#im not twing for blood becsuse there isnt any blood visible ok thank hou
compressednerve ยท 7 months
My terminal ass got a job btw ๐Ÿ˜œ I start Tuesday. It's the same place as Paras so hopefully my extremely cursed presence will help kickstart it out of being so Schizoid. And I'll be able to like, speak to the oublic again. Due to my... disabilities and deformities I haven't been employed for 5 years,... ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Anyways they tried to schedule us for different shifts (even tho I'm the one who does all the driving to-and-from places...) and then had an moment of ""we don't let people in relationships work the same section""?? Because of . Home of Phobia. Unfortunately. But maybe I will dazzle them all with my schizophrenic charm.
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I don't like people seeing what I look like so here are some pictures of my right hand, and an earwig I saw outside our apartment. The earwig was an omen, because the end day I saw two more earwigs inside the apartment. Strange world. The first picture of my hand is covered in red paint from one of my first Trench drawings (the trepanation pic, but there was another one I did that I don't want to upload because I'm shy). The second hand is bruised from when the endoscopy nurse who fucked up my anesthesia jabbed the needle in too fuckin hard. I think she was feeling vindictive because I am strange.
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