#im not gonna be posting about roe v wade anymore
chewwytwee · 2 years
#im not gonna be posting about roe v wade anymore#i have a few reasons but 1: go read the fucking news if you need info why are you relying on your tumblr dash to give relevant information#2: not wanting to add more doomscroll content to my blog isnt a moral failing its a survival tactic see point 1 go read the fucking news#3: I really really do hope that my blog can be a place of respite right now#like that sounds lofty and pretentious and ig it kinda is but idk theres no place you can turn right now that isnt talking about this#thats not bad. in fact its good that people are angry. I'm angry. I'm angry and im scared for the rights of every marginalized person#in the us right now. But goddamn just reading about how much everything sucks and how terrible everything is really isnt doing anything#. being informed is good but i dont think there is a single concievable way right now that you CANT be informed. if youre not aware of whats#going on in the supreme court at the moment I applaud you because jesus christ youre living off the grid#I don't know what to do about this. I am a single human being and the problem is hundreds of years of systemic oppression#the political inertia of whats happening alone is incomprehensibly large#and i dont know how to stop that. especially not from my fucking tumblr blog with like... 100 followers#if yall need to talk im here. I want my blog to be someplace safe rn#so yeah keep reading and keep being angry. I know im going to be#but im not gonna reblog anything else
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emogen-heaney · 2 years
im supposed to be sleeping but i have been laying here for like 20 mins now unable to sleep so im gonna rant about the roe v wade situation and hopefully that'll tire me out enough to fall asleep.
‼️tw: brief mentions of SA, r//pe, & guns‼️
um, first of all, lets just restate this: cishet white men are in control of afab people's bodies. PEOPLE are in control of OTHER PEOPLE'S bodies. is this even fucking america anymore? are we actually going this backwards? is this seriously fucking real???
like i mentioned in another post, i have two friends who are new teen parents. i am very very for them and so excited to meet my new baby niece that they've brought into the world, but they had the choice. they chose to keep her, to have her, and are choosing to raise her. now, MILLIONS of afab people no longer have that choice. hell, even amab people are possibly at risk for entrapment; if an afab person were to r//pe an amab person and somehow force AM to impregnate AF, there's a chance AF could go to court and force AM to pay for a child they never fucking asked for. and thats of the least likely scenarios—dont get me started on what's even more of a possibility.
why are men in charge of women's bodies and healthcare? why do GUNS have more rights than afab people?? are you actually fucking serious??? im still in disbelief over the fact that there are people in the world that seriously think it is justifiable and okay to force someone to go through with a pregnancy they didnt want or ask for, one that they possibly didnt even try to risk, with the potential of the birthgiver dying—and that i have to see some of these people on sunday. yeah, cant wait for that belated mother's day celebration with my dad's family. fun.
the government doesnt care about us. they dont care about those kids, clearly, or they would be doing something to help the millions of kids already in foster care/adoption system. they dont care about queer people, bipoc people, or victims of SA. they dont even really care about other cishet white people like themselves.
they only care about control.
the government is disgusting, vile and absolutely horrid. if you're at all okay with the fact that roe v wade was overturned, block me. im not open for debate, and it is not my job to educate. just fucking block me, because i want absolutely nothing to do with you. /srs
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