#int: kibo
"Hey Nagito, how are you doing?" - @aska-notentirelyarobot
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“Oh, I’m as fine as I deserve. How are you, Keebo? It’s nice to talk to you again.”
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persona5-imagines · 7 years
:'( why did u add another mod. his writing int as good and it feels weird having someone else read what we send to you kibo....
i honestly feel that jellie has done a very great job in writing and handling the account when i was gone. his writing is amazing , and i believe its definitely written with alot of love and thought. i added another mod because of my unstable mental health issues and i am unable to cope with the large amount of asks that i get , so i needed some help to provide *quality* content for you guys. jellie was the perfect person , i hope you come to appreciate jellie and give him the love he needs. if you want to say something personal to me , you may send it to my personal account @nyaikari ^^. Jellie is a wonderful person and i don't ever think adding him into this account was a bad decision
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its-me-matilda · 5 years
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Hoppas ni mår bra hemma 😊 Igår och idag har varit riktigt varma dagar, runt 35 grader. Jag fortsätter med mina intervjuer; jag försöker ha minst en om dagen. För att komma till dagens hushåll fick vi gå ganska långt, men det var värt det då vi passerade ett ställe där man har jättebra utsikt av Kilimanjaro (se översta bilden). På den översta bilden kan man se två av Kilimanjaros tre vulkaniska koner Mawenzi och Kibo. Mawenzi är den till vänster och Kibo den till höger. Den tredje toppen heter Shira. Kilimanjaro är Afrikas högsta berg (5 895 m) och är en utslocknad vulkan. Om jag inte minns fel så är Kilimanjaro även världens högsta fristående berg, d.v.s. ett berg som inte ingår i någon bergskedja. På vägen träffade vi en söt liten katt som låg och chillade bland träden och buskarna (de andra bilderna).
Efter lunch åkte jag och Jessica ned till Kibolorni för att handla frukt och mat. Vi åkte boda boda (moped/motorcykel) till och från Kibolorni. Det kostade 4 kronor ned och 10 kronor upp. Jag köpte en vattenmelon för 12 kronor och sex apelsiner för 4 kronor och allt är så gott och färskt.
På söndag kommer det fyra eller fem personer för att bo en natt på vandrarhemmet. Jag har för mig att de kommer från Tyskland och är i Tanzania för att vandra. Förra gången det skulle bo människor på vandrarhemmet föll det mellan stolarna och ingen kom så jag hoppas att det kommer människor den här gången.
Imorgon har jag ännu en intervju på förmiddagen. Under eftermiddagen har jag inga speciella planer, jag kommer nog försöka transkribera och arbeta med uppsatsen. Jag har inte hunnit transkribera de senaste tre intervjuerna, det har varit ett ganska hektiskt tempo de senaste dagarna.
Jag längtar er alla så mycket! Snart kommer jag hem!!! 😃😃😃 Ta hand om er! Puss och kram på er ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
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Int-Ball (Internal Ball Camera)
New Post has been published on https://www.aneddoticamagazine.com/int-ball-internal-ball-camera/
Int-Ball (Internal Ball Camera)
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JEM Internal Ball Camera called “Int-Ball”-its first camera drone that can record video while moving in space under remote control from the ground.
Int-Ball was delivered to Japanese Experiment Module “Kibo” on the International Space Station – ISS by the US Dragon spacecraft launched on June 4, 2017, and is currently undergoing initial verification.
by JAXA Japan Aereospace Exploration Agency
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immedtech · 7 years
Meet the International Space Station’s adorable camera drone
Astronauts on board the International Space Station have a new robotic companion to play around with. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has released the first images shot by the "Int-Ball," a spherical camera that floats around alongside the rest of the crew. With its monochrome paint job and blue, circular eyes, it looks a little like Wall-E's Eva — or at least her head, in some kind of prototype form. Notably, the Int-Ball can move around autonomously or be controlled by operators back on Earth. The images are transferred in near real-time allowing JAXA staff to quickly evaluate problems and offer possible solutions to ISS residents.
