#it's plus 20 and spring apparently decided to skip the last few weeks of spring and go directly onto summer
notdeadjack · 3 years
this is literally the first day in EIGHT MONTHS that I've dressed too warmly going outside and I am not feeling cold in any way this is wild
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junker-town · 4 years
How do I get into woodworking without losing a finger?
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Stuck inside the house? Here’s how you, yes you, can get into woodworking.
Chances are you’re stuck at home right now, and you could use a new hobby. Maybe you’re trying to learn a new language. Maybe you’re getting into new kinds of personal fitness. Maybe you’re finally clearing out that backlog of unfinished video games.
Or maybe you’re like me and have small children at home, so you’re ignoring all of that stuff to watch Frozen II again.
But even kids eventually go to sleep (usually), and you can only watch Tiger King so many times. If you need something else to occupy your brain during quarantine, I’d like to suggest one of my favorite pastimes. Now is actually a great time to pick up woodworking!
Wait, why would anybody want to start woodworking? Why on Earth is that fun?
If you’d like to become more handy in general, woodworking is a great way to gain the basic skills and confidence needed to tackle all sorts of repair jobs. If you can teach yourself how to build a small bookshelf or table without cutting off your arms, you’ll be a lot more confident in your ability to tackle another project. Now you have an excuse to learn how to use the tools gathering dust in your garage!
Another fun side effect of getting into this stuff? You’ll be able to say stuff like “rip cuts” and “cross cuts” and “joinery,” asserting your dominance over other neighborhood dads. Sure, they may have nicer cars, and their kids are apparently all on the honor roll at St. Expensive’s Academy, but do they know how to rip some plywood and cross cut some hardwood? Huh, DARRYL?
For me, learning to build stuff also engaged a new part of my brain. If you’re like me, and you write or do spreadsheets or push paper for a living, there’s a good chance that nothing you create will last more than a few weeks. But that side table I built for my office — even with its dings, weird grain patterns and a screw that I couldn’t hide completely — will last for decades. I can step out of my garage after a few hours, covered in sawdust, and create something. For me, that’s immensely satisfying.
Plus, power tools are loud and fun!
Yeah, but I watched an episode of This Old House once and that guy has a gazillion tools. Don’t I need to spend thousands of dollars to actually make anything useful?
Listen, I love Bob Vila too. But you don’t need to own every single tool in order to have fun woodworking or to build interesting stuff. You really only need a few tools to get started, and you might even have some of them already.
As far as power tools go, for the absolute beginner, here’s what I’d recommend:
A power drill *and* an impact driver. Even apartment dwellers would probably benefit from a drill, which makes basic tasks like hanging pictures or assembling furniture much easier. You CAN get by with just a drill, but I really recommend springing for a separate impact driver and using the drill just for making holes. That way, you don’t have to fuss with changing bits as often (which means you’ll be less likely to lose them). And the extra power from the impact driver can make driving screws cleanly and quickly a little easier.
You can find a brand new set for around $100 bucks at most hardware stores, but you can find them used for much cheaper.
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power drill go brrrrrr
A circular saw. This is about the cheapest saw you can get that will break down just about any kind of board. Nothing else breaks down large sheet goods, like plywood, as easily, making circular saws handy for household DIY-type projects. And if you don’t need boards to be exact, a circular saw is still very effective at making crosscuts (cutting boards vertically), though it can be cumbersome if you’re trying to “rip” boards (cutting them horizontally to make them more narrow) or do any sort of precise cut. I’ve built garden beds and rough shop furniture using nothing but my circular saw, but more often I use it for household projects.
You can find a circular saw new for $40, and for under $20 used.
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A miter saw. Miter saws are used for cross cuts, or cutting boards vertically. They’re super easy to use, very safe, fairly precise and a great first tool for anybody new to woodworking. All you have to do is pull the saw down to the board where you want to make a cut, and a second or two later: boom, you have two boards and some sawdust. You can do some fancy joint work with these if you’re really patient, but even at a basic level, this may be the only saw you need to build your first workbench and other projects that rely on using dimensional lumber from a big box store.
You can get new miter saws for under $100, but I’d personally recommend you spring for at least a 10’’ blade, and those usually go for around $130 new.
