, promise you’ll never leave me.”
“I promise.”
Seojun didn’t believe in love until he found Jia.
“...And, you see, Ohms law tells us that the electric current– so I – is directly proportional to the voltage– so V–...”
She wasn’t listening, and part of him didn’t care. He enjoyed watching her hair fall to her cheeks as she tried to pretend to care about what he was saying. Seeing the way her eyes sparkled looking into his, he wanted to suppress his emotions, but this time he couldn’t. With his heart racing uncontrollably, it was hard to even focus on preparing her for her next physics exam. Every fiber of his being wanted her, and so, for the first time in his entire life, he took a chance for his own happiness.
And, before he could even move on to the next step of the equation, he found his lips crashed against hers– his hands gently cupping the soft skin on her cheeks as if his lips weren’t ten steps ahead of them.
“I want to marry her– I want to marry Jia.” Seojun proclaimed at the dinner table, which was unpleasantly met with silence. His mother, although very approving of their relationship, avoided his gaze in order to keep the peace.
“No.” His father answered sternly.
“No, she’s not good for you.”
“Not good for me? What does that even mean? What has she ever done to you?”
“Well, I’m not saying she’s ever done anything to me, but, well– you know how the articles would spin it– ‘heir of multi-millionaire, Kang Sangjun, finds love through boring university girl’...is that the kind of image you want? Someone who settles for less?”
“Yeah, less. I mean– what does she really bring to the table?”
“She loves me, that should be enough.”
“What can love buy you?”
Seojun doesn’t remember much more about that night; in fact, he tried his best to forget it all.
All he remembers is one minute he was at the dinner table and, the next, he packed his own bags, getting ready to tell Jia his elaborate plan for their escape from their families.
“Let’s run away.”
“Seojun, it’s 3 AM.”
“No, no. Listen. I love you so much, you know that, right? I love you so much, and I’d be stupid to waste my whole life waiting for the right moment to tell you this. I know I’m a coward, and I’m not one to take many chances, but this time I’m ready. I’m ready to take the leap, Jia, please.”
“What are you talking about–”
“Xu Jiali, will you marry me?”
“Let’s get out of here, just you and me. I’m serious, Jia. I love you more than anything. There's not one day that goes by that I'm not grateful that our lives crossed paths. And, truthfully, if one day I woke up and you weren't there, I wouldn't know what I'd do...So what do you say?”
Her answer liberated him. He no longer cared what if father thought; nothing else mattered as long as he had her. No matter where they ended up, Seojun was just happy that he would be spending the rest of his life with the one person who truly loved all of him, the good and the ugly. And, with their suitcases packed and a flier that read 'ILSANG! YOUR HOME AWAY FROM HOME!' he drove off to start his new life with Jia.
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ilsangdo · 2 years
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beyond the sandy shores there’s a storm brewing, and JUNG RISAN (he/him), a twenty-three year old UNIVERSITY STUDENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT has walked right into it. perhaps they aren’t aware of it now, but the PARK SEONGHWA ( ateez ) look-alike is in for quite the memorable experience. will our beloved TOWNIE be able to enjoy their stay?
be careful where you step JUNG RISAN, for HUMANS seem to be a little less welcomed here. and remember, here at ilsang, things aren’t always what they seem.
Some truths are bound to remain the same.
The sky will always be blue; his mother cooked the best rice porridge on a rainy day; and Jung Risan was probably never fucking going to get out of Ilsang-do. The first doesn’t bug him (he could give a shit less if the sky was purple), the second he misses (she’s moved closer to the city for his little sibling’s school), and the third stresses him out to the core. But he’s working on it! He’s got ... somewhat of a plan going on in the works.
Jung family roots dig deep in Ilsang’s soil, a longline of farmers that owned a hefty lot of land where the juiciest fruit and the ripest vegetables grew. Most of the farm cut its losses after Risan’s grandpa passed away, and his daughter (his mother, Hong Yeona, Ilsang’s selfproclaimed beauty and rager teenager) refused to take over the business. [It’s said at this point in the argument, she screamed she wanted to do something respectable instead, like being a dentist] It didn’t die out - with his aunt taking over and doing her part in keeping the family tradition alive, but the harvest season becomes less bountiful and the inactive half of the farm becomes overtaken by wildlife.
