#im rambling at this point but if u read this far ily and i'm glad you're here <3
ghost-city · 1 year
since when did proshipping and antishipping become general terms?? not to be that person but back in my day if you were an anti/antishipper it was in reference to a specific ship. like u were a wincest antishipper or whatever. but now i guess people use proshipper as like a boogeyman term for people that ship anything deemed "taboo" and label themselves antishippers as a signal that they only ship "pure" ships?
but it just seems like such a stupid way to differentiate yourself bc how do you know if your definition of taboo/problematic lines up with another self-proclaimed antishipper's definition? like what if your definition is anything involving pedophilia, incest, or noncon but someone else only has a problem with pedophilia and incest but doesn't mind noncon? like i feel like every time i see people talk about "proshippers" they create this false dichotomy where you're either a person who likes and ships any and every kind of taboo or "problematic" ship or you're a person that doesn't want anything to do with any of it. but i feel like in reality a lot of people fall somewhere in the middle
idk like i don't think there's anything wrong with being uncomfortable with certain ships esp. when it comes to taboo topics or wanting to be in community with like minded people. i also have icks and ships in some fandoms that i don't want anything to do with. and i don't think it's wrong to have discussions about the morality of shipping w/in a fandom. but i just find the whole language of proshipper vs. antishipper to be so unhelpful. like it just feels like virtue signaling and morality policing and it's not even specific about what that morality is supposed to be. it leaves no room for nuance. you're either a good guy or a bad guy it's just all so stupid
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