#it is demonstrably and unquestionably not to the level of your judenhass
butwhypants · 1 month
I think the part that feels the worst about the outpouring of hatred in response to the Israel/Palestine conflict is that... like... my country is responsible for genocide! I do live on colonized, stolen land! My money does go towards the mass killing of innocent Arabs!
... my country of course being America. Like, even just counting deaths due to being directly shot by US soldiers and planes, over 450,000 civilians died since 9/11. My house is literally built on unceded tribal land, of which so many of the indigenous inhabitants have been killed in a genocide that their entire culture group would not be able to fill my local neighborhood if they were allowed to return.
I don't want to downplay the level of humanitarian crisis going on in Gaza right now, but I have received dozens of death threats for being Jewish, and 0 for being American. I'm beginning to think it has more to do with hating Jews, and a lot less to do with defending civilians.
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