His dad is in the picture early on; from a town next to Ilsang who had been an amateur kid sleuth turned actual private eye. The sound of his name around town earned both swoons and sighs, the former from the tales of his whirlwind romance with his mother and the latter from the stories of Risan’s grandfather chasing him out after. He swore that he’d only break his daughter’s heart in the end - and he did. Their marriage fizzles out some years into Risan’s existence, with his other officially moving out a few months after his tenth birthday. [She couldn’t quite accept marrying someone who put work above love] His father never recovers from the loss, but eagerly melts away time in the arms of comfortable strangers and cold liquor bottles.
It’s around this time two things happen that change Risan’s world: 1) His neighbors began to take care of him; first with places to do his homework and eventually shifting to weekly dinners, and 2) He learned that his father responds when Risan is doing the following: swearing in the classroom, skipping class to stay at the playgrounds longer, and [his personal best] kicking the shit out of Na Woorim’s [the class bully] shin when he didn’t give his soccerball back. It’s a cycle that follows him into most of his youth. His mother visits briefly - enough to be around as her son grew up, but eventually a man accompanies her, then a set of twins. It’s odd seeing her life continue on while his father does anything but, stuck in the loopholes of the past; regret in everything he didn’t quite do and what he couldn’t quite amount to as a husband and father. However, there was another truth to life [at least Jung Risan’s]: Hong Yeona and Jung Rahyun would always end up back together, and they did. [It’s complicated, a constant on and off thing that’s been happening since they were teenagers, a soulmate situationship that’s kept Ilsang-do on their toes]
Since highschool, Jung Risan’s life has almost become a routine.
Breakfast, school [and skip last period], get lost in nature, go home. Rinse and repeat. A few times a couple of other things would be sprinkled into his routine: leave soccerclub early to walk a pretty girl home, eat dinner later to smoke with his friends, head to the grocery store to pick up a can of soda and bag of chips, drop off kimchi to his neighbor. Rinse and repeat; and same truths he’s known his entire life remain the same.
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ilsangdo · 2 years
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beyond the sandy shores there’s a storm brewing, and LEE JIHYUN (she/her), a twenty-three year old NURSE has walked right into it. perhaps they aren’t aware of it now, but the CHOI YEWON ‘arin’ ( oh my girl ) look-alike is in for quite the memorable experience. will our beloved TOWNIE be able to enjoy their stay?
be careful where you step LEE JIHYUN, for HUMANS seem to be a little less welcomed here. and remember, here at ilsang, things aren’t always what they seem.
Life is full of lessons:
Birth, life, death & all that’s in-between— there’s a certain sequence to things in the in-betweens.
4 legs in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 3 in the evening. Kindergarten, elementary, middle, high school and university. Date for a respectable amount of time, get married, have kids and work until you can’t.
That’s just how it’s done, isn’t it?
That’s how Jihyun’s parents try to do it, anyway. Register their marriage at the courthouse, before Seona starts to show, and Gihoon makes a respectable(-ish) woman out of her and keeps the neighbourhood aunties’ gossip to a minimum. Mind, they still talk— of course they do!— but their families are slightly less embarrassed.
It could be worse. At least they’re both adults and can raise a baby.
Just because you can fit your entire fist into your mouth, doesn’t mean you should. (Wise words from Han Seona, as she sits with a wailing Jihyun in Choi’s Clinic and Pharmacy. Mother knows best.)
Just because you can get divorced easily in the 21st century, doesn’t mean you should. (Mother doesn’t always know best, Jihyun realises. She used to hate when Grandma nagged Mom for it, but honestly? Grandma’s right. She gets older and realises that her parents were just as stupid in their 20s as she currently is. She watches her parents as a teenager, and swears to never turn out as stupidly prideful as they both are. She realises, at 24, she’s worse.)
Just because you can hit Chang Seojun in the face for flipping up your skirt, doesn’t mean you should. (Girls are not ‘supposed’ to be violent.)
Fuck Chang Seojun, that fucking bastard with nothing between his ears.
Your only regret is not hitting him with a thicker workbook.
You live your life well enough.
You study hard & get grades good enough you can go to Seoul for uni.
You party hard, and study even harder.
You work really fucking hard in the few months you spend in Seoul, because you’re on-track to living the life you want! Your Switzerland savings account is 3/4s full, and you’re going to ask for your paid 2 weeks off in August.
Come August, you’re back in Ilsangdo.
Dad’s Stage 2. Mom says you don’t have to move back— “It’s only Stage 2, Jihyun! Korea’s got the best treatment for stomach cancer! Really, you’re overreacting.”
You do, anyway.
Get a job at the local clinic, and tag-team with Mom when driving him to appointments in Seoul. Move back into your childhood bedroom, and wait for your apartment to be completed.
