#its hard to resist the urge to go back to the urgent care doc who dismissed me on monday with a metal bat and demand an explanation lol
butchyena · 6 months
sorry, i haven’t rly been checking tumblr. why were you stuck in the hospital? are you ok??
this is possibly my most embarrassing Medical Snafu to date but i started suffering mild pain in my ass since last wednesday and it rapidly increased in intensity until i was ready to blow my brains out over it a week later (this past wednesday)
i had a 4.2 centimeter abscess in my buttcheek that was deeper and higher than they normally see them and the doctors were floored it got so big so fast. i showed up at the ER at 11am and it took till 1am for them to see me, diagnose it, make a plan, and get me into a bed. all the while they were dosing me with oxycodone and hydromorphone, and neither were doing much despite being pretty heavy narcotics!
i’ll be honest im convinced the only reason they took me seriously was because the pain was so severe that 1 i was drenched completely in sweat (my shirt looked like it was an entirely different color) and couldnt stop sobbing long enough to speak clearly and 2 i was telling them if they scanned me and did all the tests and told me there was nothing they could do i was going to come home and end my life. and i was 100% serious about that btw. i genuinely would not wish that agony on anybody, i have never been in that much pain in my life so intensely, consistently, and incurably
im gonna be okay, i have a followup on monday and a small cache of oxys for the half-inch incision hanging right by my b-hole. my chief concern is keeping the wound clean and figuring out how im supposed to work my physically demanding job when im not supposed to “strain” for 3-4 weeks
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