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A note about table saws: Most woodworking enthusiasts will tell you that the most important tool in the shop is the table saw, and that’s true. It is by far the best tool for making horizontal cuts, and just about any kind of joint that doesn’t involve a screw. But it’s also a more intimidating tool, and a little more expensive. If you play with the other tools and decide you really want to get into woodworking, a table saw is a must-purchase, but I don’t think it’s required for a newbie. My advice is the same for other useful tools, like routers, jigsaws, belt sanders, planers, jointers and more.
There are a few other things you’ll probably need that aren’t power tools, like wood glue, screws, clamps and sandpaper, but none of that is expensive or takes up much space. And it’s all stuff you might want to just own, anyway.
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But I don’t have a garage, or space to store all these tools. Can I still build stuff with wood?
If you have electricity and a yard or common space, all of the tools I mentioned are very light and can be easily used outside (although you should probably double check with your landlord). You can also build all sorts of things with hand tools instead of power tools. Hand saws, chisels and planers can do a lot of the same stuff as electrical saws, and usually at an even more precise level. They just require more time and patience.
Personally, I think hand tools are more dangerous than power tools. I’ve never been injured in any way from any of my power tools, but I do have a big ‘ol scar on my left thumb from when a chisel skipped over a knot in a spoon I was making and plunged directly into my finger.
If your workpiece is properly secured, and you’re paying attention, you’ll probably be fine. But power tools make a lot of noise and force every cell in your body to give them proper respect. It’s a little easier to get lulled into a false sense of security with hand tools.
Personally, I use power tools for most of what I build, but I’m also a dumb caveman sports blogger. If you want to channel your inner Ron Swanson and learn to cut dovetails, live your best life. Your furniture will probably look better than mine.
I’m stuck in my house, how am I actually supposed to learn how to use any of this?
Youtube University is your friend. Just about every power tool has videos explaining how to unbox, assemble and safely operate it, and DIY Youtube is full of helpful explainers. When I was first getting started, I really enjoyed the Woodworking For Mere Mortals channel, but there are loads of other good ones, like Wood Work Web and This Old House. Even stuff directly from your tool manufacturer can be great. A quick search for “how to build X” is often really instructive.
Figure out what you’d like to build, find some plans online (there are loads of free ones), and give a basic project a shot! You’ll be surprised by what you can create.
Here’s some stuff I’ve built!
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The coffee table and the two bookshelves were things I made. The plants and all the books? I didn’t make those.
Am I ready to quit the internet factory and pivot to carpentry? Absolutely not! Everything I make has tons of flaws, and I’m still a beginner myself. But is this a fun hobby that forces me to stay off Twitter, think differently and help keep my house properly outfitted? Sure!
And hey, if I have the power tools running, I can’t hear Frozen II again. These days, that’s a pretty big plus.
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littledonkeyburrito · 7 years
More of this because I’m bored again. Deal with it.
Where did you lose your virginity, if you have? My apartment at the time What color car(s) do your parents drive? Mum has a black car, Dad has a red car. What are your views on getting rid of the penny? It's probably a good idea. God knows I never use one cent coins here in europe.  Which Asian country would you most like to visit? Vietnam
Have you ever had a nosebleed? Maybe once or twice as kid. I did karate so it was pretty common to get hit in the face.
How far away do you live from your birthplace? At a guess I think it would be a couple of hours flight. I’ve never flown there from here.