Wake up. Work. Eat. Work. Home. Sleep.
Rinse, repeat.
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ilsangdo · 2 years
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beyond the sandy shores there’s a storm brewing, and PARK SUNGHYUN (he/him), a thirty-two year old REPORTER has walked right into it. perhaps they aren’t aware of it now, but the STEVE SANGHYUN NOH ( actor ) look-alike is in for quite the memorable experience. will our beloved TOWNIE be able to enjoy their stay?
be careful where you step PARK SUNGHYUN, for HUMANS seem to be a little less welcomed here. and remember, here at ilsang, things aren’t always what they seem.
a scrapbook is placed half haphazardly into a storage bin, the front of the book has “the park family” written in faded golden lettering. a few old yearbooks, some old medals, and a tacky snowglobe with a miniature tokyo sit alongside the scrapbook.
 polaroid of a young couple, no older than teenagers, posing in front of an arcade game. the girl is wearing a baggy jean jacket, her permed hair framing her huge smile. the boy has his arm thrown over her shoulder, he’s wearing an oversized t-shirt tucked into high wasted jeans.
 scrawled underneath the photo in neat handwriting is mikyung and junho’s first date 1988.
 on the next page, a photo of the same girl, mikyung, only this time she’s sitting in a hospital bed,  her hair has been straightened, her smile subdued and a baby tucked carefully in her arms. the same boy junho,sits beside her bed, his eyes a bit red as he smiles towards the camera.
 scrawled underneath in the same neat handwriting is sunghyun’s birthday, 1990
 a toddler dressed in hogeon sits in the middle of various objects; he’s clutching a toy stethoscope in his hand.  
 sunghyun’s doljabi ceremony, 1991.
 the next page has various photos of the young couple — the first being junho wearing a cap and gown, holding a diploma, with mikyung beside him carrying a boy who seems to be around 3 years old.
 junho’s graduation, 1994.
 the second photo on the page is of mikyung, her hair tied neatly into the bun, posing by a makeup counter, two other women are beside her.
 mikyung’s first day at the department store, 1996.
 the following page has a photo of the young boy sunghyun, now around 6 years old, smiling with a tooth missing, he’s holding up a small gold ribbon with an older woman, with graying hair and smile lines standing beside him.  her nose looks vaguely similar to junho’s.
 sport’s day at sunghyun’s school, with grandma 2002.
 the next page features another hospital photo, mikyung lays in the bed smiling at sunghyun who is now around 12 years old, carrying a baby. he’s wearing a school uniform and smiling proudly at the camera, as he shows off the baby in his arms.
 sunghyun meeting hyunmi for the first time, 2002.
 beside it, is a photo of hyunmi, sitting in a high chair. sunghyun’s back is facing the camera, but his hands are in frame, as he holds up a spoon of rice towards hyunmi.
 below in much messier handwriting, hyunmi and sunghyun, 2003
 the next page has a photo of hyunmi, now around 5 years old, her hair tied in pigtails ( though one is lopsided ) with junho and mikyung behind her. but she is clinging onto sunghyun,now a teenager, who is kneeled beside her, her eyes watery.
 the same messy handwriting as before, minnie’s first day of school, 2005, and a heart sticker beside the caption.
 a photo of hyunmi laying in a hospital bed, her smile forced as she looks up at the camera. mulitple stuffed animals litter her bedside table, and sunghyun sits beside her, holding balloons. his dark circles are apparent even through the photo.
 minnie’s successful surgery, 2007
 tucked in the corner of the page is a picture of sunghyun, posing alone with a diploma in hand.
 sunghyun’s high school graduation
 the next page features multiple photos of sunghyun and a group of young adults. the one in the center is sunghyun with his arm wrapped around the waist of a young woman wearing a scarf.
 Study aboard trip in tokyo, 2010
 another graduation photo, this time sunghyun is centered in the photo dressed in a cap and gown, holding up his dilopma. hyunmi now a teenager, is beside him her smile wide. mikyung and junho stand on the other side of him, now middle-aged.
 uni school graduation, 2011
 a photo id of sunghyun, titled “press pass” and the name of the newspaper underneath it.
 on the last page of the scrapbook, there are multiple pictures missing; only a caption remains.
 sunghyun’s wedding, 2019
 the last photo is of sunghyun, his clothes are ruffled and multiple manila folders are present, his smile strained as he throws a peace sign at the camera. his wedding ring is missing.  
 sunghyun’s last day at (redacted) ilbo, 2022
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ilsangdo · 2 years
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beyond the sandy shores there’s a storm brewing, and NAM SEONGYI (he/him), a twenty-seven year old OWNER OF ISANG WONDERS has walked right into it. perhaps they aren’t aware of it now, but the LEE DOHYUN ( actor ) look-alike is in for quite the memorable experience. will our beloved TOWNIE be able to enjoy their stay?
be careful where you step NAM SEONGYI, for HUMANS seem to be a little less welcomed here. and remember, here at ilsang, things aren’t always what they seem.
tw: death 
"nam seongyi!"
it had been a long time since he last heard that name.
