#it’s a bad thing that does happen and shouldn’t happen and idgaf about the circumstances of the person doing it
tchaikovskaya · 1 year
Idk maybe inappropriate to say in reaction to other peoples reactions [that I mostly agree with] to current events, lest I be interpreted as disagreeing entirely and undermining what I do agree with. But.
The ideas of “people experiencing mental health crises are more of a danger to themselves than anyone else” and “homeless people are far more likely to be victims of violent crime, often at the hands of other homeless people, than they are to commit violent crime against housed people” are both true and important! But the knee jerk reaction I’ve started seeing from a huge number of people online is like….. essentially denying the circumstances that those facts are trying to debunk….?
Mentally ill people are violent sometimes! Homeless people commit violence against housed people sometimes! These things do indeed happen! You can acknowledge that the odds of the above instances happening are much greater than these without suggesting that the latter Never happen or are so rare they may as well not exist at all lmao
Should you ASSUME that someone IS violent and WILL become violent and is just itching to do something violent to you? No that’s not rational, that’s the point. And feeling that way is what underpins efforts to forcibly remove these people from public view, and ultimately from existence at all.
But if you have legitimate reason, in that moment, to think someone might become violent with you, then no you aren’t an irrational pearl clutching heartless frigid bigot. Like that’s scary !!!! it is permissible to feel scared if you find yourself in that situation!!!!!!!! How did we lose the plot this bad lmfao ?????
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