Have you ever kissed someone underneath mistletoe? No Do you watch the Olympics on the television? I have watched a few events What was the scariest experience of your life? Nothing immediately springs to mind. I would have to think about it for longer. Have you ever played truth or dare? Of course How long is your driveway? I don’t have a driveway. The front door to my building is right on the street.  Are there any tv shows you keep up with religiously? iZombie, Jane The Virgin, sometimes Brooklyn 99. Pretty much everything else I just wait for it to come out on netflix. Where is your mother right now? Probably at home asleep because it’s 6am there. Do you know anybody named Carl? Yeah and he’s American so all our friends in australia always did the long drawn out “Caaaaarrrrrrrrllllll... that kills people” from llamas in hats. Are you more of a night owl or a morning person? Night, for sure. What is your favorite song at the moment? I don’t specifically have one favourite song but I currently quite like Sofia by Alvaro Soler and Diferentes by Genitallica Do you have a weak stomach? Not really Have you ever been to a party where people were drinking underage? A couple in highschool How many stores are in the mall closest to you? I don’t even know which mall is closest to me. How far away is the closest McDonald’s to you? About 2 minutes walking. Literally never been there though. The only time I’ve had maccas in this country is in the airport. Would you ever meet someone in person that you met online? Yeah, I have before, many times. What was the last film you watched? I just finished watching Thor 2, so now I’m ready for when the third one is released here. Does it snow where you live? Maybe once every few years, but no, not usually. Have you ever been to an art gallery? Yes What are your neighbours like? I think they’re drug dealers actually, but they seem nice and they leave me alone. I do have to talk to them in the next couple of days though because the water bill came through and we have to split it between us because our apartments are on the same metre. Do you visit your town’s library often? Never been to a library in this city. Don’t even know where one is. Have you ever had to take care of an intoxicated person? Of course but tbh I usually try to pawn the responsibility off onto someone else. What flavor was the last ice cream you ate? Chocolate Can you do a cartwheel? If I try, probably I can do a shit one. Which website do you spend the most time on? Probably facebook bc it’s always open in the background. Have you ever kissed someone of a different race? Yeah What can you smell right now? Nothing noteable What accent is your favorite? I don’t have a favourite accent. It really depends on who’s talking and what they’re saying. Are/were you part of any extracurricular activities in school? Band What colors are on your country’s national flag? Red and yellow plus whatever colours are in the coat of arms
So, how was your day today? It was fine. I sent off some emails for potential jobs in the field I actually want to work in. Hopefully I get some responses. Then I played some mass effect, had a couple of drinks and watched a movie.
What are your plans for tomorrow?     Probably the same as today.
When was the last time you actually smiled and meant it?     I probably watched a funny video today at some point
I bet you’re in love with someone, who?     I sure am not
What movie do you really want to see that’s out?     I wouldn’t mind going to see kingsman golden circle. I’m also waiting for Thor 3 to come out here, which is tomorrow apparently as I’ve just discovered
What was the best memory made so far this year?     So much has happened this year, there’s no way I could pick just one thing. I moved to a different continent, I’ve travelled in 6 countries, I’ve met new people (and a couple of boys), I’ve partied, I’ve hiked, I’ve had adventures and I’ve had boring days in at home. The entirety of this year has been amazing. 
What’s your favorite sleeping position?     Sort of fetal position, but with my torso twisted to face down, my hands tucked up under my chin, and my feet dangling off the side of the bed. I’ve been told I sleep in a weird position.
Who was the last person you kissed?     Hasn’t changed since I filled one of these out yesterday
What does your day mostly consist of?     Netflix and sleep tbh
Who did you last cry in front of?     I have no idea when I last cried. I was probably alone though
Name five things that make you happy.     Travel, netflix, my friends, alcohol, puppies 
Do you wear white socks, or fun ones?     I prefer to wear them crazy motherfuckers. Just shove every goddamn colour under the sun on there and that’s the shit I like keeping my feet warm.
Whats something you’re excited for?     Whenever I can travel again
Would you ever lick a rat for $1,000?     If it was a pet rat, sure. If I lick it multiple times do I get multiple thousands of dollars? Can I lick it 20 times in one go and then book a flight somewhere?
What was the last thing you highlighted?  Probably some notes at work back in australia
How often do you shower?     Every day.
Do you sleep with or without clothes on?     With. Unless I’m not alone, in which case probably naked ;)
Who was the last person you talked on the phone with for over an hour?     Who knows? I was probably a teenager. Or it was my dad
One thing you and your best friends always do when you hang out?   Eat and watch a movie/tv show. Sometimes drink.
What were you doing at 12am last night?     Sleeping
Call or text?     Text.
What’s your favorite thing about Facebook?     I can contact my friends in australia on there
Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day:     My mum, if she’s awake. Otherwise I message friends.
What is your favorite ring on your phone?     My ringtone is the themesong from buffy the vampire slayer
Who is the 2nd person on your missed call list on your cell phone?     "Private number”
What shirt are you wearing?   A stripey tshirt with a hoodie over it
Favorite age you have been so far?   I don’t know. Now I guess ..?
