#is this abt me and my besie? maybe
hyenabrainedpup · 1 month
you should keep dogboys and bunnythings as pets they get along great! [no they don't the dogboy bites them constantly]
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tears0fsatan · 2 years
doni doni doniiiii how are you doing my mans are you still slaying babe
- 🔶
HIYAYAA MY LOVE!!!! truth be told im doing rather horribly, hence my imprompttu hiatus lolll im also maybe a little tipsy at the moment hehehe soju is the best 👍👍👍 im sorry for the contreverisal opinon but peacj soju is the best, everythign else isntoo fuckign sweet it makes me wanna hurl!
anw hows orv coming along???? which part are u on, what do u think abt the events that have transpired etc etc i'd love to hear about it all!!!!! hope u are slayign as well my dear!!!
nd!!!?? hows ur binder??? hope ur not overdoing it?!!! srry if thsi is like..probing too mcuh into ur life 🔸 anon, i apologiseband i wish the besy for you!!
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unclefem · 4 years
maybe I’m not as secure with my self esteem as I thought lol bc I felt like my worth as a person was crushing into pieces earlier when my mom told me I’m falling back on my grades and chores and those were the only outstanding traits I had compared to my other siblings lol. I just feel somewhat inferior to them bc I don’t do anything cool like sports or college or just having amazing social skills. I don’t do anything considered “impressivelike those besides maybe art I guess and I felt like my good grades and responsibility is all I have going for me. But ADHD and random depressive/stressful episodes are kicking my ass and I feel lost how to improve or what went wrong in the first place. I feel like I’m being thrown back into middle school where everything makes me cry bc I’m so unstable. Like. This rly shouldn’t b making me cry it’s not like she called me a worthless idiot or anything lol. I’m scared I’m gonna start relapsing w my mental illness bc I was doing good for like 2 years but I feel like I’m going back to square 1. I don’t feel comfortable coming to anyone abt these emotions besied my therapist cuz I always feel so guilty for it and then I end up not being able to control it and end up having an episode. And I kno my fucking parents are tired of them and don’t want to deal with them anymore. They undermine them and treat it like I’m using it as some sort of manipulation tactic when I’m just fucking mentally ill and can’t help it.
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driedrosesx · 3 years
Isnin yang serba serbi tak kena
Baru tadi cakap pening kepala. malam ni was the worst. today i had to drive by myself because my sis and i went to office separately. also, she went home lagi awal before i did. i went out from office around 9.45pm macamtu.
Masa otw, aku memang dari awal dah felt dizzy and rasa nak muntah. tapi drive jela macam biasa sebab, nak buat apa lagi kan lol. tapi suddenly lepas tol sg besi, tiba2 rasa nak muntah so aku pun stop la dekat tepi sebab memang tak boleh drive dah masatu.
i stopped dalam 5-10 minutes tapi tak muntah pun. ingatkan nak start drive balik but i felt so so so dizzy. terpaksa call my bil and ask him to help. so my bil pun datang naik grab, and drive me home afterwards. sampai rumah baru la muntah. hahaha ok tu jela
tapi aku sedih sikit la sebab aku balik, nak call my bf, nak cerita to him what happened. but he didnt pickup. i guess he slept (without waiting for me haha). cemana eh nak describe perasaan ni. aku faham la dia pun maybe penat banyak kerja. tapi takda langsung ke terniat dekat hati dia nak tunggu aku balik. because i literally told him how i wasnt feeling really well today, and told him ill text him once i balik. since aku takda text dia lagi kan.....dia tak risau ke abt me :/
lets say dia tidur after maghrib, waktu maghrib tu, dia tak risau ke abt me kalau aku belum balik? tak terdetik ke kat hati dia to text and ask me abt my whereabout ke apa. like...................faham tak? aku tak rasa macam aku ni penting sangat. ke macam mana?
tu jelah. goodnight
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