#imagining this is grad school version of the earlier au prompt
kpforpresident · 2 years
Clexa 36. … to give up control
~to give up control~
“But, babe, I hate surprises,” came the petulant whine from somewhere behind the large cup of coffee that Lexa currently had cradled in her slim fingers. Laugher rang out throughout the diner as sleepy patrons stumbled into the small but cozy space, the usual suspects of slightly hungover grad students making their weekly pilgrimage to the local brunch spot in the promise of $5 stacks of flapjacks and bottomless coffee refills. Steam curled from the beverage in question as Lexa pouted up at her girlfriend from behind the white ceramic rim, sleep still sitting heavily on her shoulders as she looked across the booth with stormy green eyes. Clarke fondly reached across the aluminum table to run a loving finger between Lexa’s eyebrows, trying her best to smooth out the frown that currently creased her forehead. 
“Lex, I know, believe me- if there’s anything I have learned from you in four years of dating, it’s that. But, you only turn twenty-five once, and you’re so slammed with your third year of law school that I really want to do this for you. This semester really isn’t busy at the gallery, and I have some free time on my hands. Please?” Clarke pulled out her biggest, softest puppy eyes as she gazed at her girlfriend, her hand sliding down to run a gentle thumb across Lexa’s lips. Clarke smiled secretly, knowing she was victorious when she felt two soft lips pucker gently to kiss her fingertip. She yelped quietly when a sharp set of perfectly straight teeth nipped shortly after, those perfect rose lips curving up slightly as Clarke yanked her hand back to the safety of her side of the booth. 
“Ok, ok, fine,” Lexa conceded after taking a haunty sip of coffee when Clarke glared playfully at her, cradling her injured appendage in her other hand. “As long as you don’t go too overboard, and it’s low key, and like five people max.” 
Clarke smiled serenely at her mildly panicked girlfriend, draining the dregs of her coffee and tossing enough money to cover their bills plus tip on the table, waving slightly as their usual server, Arlene, nodded in acknowledgement and raised a coffee pot to wave goodbye. Clarke stood up, slinging on her winter coat as she prepared to go back into the snow. She leaned over and stamped a sweet kiss squarely on Lexa, backing off just before Lexa could lean in to deepen it. 
“I know it’s hard for you to relinquish control, Lex. I love you so much and I promise I won’t abuse it too badly.” She winked as she scooted out of the cracked pink bench seat, gathering her bag before striding towards the glass double doors to leave, knowing that Lexa would be shortly behind her. 
“Wait, Clarke, what do you mean too badly?!” Lexa questioned as she caught up, jamming her head through her wool sweater as she scrambled to keep up with her plotting girlfriend. She twined their hands together despite her perceived annoyance, loathe to be too far from her partner in their limited weekend time together. 
Clarke just smiled, tucking her nose under the hem of her coat as they stepped out into the brisk winter air.
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