Have you ever had a true one-night stand?     No, I’ve always known the person beforehand, even if I only slept with them that one time, and even if I never saw them again after.
Would you like to date someone a lot purer than you?     I don’t care..? I guess I’d prefer for them to have at least a little experience but I’m going to take it into consideration when I’m deciding whether to be with someone.
Would you prefer if good things happened, or interesting things?     Preferably, the good things are also interesting.
Would you have kids with the last person you kissed? Nah
Have you ever been in someone’s wedding before? I’ve been to weddings, but not part of the bridal party.
How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? Several times over the course of 2 weeks.
When was the last time you watched a movie in theaters? Whenever Spiderman Homecoming was out
Have you ever ruined someone’s life or planned to? No, I’m not that much of an asshole
Would you ever completely dye your hair the color green? Nah
What is your favorite food to eat around Christmas? On Christmas in Australia we eat fresh cherries and prawns (not together obvs). Also my dad’s full roast dinner
How much money do you have on you right now? I think I have like 80 euro in my wallet plus the massive piles of coins in 7 different currencies on my shelf Do the people in your town speak like rednecks? No What kind of pie do you like the best, if you like it at all? Aussie meat pies. That is literally the thing I miss most about australia. Like, I miss them more than I miss my mum. I’m so glad I had the forethough to eat a pie in the airport as my very last meal in australia. What is your dream career? Now taking suggestions
Have you ever thought of making love in a dressing room? No, I definitely have not. When was the last time you cried happy tears? Probably crying of laughter one of the many times in central america What kind of ice cream do you like the best? Ben and Jerry’s Half Baked. That’s the good shit. Would you ever go on one of those talent-searching shows? Actually, I auditioned for Australia’s got Talent like 2 days after I finished highschool. Didn’t make it to the section filmed in front of the judges though. But I did get to skip the first audition and a lot of the queue because I had big equipment (drum kit)
Is there anyone you wish would call you right now? I don’t wish, but I’d be happy if I was called by parents, any of my friends or the boy from central america. Has your house ever been broken in to? Yeah, some motherfucker broke into my place in aus and stole my goddamn potato. It’s almost 3 years later and I’m still bitter about it. Do you know someone who tends to eat all the time? Me Has anyone ever called you an “angel” before? Yeah haha What is your favorite restaraunt to go in and eat at? Orale in Panama City. So fucking fun.
When did you last spend the night at someone’s house? I spent a month in hotels while I was travelling. Before that, I guess it was when I stayed at a guy’s place in Madrid for a weekend in August I think.
Is your hamper currently overflowing? I throw all my dirty laundry directly into the washing machine and turn it on when it’s full. I probably should turn it on tomorrow.
Did you have intense night terrors as a child? Yes apparently
Know anybody who works in a tattoo parlor? I think one guy I met in Panama is a tattoo artist. Idk he was showing me pictures of tattoos he’d just done so I assume..
Have you ever played flashlight tag? I think I played it on karate camp a couple of times as a kid
Could you call yourself a movie buff? I would not
Skin tight tshirts or ones with flowy sleeves and such? Tight looks better on me but flowy is so much more comfortable
Robin Williams or Adam Sandler? Why? I hate adam sandler.
Have you ever shoplifted? No
Band that you really want to see in concert? Ehh tbh I’m kind of over concerts. Green Day are always good to see live because they’re very interactive but most bands aren’t like that. So there’s nobody I especially want to see. Actually, maybe Ricky Martin...
Are you a shorts wearing kind of person? When I went to India I packed shorts in my suitcase and even though it was over 40 degrees every day of the trip, I still never wore them. So no, I’m not a shorts wearing kind of person.
Is your grandparents’ house obsessively tidy? No, but my dad’s is.
Do you prefer to tape or tack up posters to your walls? I have not had a poster up in several years but I used to always use blutack.
When you cook, do you like to throw in random things? I usually only buy what I’m going to use but sometimes if I find something I’ll chuck it in.
Have you ever ducttaped somebody’s mouth shut? I probably have at some point in my life
Is anybody in your family a carpenter? No, but my dad is very good at making things. He is a luthier.
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