"oh, miss cha, how are you doing?"
"i've told you! just call me auntie cha, no need for formalities. ah, the other day i saw a bunch of boxes getting delivered here and they were labeled for someone name nam seongwon. do you know who that is? is that a cousin of yours?"
he smiles politely before nodding his head as he grabs the mail, "those are my things."
how much work would it be to explain that his name was now seongwon. and that it had been for many years now.
"ah, i see, i see! i heard that one of the nams would be coming down to take care of business! i didn't expect it to be you. after all, your grandfather said that the last time he spoke to you, you were in america."
he simply nods, gathering himself to give the briefest explanation he can so that he can make a quick escape back inside. but then she says something that catches his attention.
"in all honesty, i thought it was going to be your father coming down after we sent news that your grandfather went missing. they must be coming soon right?"
before seongwon can ask her any follow up questions, a loud shout is heard from her home before she shouts back and quickly leaves with a short 'come over for dinner' invite and disappearing.
his parents had told him his grandfather passed away.
that it would be a good thing to come back to ilsang for a new start, taking over his grandfather's business — ilsang wonders. after all, his goals to stay in the states had fallen through when someone else beat him out for the job that was meant to set him up to continue living there.
there was absolutely not part of him that believed after five years in the states, that he would end up back in ilsang. where he had spent his summers as a growing child hating the fact that every other person he met would tell him his name 'seongyi' sounded like a girl's.
back in the town where he had no expectations.
his parents told him he had missed his grandfather's funeral. he had even visited the grave.
but he knows he heard aunt cha's words loud and clear.
she had said his grandfather went missing.
was there something his parents didn't tell him?
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ilsangdo · 2 years
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beyond the sandy shores there’s a storm brewing, and HAN YENA (she/her), a twenty-five year old RADIO HOST has walked right into it. perhaps they aren’t aware of it now, but the LEE HOJUNG ( actress ) look-alike is in for quite the memorable experience. will our beloved TOWNIE be able to enjoy their stay?
be careful where you step HAN YENA, for HUMANS seem to be a little less welcomed here. and remember, here at ilsang, things aren’t always what they seem.
Thirteenth of June, 1997. Coincidentally ─ early morning of a Friday.
A baby takes her first breath, air filling her little lungs, loud scream following thereafter, ripping through the room with a piercing sound. The doctors weight her, make sure that she is perfectly healthy and then hand her over to her mother; she cradles the baby to her chest, and the baby cuddles into her, feeling a familiar safety within her arms. The child’s mother lays with her in the hospital bed, alone, no happy father to be seen around and finish the painting of newly blessed parents.
Destroyed puzzle —- or at least that is what those around them would repeat, whispering among themselves when Yena would play at the local playground, singled out from the crowd. It’s what old people, and young alike, would speak among themselves as she would make her way to school through old streets of Yeonghwa-gil, it’s what her classmates would laugh about while she’d be taking down notes, eyes focused on her teacher’s writing. It’s not something that Yena ever allowed bother her, however; letting these words enter her left ear and find an exit through the right. She’d smile, despite it all, knowing that eventually she would have been left alone. She never lets it bother her because she knew that coming back home, she would be awaited by her mother and grandmother, warmth of their old, small home enough to push away every ounce of negativity; like there was a charm set above the entrance doors, or like it was an entrance to another dimension, free of outside’s influence. An universe within an universe, where her rules were set in place.
After a while, the gossip settles down and Yena’s life moves on, like an uninterrupted flow of water flowing down its familiar riverbed.
2012 — the start of high school, or what some would say the most important era of a teenager’s life.
To her, all of it is trivial, though her life does take a deeper dive than the usual routine that followed her; initially, it’s the fact that her social life soars high — not so high in air that it challenges the airplanes that occasionally pass above Ilsang-do, but it no longer stays with feet grounded against dry land. She makes friends that stay her friends and she takes a step outside of her safe shell — knowing she can return to it, whenever she’d like. Three years pass like it’s nothing, blink of eyes and she is no longer the Yena her mother babies; she is the graduating, grown-up Yena, standing with a bouquet of flowers, watching as both her mother and her grandmother shed tears. She tells them not to cry, to which they respond that they have to; happy tears are always welcome and should never be met with closed doors. After all, it’s better to cry because you’re overflowing with joy.
