#im sorry that would take me Years to heal from if i even survived 😭
sarah-dipitous · 6 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 321
Don’t Go In The Woods/Spyfall: Part One
“Don’t Go In The Woods”
Plot Description: the Winchesters face off against a ravenous monster, while Jack makes a big mistake trying to make some friends of his own
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I wouldn’t have to sneak out to the woods at night to make out with a significant other for SEVERAL reasons
They really think someone’s gonna sell Jack beer?? He still very much looks like a teenager
Omg there’s a kid in town watching the Ghostfacers (I hate that this year has caused my phone to AUTOMATICALLY CAPITALIZE the g in Ghostfacers)
Oh, oh baby boy. I hope they don’t make fun of you for your autistic traits. Him lying about his age is
hilarious “well, im two—wenty. I’m twenty
two. I’m twenty- two”
Why would you hike like this at night?
Oh they actually put some effort into this monster
I know he’s going to make a big mistake but I don’t want him to 😭 he’s finally making friends, even if they don’t really understand each other
Why is the sheriff so shady?? I mean
so are Sam and Dean, really, but we trust them because we know them
Oh Jack, you don’t need to be showing off like this. Oh yeah, you’re getting run out of town for SURE, Jack. You needed to stop showing off with the angel blade when they asked you to. Ok you healed her, but you are not getting asked to hang out again
that’s a really bad way to get rid of the problem you’re having. That tribe should have just killed the last remaining member of the first family of white settlers, I’m sorry. I don’t care that he did a cannibalism and went crazy, you kill him. You don’t curse him to roam the woods you live in, you don’t curse him to always need to feed
why would you do that?
Is this the first time anyone’s ever told them “why don’t you tell people that monsters are real?”
I hope the sheriff’s son makes it out okay. He did, that’s good
Ok sounds like he has at least SOME part of his soul left
maybe. It’s so hard to tell. He doesn’t want to lie by using a fake ID to buy beer but he has no problem lying to the boys about what happened while they were away
“Spyfall: Part One”
Plot Description: when intelligence agents around the world come under attack from alien forces, MI6 turns to the only person who can help, the Doctor
These two episodes better be good because aliens attacking secret agents seems like the plot to a bad movie, but at least they’re up front about two parters now
I miss when companions didn’t have steady jobs: they were students or temps or kissograms or their workplace literally blew up. Easier times
13 should be able to wear the goggles more often
Cars on this show haven’t been this deadly since ATMOS
The companions getting high tech weapons is giving Totally Spies and I mean that as the utmost compliment
Omg I’ve never seen anything get that close to successfully breaking into the TARDIS
“No panicking when you’re not trusting anyone” I could not do espionage
The payoff of this eventual reveal would have been better if I didn’t know O was the Master
Ok the spy toys are cool and fun

Why is that—why are those beings made purely out of light. They’re terrifying. Look like me first time I wear shorts after a long winter
They wanna take over this whole universe

Ok, the guy Ryan and Yaz were sent to spy on IS working with (or maybe just for) the aliens
I knew Yaz couldn’t be completely gone even though she got absorbed (?) by the alien and is now in some weird foresty place
I’m nearly CERTAIN that’s not really Yaz OR her dna is being rewritten as I type this. How did she get from (iirc) San Francisco to Australia?!
I love the friendship between Yaz and Ryan
Why is the Master always hot??
I’m just realizing the dude’s company VOR would be pronounced like vore and I don’t know how I feel about it
I NEED to know if this is a situation like during Utopia or if he’s just REALLY GOOD at lying
Omg did she put on 12’s coat again đŸ„č plus a bow tie?
I think the Doctor and Castiel should get to have a conversation. I just think the way their blunt way of communicating would mesh
.not well but funnily. This is how superwholock was created, wasn’t it?
I wish Doctor Who would remember it’s campy fun and not a blockbuster action movie
Oh he’s so fun already. Of course he controls the aliens they’ve been fighting
Oh, now the Doctor is where Yaz was as her friends are plummeting to their deaths on an exploding plane. What a nice way to end this part one
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venusiangguk · 2 years
writing oc thinking about dasom/ dasom and jk n aur... im so sad for her </3
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