#jing yuan loveposting hours are real
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sometimes i find myself once again stricken with unfathomable sadness when i think of jing yuan. how does a man with so much grief not lose his mind to it? how does one remain so kind and full of love in spite of it all? how does one fully embrace all the violence it took to become so gentle? sometimes, when i really connect with his muse, i cry. i mean it; i have fully wept with the force of emotion that hits me. to be so resolute, so sound of mind and heart, to shoulder all the burden and difficult decisions without complaint, to keep his head held up through centuries of loss and pain and suffering, and not shed a tear all the same? i truly don't have the words to describe how strong jing yuan is, how noble he remains despite slander and misunderstandings and disrespect hurled at him from his enemies and people alike, despite the alienation from his own community through deification and from his loved ones through tragedy. how does he let it just wash over him? how does he hold onto his peace? he's so mournful, but he's happy, he laughs, he finds joy in the smallest things, remains grateful for his blessings and humble despite how people accuse him of arrogance. he asks for nothing even when he yearns for a true connection after all these centuries of loneliness. none of it is a facade, but when he lets some of that grief out, i can't help but cry.
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