Present day.
Han Yena graduated from Daeseong university nearly two years ago. Yet to her it all seems like a mysterious, far away haze; like it was someone else that lived her life instead of her and the worst of it all, to her, is that she doesn’t know when this started. When her memory turned into an endless labyrinth, dead end after a dead end regardless of how many times she walks the same road back after meeting the end of the road, regardless of how many different turns she makes, regardless of the marks for herself that she leaves behind her each step. A dead end after a dead end. Each time she opens a door, another door awaits behind it. She falls through the deep cavity in shape of her body, yet she never seems to hit the ground, rather falling, falling, falling… There is food in her fridge that she has never tried, yet it’s there. Songs added to her playlists titled ‘favourite’ that she has never heard. Polaroids with people she seems to know, but has never met. Familiarity among strangers. Amidst all of it, sticking out like a sore thumb, there is a particular emptiness. Not in the likeness to the emptiness of her memory; it’s an emptiness that she feels should be filled with something that she had lost, or rather, someone.
And though Yena prays that the someone who she lacks is she herself, hoping to reclaim herself from the mystique that enshrouds her and move forward, returning to the normal life she’s known once, she remains in the whirlwind, captured by the blur of her recollection.
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ilsangdo · 2 years
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beyond the sandy shores there’s a storm brewing, and JUN HANEUL (he/him), a twenty-two year old RADIO HOST has walked right into it. perhaps they aren’t aware of it now, but the HAN JISUNG ( stray kids ) look-alike is in for quite the memorable experience. will our beloved TOWNIE be able to enjoy their stay?
be careful where you step JUN HANEUL, for HUMANS seem to be a little less welcomed here. and remember, here at ilsang, things aren’t always what they seem.
tw: mentions of neglect, malnourishment, ants/bugs. maybe allusion to bullying?
tape one —
yonghaeng-ro, ilsangdo, south korea. april 18th, 2002.
haneul, small yet extraordinarily ferocious in his happiness, smiles a toothy grin (at least with the teeth the five year old currently has, anyway). “mommy hug,” he demands at the camera. richard and maryanne were not quite expecting his vocabulary to be stunted upon his hasty adoption—but they had managed to teach him how to ask for things. maryanne comes into frame and hoists the young boy up.
his siblings, four to be exact, sit on the couch in the background and he smiles toward them already distracted by the love his older brother is giving him.
“this is haneul’s first family video! he’s five now, but he’s gonna grow up big and strong here!” the boy in her arms barely looks five, small and malnourished from a family unable to give him what he needs. but the walshes had only just moved to korea, so maybe it was fate that they would find each other now.
tape two —
yonghaeng-ro, ilsangdo, south korea. dec 24, 2004.
“MERRY CHRISTMAS, GRANDMA!” comes a scream from a now chubby cheeked haneul, a thick accent on his english. he’d gone from barely knowing korean to now learning multiple languages in just under two years, and the little boy loved nothing more than to show off his talents. very quickly though, he switches into korean. “put the words on this, okay, dad? grandma, i’m gonna sing for you! okay, but first I have to tell the story of god and his baby jesus, cuz, i like that story and it’s christmas!”
after a very long demonstration using figurines of the manger story, haneul stands in his elf costume, grabbing his older sister claire to force her to play the piano. her costume was also decided by him—reindeer antlers on a headband and tinsel around her neck.
without further ado, the flamboyant almost-eight year old begins singing ‘i want a hippopotamus for christmas’, sounding very pretty to all of his family.
tape three —
​​jeongsang park, ilsangdo, south korea. june 5, 2005.
the camcorder is shaky as it films the clearing of some trees, and then focuses on an abnormally large ant pile. “why’s it so big,” he says, stupid voice right against the microphone. and then suddenly the camcorder is being jerkily moved onto his best friend. it is impossibly zoomed in on her nose. if she knew, he’d totally be in trouble.
girls were always weird that way.
he does, however, zoom out so he can prop the camera in a tree and film them both from a terrible angle. “this is jun haneul reporting from the channel five news! i’ve found a horrendously big ant pile. i think it might be fire ants… so i’m going to investigate and try not to get bit. i’ll let you all know immediately!”
