#it's -12 outside and there's snow everywhere 😭😭 i hate snow
kirstielol · 2 years
it's not even winter yet and i'm already so done with this weather
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justrandomlywriting · 2 years
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Phoboe's wedding - F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Phoboe Buffy - I don't know why, I always loved Phoboe. Phoboe is my favourite character from Friends. Many argue, Rach and Monica are beautiful but Phoboe had her own charm and a beautiful character. People say, you cannot fall in love with a fictional character. I say, you can. Yep, Phoboe Buffy probably is the most beautiful, childish and an amazing character. I never say I love you to anyone but how can you hide saying I LOVE YOU to Phoboe Buffy 🥺❤️
Phoboe's wedding day. We all know what happened yet it is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WEDDING ONE CAN EVER IMAGINE. I don't want to fast forward to the wedding part, I'm watching that episode like n^n times and it's still beautiful and gets better each time I watch it. (I'm watching it again and this time I am writing this).
At the beginning of the episode, Joey is sitting at Central Park, Phoboe comes and asks him to walk down the aisle. Joey's expression after Phoboe asking him was so precious, probably the best thing anyone can ask. She justifies saying, you have always been there for me and Joey says 'Ya I'm pretty wisdoms' and agrees 'I would be honoured', they hug and Phoboe goes on saying 'I hope you know how much you mean to me', (Small beautiful things are the best) my expression - Please don't kill me with another Phoboe - Joey (😭❤️) moment, we had enough. It's arguably the best friendship anyone can see! Rest all, The Joey dad - Phoboe daughter moments were so damm cute (My mind goes back to the time, when Phoboe started crying after David leaves her, Joey comes and give her that warm, sweet hug and calms her down - arguably the most beautiful++++ scene ever).
We all know that their bond was special.
Here comes the wedding planner (okay I must confess - I hate Monica in this episode)
The rehearsal dinner (like seriously), who on earth does that. God.
Mike was a guest on the show, but the way he fits into the show in the last 3 seasons is very very very interesting - How can we forget how they met for the first time (Joey again) picking a random name and shouting out loud, Mike - here I am. Wow just wow.
Okay Chandler and Ross not in Phoboe's wedding - that's impossible. Mike needs a groomsman. Chandler - Ross fight (God kill me) Monica stop - who doesn't allow a bride to give a proper toast on her wedding. Phoboe looks cuter when she's angry🥺
Ross is here (again) to ask Rach to chose him as groomsman (Hope he won't say we were on a break, so pick me - I know this doesn't make sense)
Hello Micheal, Joseph 😂😂😂😂
Okay honestly, it may sound funny but this whole scene and Joey's dialogues shows how much Phoebe means to him. I mean wow just wow. I wish, all of us have a beautiful friend as Joey, and a bond that Phoboe and Joey shared - it's surreal - it's the best. Just wow. "Because she's family, now you are gonna be family, and there's nothing more important in the whole world than family" hits at a different level.
Everything is messed up, Phoboe says 'Help me, I want you to be crazy bitch again' to Monica 🤣. Worst snowstorm ever. "It's so beautiful out there, you always wanna get married outside, why don't you guys do it on the street" - Thanks Rach. "Couldn't ask for a more romantic wedding" - hell yeahhhhhh!
‌Phoebe - What do you think?
‌Mike - I wanna get married to you today -
The whole audience goes - awwwwww! Special just special.
Outside centrel park, it's snowing everywhere. Monica asks Gunther to switch on the Christmas lights and everyone looks at the most beautiful night - it was not a wedding which was planned but could it BE any special - it was like a destination wedding! Just wow. Minister can't make it, Joey steps up. I agree Chandler also has been a very good friend to everyone so yeah but I really wanted Joey to walk Phoboe down the aisle.
Phoebe just like so beautiful❤️
Chandler asks Phoboe 'are you ready' she says 'Yes' and then says 'wait', and removes the robes, Chandler goes 'Wow, you look beautiful' - Phoboe just standing there, she's not aware of how many hearts she stole in that beautiful wedding dress! Just wow, She is the most beautiful bride I've ever seen. Phoebe 🙂, okay whatever, we love you!
'You are gonna be your something blue'
Romantic music in the background, Chandler walks Phoboe down the aisle, wow just wow. What a scene! Just wow, it's less but wow.
Okay I'm gonna skip the vows part - I don't wanna cry!
"When I was growing up, I did not have a mom and dad, or a regular family. I grew up on the street, I know something was missing, you are my family" - she just said this, pain and pleasure together. Happiness - she's happily crying at inside, just can't imagine how strong she was growing up and becoming such an important person in so many people's life. It's hard, very hard - yet she's such a inspiration! The best thing about her is she never lost herself in the process! - Mike sums up everything, "You are so beautiful, so kind, so generous, WONDERFULLY WEIRD" - these lines are enough to make anyone fall for Phoboe.
Okay, so yeah! It's simple - hope Phoboe stays the same, hope you all get such a wonderfully weird friend like her. Hope there's atleast one bond like Phoboe-Joey!
I love you Phoboe ❤️
- Forever Phoboe fan!
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