#it’s just.. the rest of them weren’t doomed to ride the cyclone at 6:17 pm only for it to crash 2 minutes later tknow
owen-not-carvour · 2 years
aight y’all get ready for the most Niche post you’ve ever seen.
any of y’all ever read that Poison Apple book series you’d find at the book fair in elementary school?? well i did. and i Vividly remember this one:
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and In This Book,, main character gets her fortune read then.. tbh i don’t remember what but Bad Shit starts happening (bc Ofc it does) and blah blah blah it’s just one of those faux-horror cliches to spook kids without fuckin Scaring em yknow.
anyway. that got me thinkin. something something. ride the cyclone… but. it’s This Book instead. instead of a machine, karnak is just some bitch w weirdly dyed blue hair and a tank top..
this post would be better if i could actually remember the Plot but. it was like 8 years ago so.. what can ya do. it just popped into my head yknow lol
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