though the camera isn’t picking up the ant hill, the screams from haneul after he hits it with a stick is enough to alert anyone to what happened.
she is quick to get him out of his predicament, and even grabs the camera for him.
haneul really wishes he knew how to delete footage once he realizes the camera records him crying and whining to her as they walk back to his house to get something to put on the bites.
tape four —
jeongsang park, ilsangdo, south korea. july 20, 2008.
tall flowers almost go over haneul’s head and that is evident by his panicked filming. “help! the sunflower monster is gonna get me!” it is all that could be expected by an eleven year old who was still short as shit and always a pest.
the camcorder is aggressively snatched out of his hand. it’s tossed aside by the girl beside him, only their feet in shot while they talk among the swaying flowers.
he always had a soft spot for being the prince who comes riding in saving everyone, it’d been his obsession for a long time.
“if i could change anything, i’d make it so we could live together,” haneul starts to tell her, voice soft and treading lightly because it always upset them to hear him say this. he says more, but the audio is muffled by the sound of the wind rustling through the flowers. all that can be heard is laughter, and then, there is the sound of a small kiss. haneul makes a very shocked noise soon after.
“now we’re each other’s first kiss.”
tape five —
yonghaeng-ro, ilsangdo, south korea. october 29, 2011.
fourteen is a big year, and with all the foreigners in town, haneul gets to relish in halloween. he’s always been a bit of geek for horror crap, or even just the unknown, but it gets real during this time of year. he gets all dressed up—this year, he has chosen to go as a power ranger, covered head to toe in bright red. the tape starts with him smiling, showing off the costume and his sword that he flings around attacking his sister who is going to the party in cat ears and a simple black dress.
“she’s so lame, can’t even be interesting for a party, come on!!”
this turns out to be a terrible mistake, because when you’re fourteen, crushes are imminent. and everyone looks cooler than you, and talks better than you, and all you can do is pout in the corner because even his best friend looks more hot than embarrassing, and she instead ignores him for another guy.
so that night he finds out a few things about himself, and ends his halloween by filming himself in his quiet bedroom:
“note to self, um, just do anything you want, cuz you’re gonna be embarrassed anyway. a girl asked you out on a date as a joke, you’re a fucking joke! so… just be funny anyway! don’t bother even trying to be serious… everyone just thinks you’re a weird nerd… and i’m so tired of it, i wanna be fucking cool!”
tape six —
yonghaeng-ro, ilsangdo, south korea. october 30-31, 2011.
“goooood morning!” an unusually chipper haneul says. instead of the dark locks from last night’s tape, his head is colored an ashy blonde. “i changed my hair, and got rid of the lame hair cut! this is step one in getting cool, a guide by yours truly. i’m also gonna try contacts right now—”
and then, there he is on film, stabbing his fingers into his eyes. he looks stupid, and after an entire thirty minutes of tape, he sighs and puts back on his glasses. “i guess i should just get cuter glasses. i’ll ask my mom to get round frames with me.” he walks the camera shakily to the closet in his room. “i’m gonna start wearing button ups, because i think they’re more mature than t-shirts. and skinny jeans! so my butt looks cool~”
“and then um, i was thinking about getting new earrings—” this video log is boring, over an hour of haneul simply describing his new choices, painting his nails, and everything in between.
immediately, the changes make a difference. but maybe more than anything, it’s the sudden confidence he walks with. secretly, he is still freaking out, but he puts on the brave face that he becomes known for. people remember him as the fun guy, not the class clown. eventually, he does get asked out, though that isn’t immediate.
and his best friend is suddenly so pretty, it makes him pout when she whispers that she always liked his nerdy shirts and dark hair.
tape seven —
yonghaeng-ro, ilsangdo, south korea. feb 14, 2015.
“heeeeeey ho,” haneul’s sleepy voice says. “for my birthday today, i’m gonna go search for evidence that aliens exist.” the camera showcases a very tired haneul, bedhead on display. “i’m taking all my friends to a valentine’s day dinner, because fuck it, right? and then we’re gonna camp. it’ll be super cool. none of them think this shit is real though, it is totally fucking annoying. i just wish someone would believe me when i talk about this crap.”
tape eight —
daeseong university, ilsangdo, south korea. may 26, 2019.
