#ive used (still using in some AUs) the hc of ink's vials being meds!
dreemurr-skelememer · 11 months
Oh! Thanks for responding me!
But when i mean 'ink is disabled' i mean in a very severe way rather than the apathy problems that his character have (not overshadowing them, they're indeed important!! but that wasn't in mind).
For instance when ink's outise of his vials he cannot talk ,move ,respond, etc... He's also utterly incapable of receiving *any* sensory information ('cause he doesn't has his senses working, like Comyet described) which means that he's also blind, deaf, mute..... He's unconsious as well! His body is there but his mind is not.
What i'm trying to say is that his lack of soul brings him *extreme* and *severe* side affects that are >>extremly uncommon<< for soulless creatures like him, in which could be counted as being a disability since he's also basically incapable of 'working' properly without his vials.
Speaking of his vials, I believe they are a metaphor for medications (also 'cause they're called 'vials', and the literal definition of vials is: ''a small container, typically cylindrical and made of glass, used especially for holding liquid medicines.''). Besides,he needs to take them regulary (probably in a specfic schedule) or else he won't work as a person in general
In a nutshell, i strongly believe ink's lack of soul can be read as a metaphor for chronic disabilities!
YEAHHHH NO GO TF OFF!!!! i love all of this!!!!!!!!!
i love love loooove the way you interpret his soullessness as a disability. ur doing so much cool stuff with this!
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