The Int-Ball could make astronauts more efficient on the ISS. JAXA says crew members spend 10 percent of their working hours with a camera in hand, photographing work or equipment that requires further evaluation. A floating camera drone could, in theory, alleviate the crew of that responsibility, giving them more time to conduct experiments and carry out repairs. The Int-Ball was delivered to the ISS on June 4th, using a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and, for the first time, a reused Dragon cargo capsule. It now lives inside the station's "Kibo" science module.
At the core of the Int-Ball, which measures 15cm in diameter, is a three-axis control unit. The cube-shaped brain converses with 12 fans positioned near the surface of the robot, which adjust its position in zero gravity. A navigation camera looks out for pink "3D Target Makers," which serve as reference points on board the ship. The recording camera, meanwhile, is located between the two eyes so that astronauts can easily identify what it's looking at. JAXA says it's focused now on improving the Int-Ball's capabilities so that it can be more helpful and autonomous on the station.
Source: JAXA
- Repost from: engadget Post
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iphoto-tw · 4 years
2020第一屆國際太空站KIBO機器人程式設計挑戰賽 透過該計畫,參賽者們將和專業的科學家與工程師一起工作,學習最先進的科學、工程和數學方面的技能,也和來自世界各地的參賽者進行互動,從而擴大國際交流。 本計畫是由日本太空中心(JAXA)以及美國太空總署(NASA)聯合舉辦。 國家太空中心辦理台灣的預賽,決賽在日本。 #點子秀
緊急警報已被啟動!! 一顆流星撞擊到國際太空站(ISS),空氣在國際太空站的某處洩漏了。 創建自己的程式來操作機器人Astrobee & Int-Ball並阻止ISS中的漏氣問題。 立即啟動您的程式吧!
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prozesa · 7 years
Int-Ball, el «droide astromecánico» de la Estación Espacial Internacional
Nuevo artículo publicado en https://www.prozesa.com/2017/08/23/int-ball-el-droide-astromecanico-de-la-estacion-espacial-internacional/
Int-Ball, el «droide astromecánico» de la Estación Espacial Internacional
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Uno de los pasajeros de la cápsula de carga Dragon SpX-11 con destino a la Estación Espacial Internacional fue la JEM Internal Ball Camera, también conocido como Int-Ball Int-Ball es, a todos los efectos, un dron* diseñado por la Agencia Japonesa de Exploración Aeroespacial para, por ahora, ser utilizado en el laboratorio Kibo. Pesa un kilo y mide 15 centímetros de diámetro. Su carcasa externa y su estructura están fabricadas mediante impresión en 3D y aunque se controla desde la sala de control de Kibo, el laboratorio japonés de la EEI, es capaz de moverse de forma autónoma, moviéndose de un lugar a otro gracias a 12 ventiladores repartidos por su superficie. Un par de marcadores situados a ambos extremos del laboratorio le sirven como referencia para saber siempre dónde está y en qué orientación se encuentra; una cámara montada en su lado derecho y unos sensores de ultrasonidos montados en su lado izquierdo le sirven para medir distancias y unos volantes de inercia aseguran su estabilidad. Su batería dura unas dos horas y se carga, como es de rigor en un gadget moderno, vía USB. https://youtu.be/toEUIZ594P0 Su objetivo es servir de ayuda con la documentación gráfica de las actividades y del estado de la EEI, algo que se calcula que consume ni más ni menos que un 10% del tiempo de los tripulantes de la Estación. Para ello lleva una cámara FHD de 1920×1080 capaz de grabar a entre 10 y 30 cuadros por segundo montada entre sus dos «ojos», que en realidad no tienen más función que servir a los astronautas para saber en qué dirección está «mirando» Int-Ball. Transmite las fotos y vídeos que captura vía WiFi. Además, por su reducido tamaño, puede llagar a sitios y ángulos que una réflex y un astronauta no pueden alcanzar. Si las pruebas van bien la idea es que en el futuro pueda haber una especie de flotilla de este tipo de drones en la Estación. Vía: microsiervos
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turnwald · 7 years
Int-Ball Letter Vol. 2: Release on updated images of Kibo’s internal dro...
