#ive never drawn any of these narrators before im not used to how stylistic they are 🥺
parasocial-paradox · 5 months
The Narrative Parable spoilers, I think???
I guess some bits count as a spoiler I guess???
My imaginative ass did not survive when I first found out about TNP:
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My favourite part of this is Ghost tbh he's just there chilling in the floor.
Petition for a Thierry marketable plushie to be made PLEASE I would buy the heck out of it
I thought of this on a whim I thought it'd be funny lmao I'm just sad I'm too lazy to fit every narrator in the fic otherwise y'all know I would be drawing every single one.
Don't mind what Thierry's sitting next to I'm sure it's not a hint to something plot relevant hehe
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