#its grandpa bob knows a place w outdoor heated seating so were having lunch!!!
Well I guess I don't have to figure out what I'm gonna do re: my job for a bit longer coz when I get home I'm putting my little gay ass in quarantine
#😧#frankly i wasnt even comfortable coming to my parents house even knowing none of us come into much contact w ppl#more annoyed now knowing my brother is out on routes w the emts while hes training and has come into contact w at least 1 case#but now were dropping him off w my grandparents coz his flight is out of abq#and rather than 'k one of us will drive him down meet em in cuba exchange Boy and come back'#its grandpa bob knows a place w outdoor heated seating so were having lunch!!!#which means i have to go so im gonna b in the car for 5 hours today and on a plane for 6+ tomorrow#and even better. my cousin tested positive while she was in the hospital having her kid#and she was in contact w grandma and grandpa bob recently :))#n if i werent such a fucking pushover id have said no im not going but. oh i dont wanna cause waves :))))#so i have to go thru 3 airports n 2 planes tomorrow w a possible exposure and i have rarely been so furious w myself#im literally already sick i have an annoying head cold that frankly im praying is just a head cold#i nabbed some extra paper masks from work before i left and im gonna grab some bandaids before i leave here#so my cloth mask will Definitely seal properly over my nose and ill have an over-layer i can swap out when i get somewhere new#but fucking. shit#i still have to eat tomorrow and lookin at my flights its gonna have to be on the den-ric plane#so gonna land and get home and while i order groceries for pickup im gonna text my manager w hey so i deffo got exposed so i wont be in#ill get tested end of the week n let u know#im still fuckin tired too its gonna take forever to make up the deficit from working nights this long
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