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adalidda · 7 years
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Photo: JEM Internal Ball Camera taking a video (Credit:JAXA/NASA)
First disclosure of images taken by the JEM Kibo's internal drone "Int-Ball"
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has for the first time disclosed images and movies taken by the JEM Internal Ball Camera called "Int-Ball"-its first camera drone that can record video while moving in space under remote control from the ground.
Int-Ball was delivered to Japanese Experiment Module "Kibo" on the International Space Station by the US Dragon spacecraft launched on June 4, 2017, and is currently undergoing initial verification.
Check more https://adalidda.com/posts/TjSRDNADiYzCMyefh/first-disclosure-of-images-taken-by-the-jem-kibo-s-internal
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tehnews-in-ua-blog · 7 years
Дрон Int-Ball, який здатний рухатись у невагомості буде допомагати екіпажу МКС
Дрон Int-Ball, який здатний рухатись у невагомості буде допомагати екіпажу МКС
З червня 2017 року на борту МКС в японському космічному модулі Kibo “оселився”  кулястий робот-безпілотник Int-Ball, доставлений сюди ракетою-носієм Falcon 9.
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"Hello...May i ask something?" yandere-prkiibo
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“Of course you can. What is it?”
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photomaniacs · 7 years
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This Cute Camera Drone Now Lives on the International Space Station http://ift.tt/2uASof7
There’s a new camera drone floating around on the International Space Station, and it’s adorable. Called the Int-Ball, the drone shoots photos of the crew and their activities, freeing up the astronauts to do other work.
Int-Ball was delivered to the ISS by SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket and a reusable Dragon cargo capsule back on June 4th, 2017, and Int-Ball currently spends its time inside the Japanese “Kibo” science experiment module.
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) writes that Int-Ball can move around and shoot both still photos and videos onboard the ISS while being controlled by a remote photographer based on Earth. The 15cm-diameter (~6in) camera drone contains a 3-axis control unit that uses 12 fans to move about. The camera is helpful located between the glowing “eyes” of the cute little bot, allowing astronauts to see where it’s being directed at any given time.
Astronauts onboard the ISS reportedly spend 10% of their time shooting photos, and Int-Ball’s goal is to free up some of that time for other more important tasks.
Images captured by Int-Ball are beamed to people on the ground in real time, allowing scientists to efficiently collaborate with ISS astronauts on projects.
Here’s a short 2-minute video that introduces Int-Ball and shows off some sample footage it shot:
JAXA says it’s working on developing Int-Ball’s performance and automation to the point where it can take over all of the astronauts photographic responsibilities.
(via JAXA via Engadget)
Go to Source Author: <a href="http://ift.tt/2sXK2JQ Zhang</a> If you’d like us to remove any content please send us a message here CHECK OUT THE TOP SELLING CAMERAS!
The post This Cute Camera Drone Now Lives on the International Space Station appeared first on CameraFreaks.
July 17, 2017 at 08:01PM
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Int-Ball (Internal Ball Camera)
New Post has been published on https://www.aneddoticamagazine.com/int-ball-internal-ball-camera/
Int-Ball (Internal Ball Camera)
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JEM Internal Ball Camera called “Int-Ball”-its first camera drone that can record video while moving in space under remote control from the ground.
Int-Ball was delivered to Japanese Experiment Module “Kibo” on the International Space Station – ISS by the US Dragon spacecraft launched on June 4, 2017, and is currently undergoing initial verification.
by JAXA Japan Aereospace Exploration Agency
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mister-rings · 7 years
Prima divulgazione delle immagini scattate dal drone interno di JEM Kibo “Int-Ball”
Ultimo aggiornamento: 14 luglio 2017 L’agenzia Japan Aerospace Exploration (JAXA) ha pubblicato per la prima volta immagini e filmati presi dalla videocamera a sfera interna JEM chiamata “Int-Ball” – il primo drone  che può registrare video mentre si muove nello spazio sotto il controllo remoto dal suolo.
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Keebo seemed somewhat nervous. He approached Nagito, 'Can I talk to you for a second?' (@aska-notentirelyarobot)
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“Of course, Keebo. What is it?”
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