#iv. i am not lost; there is nothing glorious about me. ( a. theirin: threads )
worldevoured · 3 years
FULL NAME Alistair Theirin.
DATE OF BIRTH 9:10 Dragon.
PLACE OF BIRTH Unknown, suspected near Redcliffe.
RACE Human.
GENDER Cisgender man.
PRONOUNS He/him/his.
RELIGION Agnostic.
POSITIVE TRAITS Compassionate, good-natured, honorable, resourceful.
NEGATIVE TRAITS Indecisive, insecure, naïve, passive.
AFFILIATION Grey Wardens of Ferelden, Fereldan Court.
TITLES Grey Warden, King ( conditional ).
CLASS Warrior.
SPECIALIZATION Templar, Champion.
WEAPON Longsword, shield.
Follows most Origins canon regarding approval and disapproval.
FAMILY Maric ( father, deceased ), Fiona ( mother, unknown ), Cailan ( half-brother, deceased ), Anora ( former sister-in-law ), Eamon ( adoptive uncle ), Teagan ( adoptive uncle ), Goldanna ( half-sister, incorrectly identified ).
WANTED SHIPS Alistair/Warden, Alistair/Leliana, Alistair/Hawke, Alistair/Inquisitor.
ON ALISTAIR’S FACE CLAIM, AND ALISTAIR BEING WHITEWASHED IN-GAME AND IN FANDOM I completely agree with and 100% support the argument that Fiona is a woman of color. She is very clearly intended as a woman of color in The Calling, and I agree that Inquisition did whitewash her. Oliver Jackson-Cohen’s father is Egyptian and Jewish, and his appearance fits Alistair’s well as portrayed in Origins; as far as I know, this doesn’t go against any canon besides Fiona’s skin tone in Inquisition, but if I’m mistaken, please please please let me know and I’ll fix this immediately !! Please know that Alistair is very deliberately being written as nonwhite, with a face claim who, as far as I know, is not himself white.
ON THE DARK RITUAL Morrigan is not entirely responsible for the Ritual, but she is responsible for how she chooses to present it. While I am willing to write the aftermath of the Ritual as if Alistair has taken part because he is either unaware of the full implications and ramifications, or because he’s been guilted or coerced, this will require extensive plotting and a close writing relationship, and this will be treated as an assault. Coercion is not consent. There are ways for Alistair to complete the Ritual without the Warden using the persuade option once — I’ve done it, I know it’s there. Alistair will complete the Dark Ritual willingly and with all the information if the Warden says that there is a way for them to avoid dying, and if the Warden says that they believe this is the right choice. In this case, the two are sharing their thoughts on an impossible situation, and the Warden is not coercing Alistair. 
ON SHIPPING If the Warden lies to, guilts, or coerces Alistair, their relationship, whatever its nature, will be destroyed. Alistair will not like or trust them, and will not engage with them except when strictly necessary. I will not ship Alistair with Morrigan. He associates her with the genuinely traumatic and uncomfortable events of the Dark Ritual. He’s not up for a romance with her as a result, and neither am I.
HARDENED / UNHARDENED Alistair can be hardened after meeting his ( incorrectly identified ) half-sister, Goldanna, as in canon; however, unlike in canon, there are two. The first is canon – to tell him that everyone is out for themselves, and he should learn that. Following this conversation, he will say that he has thought about it, and should be more assertive, and think for himself more. The sole dialogue choice to harden him always seemed a bit unnecessarily unkind, and so there is a second option – to simply say, “You didn’t deserve that.”
Alistair is not particularly conscious of having a low opinion of himself, though it’s clear he does – he routinely undermines himself, he gets defensive when Morrigan questions his measurable skills, and unless hardened, he routinely defers to others and explains this as his inability to make good decisions. Challenging his perception of himself, and his low self-worth, will prompt a conversation on the topic, in which Alistair asks what was meant by the Warden’s comment. See conversation here. Triggered upon a return to camp.
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