#istg my last brain cell cut itself in half cause im so stupid
ashis2gay4u · 5 years
Me: *sits at my shared desk with my friend in history class, reading over the review test of yesterday's lesson*
Me: my guy, do you know the answer to this question? I missed yesterday-
Him: which one?
Me: "why did cavemen hide in caves during the ice age? Explain"
Him: Ashton, it was cause of the-
Me: *thinks of Ice Age 3* dInOsAuRs oF cOuRsE
Him: Ashton n o-
Me: w a i t
Me: I'm so s t u p i d,, I-
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ashis2gay4u · 5 years
Conversations with Friends
Me *talking to a friend*: do you,, do you ever sneeze so hard your tampon falls out
Me: cause I almost did exactly that
Friend: what the fuck
Friend: do you,, do you ever just-
Me: want to die? All the time.
Friend: are you,, are you okay-
Me: you and I both know the answer is absolutely not, my guy
Me: I feel like a cloud
Friend: are you high?
Me: bitch I wish I was
Me: that dog is so cute
Friend: that dog looks like a rat
Me, already pulling out the antique dagger I bought earlier: t h e f u c k y o u j u s t s a y
Me: *is reading drarry smut*
Friend: hey! You're reading Harry Potter??
Me: uh-
Friend #2: nah, he's reading Drarry smut, aren't you, Ashton? :)
Me: h o w d a r e you call me out like that-
Friend: the fuck is drarry smut?
Me and Friend #2: o h n o
Me: hey, do you even lift bro?
Friend, who's carrying three big ass boxes of pop over one shoulder: uhm
Me: I guess you do
Me: so, I did shrooms
Friend: Ashton w h y
Me: so I could be like Alice in Wonderland and talk to the guy with the hookah
Friend: and did you?
Me: I called my dad asking him to locate me on google maps because I forgot I had my phone in my hand
Friend: Ashton, w h y
Me: and then I stole a bag of M&M's from my grandma and told her that her hair looked like a poodle
Friend: did you learn anything?
Me: yeah, don't do shrooms after drinking two cans of Monster, I thought my heartbeat was a pack of bongo's following me
Friend: size doesn't matter, personality does
Me: personality won't make me squirt, sorry
Me: dinosaurs are birds
Friend: how?
Me: science
Friend: *has a coughing fit*
Me: don't die
Me: it's really bad for ur health
Friend: Ashton p l e a s e-
*Friend and me, walking along a cliff*
Friend: wow it's so high up
Me: wait
Me: can I just
Me: y e e t myself into the whirlpool?
Friend: aSHTON NO-
Me: my guy, you look beautiful
Friend: thanks!!❤
Me: but never as beautiful as the almighty god, Jesus Christ
Friend: ...you don't believe in-
Me: do you realize we go to catholic school? I'm putting on a show so they don't sacrifice us
Friend: why do you do this
Me: so I watched this movie the other day
Friend: what was it about?
Me: it was about cannibals
Me: honestly it looks so cool
Me: let's try it
Friend: n o
Friend: I used to have a crush on you
Me: Aweeeee really?
Friend: *nods*
Me: good, everybody should like me at least once
Me: aaahhh, I'm too gay
Friend: you're dating a guy
Me: I'm genderfluid, and im currently male, so I'm gay.
Friend: but-
Me: istg if you throw semantics at me o n e m o r e t i m e-
Me: my body is yelling for children
Friend: er,, w h a t?
Me: I'm on my period
Me: please come over for cuddles and horror movies
Me: and bring chocolate
Me: oh my g o d s
Friend: what?
Me: nothing, I just wanted your attention
Me: please love me
Me: people say I'm too mean
Friend: you're a sweetheart!!
Me, remembering the time I threw a knife at a guy because he scared me: ahaha yeah I guess so
Me: sorry about last night, I talk shit about myself when I'm depressed lmao
Friend: yeah I figured as much
Me: I mean, after all, I'm a g o d
Me: the god of bad choices, pretty faces, human rights, and dumb shit such as seeing who can smoke the most pot without greening out
Friend: *sends a picture*
Me: *takes one look at it, screams and throws phone across my desk*
Me: that was horrifying
Me: better send it to everyone I know
Me *to friend*: thanks for the nightmare fuel
Friend: uhhh
Me: I'm sending this to everyone
Me: including my parents
Friend: wait-
Me: i t i s d o n e
Me: Heyheyhey
Me: buddy old pal
Me: the bestest friend i have
Friend: what do you want now?
Me: can you like,, not assume I want somethin' for once?
Me: what if I just wanna talk? Ever considered that?
Friend: what do you wanna talk about
Me: nothing I just wanted to know if I could have your xbox and ps3 when you die
Friend: why are you like this
Me *after reading that one stupid article*: so, if does Bruno Mars is gay-
Friend: w h a t t h e f u c k d o e s t h a t m e a n
Me: so,, if does Bruno Mars is gay-
Friend: I have a question
Me: I mayhaps have an answer
Friend: are you a lesbian?
Me: if I was a lesbian I'd have such big dick energy everybody would fear me but unfortunately I'm pansexual
Friend: so you like pans??
Me: yes, my guy, I like pans. I fuck pans on the daily, my mom locks them away so I can't stick them up my hoohah
Me: ask me again and I'll murder you
Friend: so if you like girls and guys,, do you have threesomes?
Me: the day I have a threesome is the day the world ends because nobody fuckin' likes me
Friend: Ashton, we talked about this-
Friend: eww people drink blood
Me: cannibals
Friend: no they call themselves vampires
Me: they're cannibals, Jared
Friend: lemurs are zebra monkeys
Me: the fuck you mean
Friend: and zebras are white horses painted to look trippy
Me: Jared,, we talked about your stupidity
Me: so my parents asked me how I was doing
Friend: and?
Me: and I tried to say "I'm fine" and "I feel dead" at the same time
Me: I told them I was dead
Me: I legit said "I'm dead" and all Dad said was "well how can we afford a funeral without the baby bonus" and-
Friend: Ashton, what the fuck
Me, sobbing: I almost jumped off the balcony I was so mad
Me: I'm smad
Friend: the fuck is that
Me: have you ever seen that meme-
Me: I'm so fuckin' done with life
Me: how dare she look at me like that
Me: and then walk away like nothing happened
Me: rude ass bitch
Friend: wait who
Me: my d o g, she came over and glared at me when I called her name and then walked away
Me: am I that unlikeable?? How could she do this!!
Friend: Ashton,, please
Me: you know what I love?
Friend: what?
Me: murder
Friend: w u t-
Me: murder. Murder, and tacos.
Friend: imagine a girlfriend who watches horror movies with you
Me: imagine having the ability to find a bisexual girl in this giant city who wants to be your girlfriend
Friend: are you okay?
Me *crying over my spilt ramen*: yeah, why??
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