haneul’s face in the camera is covered in tears, screwed up red and devastated. “i haven’t done—i haven’t video’d myself in a while because uh- part if me started thinking it was a little stupid honestly. plus, university made me wanna die, but i graduated today! super cool cus, um i graduated in the top. but also again, made me wanna die. but anyway, tomorrow i’m gonna start filming auditions for this radio station i wanna be the host of. i’m an intern right now, and like, my life sucks a lot right now so i’m kiiiiiinda trying to find my will to live and this used to help me talk through my thoughts… which i guess is pretty cool! uh, i started anti-anxiety medication, i became a total crackpot during university. but, it’s cool. anyway, i don’t take my meds because i hate it more than anything. and i don’t know what i’m gonna do with anything. i got a degree in fucking dance. i’m literally an idiot. what am i gonna do in fucking ilsang, strip for fucking soldiers? yeah right, not hot enough for that shit. jesus christ.”
tape nine —
cha ko latte, ilsangdo, south korea. november 13, 2020.
“if i could do anything, it’d be figure out this shit. okay, so, hear me out, i found out this guy was reported missing in our town, and i had this theory—” whoever he is with, shushes him. “no, but seriously, dude, this case is gonna bust open all my ideas i just know it.”
another soft shushing,
“okay.. fine. do you wanna hear me talk about my theories on soulmates?”
tape ten —
deokbu-ro, ilsangdo, south korea. august 6, 2021.
the job is his.
he posts a video celebrating, friends in his arms as he screams about being the host of a small town radio show. the haneul that once dreamed over traveling, of being a singer or a dancer, something cool, is disappointed.
but the haneul that spends every night connecting red strings to pictures of missing people and town oddities? he’s happy to be staying in ilsang for a long time.
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ilsangdo · 2 years
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beyond the sandy shores there’s a storm brewing, and SONG YONGJU (she/they), a twenty-four year old MECHANIC has walked right into it. perhaps they aren’t aware of it now, but the KIM HYUNJUNG ‘seola’ ( wjsn ) look-alike is in for quite the memorable experience. will our beloved TOWNIE be able to enjoy their stay?
be careful where you step SONG YONGJU, for HUMANS seem to be a little less welcomed here. and remember, here at ilsang, things aren’t always what they seem.
tw: implied csa, neglectful parenting, alcholism
 song yongju has memories embedded within every inch of ilsang. growing up in yeonhwa-gil, she thought the scent of fish would never scrub out of her skin. but she quickly replaced the saltwater smell with the thick stench of gasoline.
 she changed her first tire outside the 981. she vividly remembers the proud look on her older brother’s face, the way she thought her heart might burst out of her chest with happiness - she wished to hold onto that moment forever. she worked well with her hands, kept them steady even when the work got rough. so her brother started bringing her into the shop, to keep her away from their mother’s latest sleazeball of a boyfriend, but also to keep her out of trouble. yongju had a knack for getting into trouble, and her friends certainly didn’t help in that department.
 she remembers blistering summers spent on the lake at jeongsang park as a child - and later, as a teen, she would break into the slouched cabins along the water’s edge with her friends so they could drink and play stupid games like spin the bottle.
 she remembers the way her older brother would drive that big truck of his out to the drive-in afterschool, just so they didn’t have to go straight home - nevermind how much of his hard earned money went into buying the tickets, or the oversized buckets of buttery popcorn for them to share.
 her first kiss hidden between the tall stalks of the sunflower field… failing her entrance exams and crying on the steps outside daeseong academy… filming countless videos with her best friend on his beat up camcorder… watching meteor showers on the roof of her house while cuddled up under blankets with mugs of hot cocoa…
 the streets of ilsang carries many memories, but yongju doesn’t want to be remember everything.
 yongju’s mother never wanted kids, and when she finished popping four of them out, she wanted kids even less. she drank too much and constantly had someone new in the house - usually, the freshest meat off the military base she could get her hands on. she fought yongju about everything, all the time - not always with her words. and those men who came over weren’t always interested in yongju’s mother, no matter how old yongju was.
 yongju remembers thinking the cycle would never end - until one day, miraculously, it did. the men stopped leering, and her mom stopped drinking. it happened slowly, upon reflection. but at the time, yongju wasn’t home enough to notice how things changed day by day. it really felt like a miracle, coming home one day to her mom cooking a full five-course meal and all dressed up - as if she were suddenly replaced by the 1950’s housewife from an american sitcom. and all of the men became kinder, with no trace of their ugly, forceful desires from before. yongju’s best friend insisted something was wrong, but she couldn’t help dismiss his distress - her home had never felt so right.
