#järle x reader
suvidrache · 1 year
General romance hcs for Akira and Järle please. ~ local pocket dragon is curious,
Romantic Headcanons
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 239 / Read it on AO3 | Offline Version
Featuring: My OCs Akira and Järle (pronounced yar-leigh)
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Järle isn't the most romantic person. He just does anything and everything you want him to. Stand up for you because you can't handle confrontation? Done. He loves to fight. Not with you, of course. He enjoys doing what he can to make you happy, which is anything that you want him to do. He wouldn't get you flowers or anything unless you kept glancing at the same ones from time to time. He would get the hint of the subtle behaviors and things that you do. He is quick to pick up on your patterns and behavior, but not as quick as Akira.
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Akira would be the type to line your shelter with flowers and do what he could to make things more romantic. Considering it is the stone age and there isn't much to do. He would try his best to do what he could to spice things up with the resources that he has, which may not be much, but he tries his best. Although he doesn't like confrontation and fighting, he would stand up and defend you if you, yourself, couldn't handle it. He doesn't like to see you hurt and with his society being primarily male-dominant, they can face him, man to man, not with you. Unless, of course, you wanted to handle it yourself. He doesn't want to overstep things. He is also one who quickly picks up on your patterns and behaviors.
© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
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Tag List: @unlikelypersonalknight1
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suvidrache · 1 year
Fighting Back
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 724 / Read it on AO3 | Offline Version
Warning: implied female reader
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Järle loved fighting with people. He had no idea why. Maybe it was the fact that he was an only child. Maybe it was because he didn't have anyone to really interact with. Most of the Sea Clan people had blonde hair. He, unfortunately, did not. He had strawberry-blonde hair. It looked a little on the pink side, a common question he had always been asked, whether his hair was blonde or some sort of red color. It was both. He also had freckles, another thing most members didn't have. Some things that made him different and stand out amongst his family and kin. He was often bullied by the other kids for being different. He hated it, but he hated being seen as weak even more. He wouldn't allow himself to be walked over. He stood his ground, and many knew not to mess with him. They didn't want to run the risk of facing his anger. Not only did he tend to argue, but he also tended to throw hands with people. Not with the women, he knew not to lay hands on a woman. He had seen and heard enough growing up to know not all the men of his time were respectful. Some used the fact that they were stronger and bigger to their advantage. He wasn't going to follow in their footsteps. He would only argue with them, but never lay a hand on them. As for the men, he would throw hands or argue, it didn't matter which. Just as long as they knew not to mess with him and not to hurt anyone. He couldn't stand the men who physically hurt women, they were terrible.
You were born in another clan. Your leader had sent you to foster with the Whales. You didn't know much about them, aside from the fact that they were a Sea Clan, with them you would learn the ways of the Sea. You didn't know much else about them. As you made your way to the clan, you couldn't help but overhear a loud conversation. You stopped in your tracks and looked around, seeing if you could find out exactly where they were at. You couldn't see them, but you softened your steps as you made your way closer to them. You spotted them. A pink-haired man stood arguing with someone else. You weren't sure who, but you stood and you watched as he argued. The person sounded afraid when replying to the pink-haired man. You stood just slightly behind the tree, so you wouldn't be caught as you raised your voice.
"Why don't you just leave them alone?"
The pink-haired man stopped and turned toward the direction in which you may have come. He wasn't sure who said that or where.
"How about minding your own business?"
Silently, the person put their hands to their chest, slightly bowed, and walked away. A "thank you", sort of, for helping them. For saving them.
"Well, if you didn't yell loud enough for the whole forest to hear, maybe I wouldn't be in your business." You shouted back at him. He didn't know you, but you weren't the type to back down, and neither was he.
"This doesn't involve you." He said as he shouted in no particular direction. He still wasn't sure where you were at. "Why are you hiding? Are you scared or something?"
You stepped out from behind the tree and walked closer to him. Your movements showed no sign of fear or a lack of confidence. You weren't afraid of him and you weren't going to let him intimidate you.
"I'm not afraid of you. You were born into the world from a woman. You can just as easily be taken out by one."
"Is that a threat?"
"No, honey, it's a promise."
He blinked. He had never met someone that could stand to shout back at him, someone that wasn't intimidated by him. He looked at you.
"Go ahead, then."
He had no intentions of fighting back, however, he would find it funny to see someone try to take him to the ground. He didn't want to fight you in any way, but he was slightly confused. He liked you. He didn't want to fight or continue the argument, but he may have already gone too far with it.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @unlikelypersonalknight1, @thevoidwriting
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suvidrache · 1 year
I adore Akira but I’m going to have to request Järle first 😊 I read in his about the following— ‘He loves to provoke people and engage in fights until he meets you.’— And I just had to have the story behind that 😄 how did they meet? Was it an immediate trust or was it hesitant? Thanks so much!
It depends! It could be during a clan gathering, when you were exploring the forest, or even if you left to meet the Whale Clan. However, you, the reader, want to meet him.
It would be immediate. He sees you and just instantly doesn't want to fight you.
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