#it reeks of blood and death and sin and hate and she fucking loathes it
cheemken · 11 months
Another concept to add to this
With Drayden dying and how it caused an uproar in Unova, the League was temporarily closed, and the Elite Four decided to stay w Iris too.
What they didn't really expect was for the other champions to be there as well.
Caitlin was happy to see Cynthia again tho, the two were catching up w each other at least, while the rest of the E4 were talking w the other champions, asking where Iris was and why they were here. Cynthia said they're here for some sort of moral support, as Iris was part of them now, and since she's the youngest Champion, they want to look out for her and make sure she was alright. After all, being a child and losing a family so dear to you, that'll mess a kid up. The E4 were happy to hear that tho, that despite Iris still being a somewhat new champion, the Champions themselves saw her as an equal and was making sure she's okay.
Marshall did ask again where Iris was tho, and it's Geeta who tells them that she's upstairs in her room w Diantha and Lance, seems only those two can get through her atm.
And yeah, w Iris and Dia and Lance, they're w her in her room, w Dia telling Iris that her Elite Four are downstairs, asking abt her. And Iris was just so scared, she's fucking terrified at what they'll do to them, so she begs and pleads for them to not hurt her Elite Four too. Ofc, they never would, Diantha told her, rubbing soothing circles on her back, they always tried looking out for her too, and the Champions appreciated that. And Iris could somewhat sigh in relief at that, but damn that fear was still there yknow. And hey, she can't always keep them waiting, but she's just not ready to face them yet.
And Lance is there, going on how he'll tell the others that you're still resting, I'm sure they'll understand you can't talk to them yet. But before he leaves, he takes off his cape, placing it on Iris' own shoulders, it was a bit too big on her, almost covering her entire body, and Lance kneeled before her, hands on her shoulders as he adjusted the cape, telling her you're a Champion. A Dragon Master. You should be stronger than this, I believe in you. And he left, also leaving in Iris' hands were the burden of both Champion and Dragon Master.
Diantha just smiles at that tho, he really cares about you, darling, and nuzzles Iris lovingly, kissing the top of her head, and you mean a lot to us too.
But Iris just couldn't think straight yet, everything's happening so suddenly, and now feeling how heavy Lance's cape is, is this really the burden of a Champion? Or is this the weight of Lance's, and even the other Champions', sins being placed on to her shoulders, especially since she's one of them now. Maybe it is. Maybe.. maybe it's them passing down the torch to her.
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