 she remembers the night her brother went missing. a dozen beams of light slicing the forest into chunks as people went frantically searching in the dark. her fist, colliding with the bathroom mirror - she needed thirteen stitches that night. her mother looked around at the room full of crying, frantic people with a blank expression before she shed a single tear. yongju has always been scared of her mother - but she felt a new level of fear seep into her that night. none of it felt like coincidence, she should have listened to haneul, they’re all in danger all of them are in danger-
 it’s been four years, and her brother still hasn’t come back. she always thought she would leave someday - but she can’t stand the thought of her brother returning to a house full of strangers. she has since taken over his position at the gas station as the mechanic, and moved into her own apartment in deokgu-gil. she knows something’s going on in her hometown of ilsang, something dark and twisted enough to take her brother, the person she loved most in the world, away from her.
 it scares her to think about chasing after whatever it might be. but she refuses to lose another person to the unknown.
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ilsangdo · 2 years
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beyond the sandy shores there’s a storm brewing, and MIYAZAKI MEI (she/her), a twenty-two year old BARTENDER has walked right into it. perhaps they aren’t aware of it now, but the UCHINAGA AERI ‘giselle’ ( aespa ) look-alike is in for quite the memorable experience. will our beloved TOWNIE be able to enjoy their stay?
be careful where you step MIYAZAKI MEI, for HUMANS seem to be a little less welcomed here. and remember, here at ilsang, things aren’t always what they seem.
Mei was born in Tokyo Japan. She grew up in a small three bedroom apartment with her mother, father, her younger sister Haru, and the family dog Jasmine. Mei's father was a salaryman while her mother taught at first year students at the nearby school. While she lacked the glamourous lifestyle of her friends, Mei still enjoyed her childhood because her family loved and supported her through her good and bad times. Her academic record was fairly average, but she was extremely popular in school. During her junior and senior year she ran a small business of making jewelry for her friends.
After graduation, Mei traveled around the world with her friends using the money she saved up throughout her time in school. During her travels she experienced numerous things, but her favorite memories involved the time she spent in ilsang. Something about the town's atmosphere pulled her in, and she decided to move there shortly after discovering that the city had a university. Unfortunately, after moving to ilsang, Mei didn't have enough money to pay for tuition, but she didn't give up. Living off her own custom jewelry might have worked while she lived with her parents, but it couldn't provide the income she needed to live on her own.
Mei applied to every place until she was hired at the midnight bar as a bartender. Did Mei have any experience as a bartender? Nope, she might have lied just a little on her application. However, she was a quick learner, and she soon became good at her job. Eventually the income she gained from her job and business allowed her to move from a studio apartment into a one bedroom apartment. She's still trying her best to save up money to pay for her education because she doesn't want to take out large student loans.
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ilsangdo · 2 years
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beyond the sandy shores there’s a storm brewing, and BOONMA SENI ‘DIA’ (he/him), a twenty-six year old PIANIST has walked right into it. perhaps they aren’t aware of it now, but the CHITTAPHON LEECHAIYAPORNKUL ‘ten’ ( nct ) look-alike is in for quite the memorable experience. will our beloved TOWNIE be able to enjoy their stay?
be careful where you step BOONMA SENI ‘DIA’, for ALIENS seem to be a little less welcomed here. and remember, here at ilsang, things aren’t always what they seem.
Curiosity. It's often said to be a dangerous thing, and it definitely can be, but the satisfaction that comes from answering questions unsolved is like no other. At least, that's how an alien dubbed "Zero Seven" has always thought about the word. It's also the reason he decided to embark on an expedition with a team of colleagues to discover and explore Earth and its inhabitants.
The team was sent out one by one, with the leader sent on the first ship about 10 years prior to the second and third members of their team. Zero Seven and another member were the last two to ship out after receiving signals from their colleagues on the ground. Unfortunately, Zero Seven's personal ship got directed off course and he landed in another part of Ilsang alone. Not only did he now have to find his way around the planet now, he had to search for the rest of the exploration team.
Approximately 22 years ago, data logs show records of first contact made with the host body assumed by Zero Seven. This host body was taken at a young age to provide information on the human species as one progresses through life as a human. Subject was age 3 at the time of initial contact and Zero Seven assumed control once the human entered their 4th year of life. Reports of a missing child populated the airwaves, and made it increasingly difficult for Zero Seven to hide, but one member of his team—the member he was sent out with—finds him before he's caught by human police. This team member was now assigned as his handler, and with their help, Zero Seven was able to maintain cover for the first few years he assumed his new role as Dia. This handler worked as both his caretaker and scientist, observing him closely from his young age as both of them navigate this new world and its endless new discoveries.
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