#is this anything? please lmk. also do u see any pf ur self ships in such a setting? ✨
alienaiver · 9 months
ive been watching my happy marriage today as i recharge from the convention before i have to go thru 800 pictures 😭
and i just. my mind keeps thinking abt arranged marriage with shinsou. hes the adopted son of aizawa and comes with his own load of barriers from neglect and abandonment. youre chosen for him thru connections (tho ur both able to reject after a period of getting to know each other) and you just. you fall head over heels for him, hes so kind and sincere, wonderful and charming but he sees none of it himself and keeps thinking youre only there out of duty. hes so afraid youll end up 'settling' for him and will resent him later on in life like he saw with his former parents before they abandoned him. his quirk is also scary for people and hes afraid to interact too much with you lest he hurts you. he wouldnt ever, but hes afraid youll think so
one evening he admits to this with frustration and anger building up between you and then you give him the loveliest, most heartwarming confession and reassurance. aizawa accidentally overhears (shoji doors arent exactly very sound proof) and also almost tears up, so happy someone as you finds all the best qualities in his son as he does. idk id like to write smth like this, both with the mood of older japan but also as a character study. im so obsessed is wild JSJSJS
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