#jus a wee doodle for the people up this late
maudiemoods · 4 months
Discord posting watch out
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177 notes · View notes
ikonislife · 7 years
My Professor. (1/?)
-Hanbin x Reader (Professor!Hanbin)
-1 | 2 | 3 | 4
-It was universally known that friend with benefit between best friends would be a chaotic ride from the start till the heartbreak of either one or both party. No one says anything about being in one with your dear professor...
-What is this? I don’t know what this is... hahahaha 🙃🙃🤔😏 Read it and decide for yourself. (then maybe let me know what this is haha...Sigh, I need help.)
-Rated M for language, mention of sex (secretly rated B for bullshit 😏)
-S/O to @7n13bang for being MVP AF for requesting and read through 2 (soon 3) novel sized pieces of my shitty ass writing. 
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Jolting awake from a sudden thunderous bang in the pin drop quietness of the lecture hall, you raise your head up angrily and stare up still in a daze. Your hands rub your eyes sluggishly to rid them of the leftover blurriness of sleep before trying your best to locate the source of the disturbance. Looking around the room, a few frustrating expressions pair with the scribbling sound of pencils on exam papers, you concluded that you had for once not slept pass the ending of the class. Finally, your eyes land on a boy 5 rows in front of you who’s nervously picking up his textbook, apologizing profusely to the 20 pairs of eyes glaring daggers his way.
Fucking Brian, always with his clumsiness.
A low grunt escapes your lips as you glare down toward the flustered boy nervously pushing his textbook underneath the ugly blue plastic chair of the rundown lecture hall with his foot. Now, normally you’re not so uptight that you’d be cussing someone out for an accident. It happens, especially during a high stress period like midterm week. However, what he did just now cost you one of the most amazing dream ever, or dirtiest... or maybe you need holy water kind of dream, depends on who’s talking. 
Dozing off in class wasn’t a rare occurrent for you. Math has always been one of those subject that comes to you without much struggle which leaves plenty of time for day dreaming about nighttime activities. Actually, what is a rare occurrent would be you attending class. Sign up for a late class, your best friend had said, it’d be easier to get to class since you’re already awake, he said. No chance of being late to class from oversleeping. Well he was right about the not being late to class part. You can’t technically be late if you never bother with showing up to begin with. What a load of bullshit. If anything, the tiredness built upon itself and by 4 o’clock, your body physically give up. Regret welcomes you in its cold embrace every single time you drag your feet across the grossly worn out, stains filled carpet of the 100 years old math building. If it wasn’t regret, it’d be the constant stress to your poor heart every time it creaks from the settling cold of dusk. You wouldn’t be surprise to see it completely in ruined one of these day. Honestly, how is the building even in function still. 
Having nothing better to do after finishing the exam early, you resorted to your usual activity during class time. As much as you enjoy the thrill of solving problems, sitting through a 2 hours lecture just isn’t your thing, even worse when there’s nothing to do after an exam. You lost count of how many people that had asked why you even bother showing up to class just to fall asleep 5 minutes into the lesson.
“Oh, they threaten me if i don’t start showing up to class, i’d get academic probation. Plus they say they’re considering kicking me off the cheer squad so you know, sleep here sleep at home… it’s the same shit.”
That was one of those lie you told so often it’s slowly becoming the truth. You could be strap onto a lie detector right now and neither will you sweat nor blink. What choice do you have but to deceive everyone. Plus, it’s not even that important of a lie, white lie even. If you told them the real reasons, probation would be the last thing you’d need to worry about. It’s not as if you can publicly declare your love for the hot professor. Actually, that in itself isn’t really the problem, 70%-99% of his students secretly mentally undress him during class anyways, boys and girls alike. 
Seriously, who wouldn’t. 
Being one of those genius kid that had everything figured out by the time they graduated high school, he’s barely even 4 years older than you with a Master and a Phd. under his belt with a fancy job at a prestigious university. Towering over most at nearly 6 ft, he pretty much stands out in any crowd. Even if his intimidating height doesn’t do its job, his impressive look will take care of the rest. Despite being a professor, he looks anything but with perfectly sculpted face, even better figure, and a fashion sense that shamed even models. He pretty much could be standing there reciting the phonebook and it’d somehow be interesting. 
The problem itself is that you actually acted upon your desire when the opportunities arisen a few months back. Well, that opportunity wasn’t just a simple heat of the moment thing but rather months of intense push and pull, suppressing and wanting to unleash a fury of unimaginable desires on each other. But let’s leave that tale for a later date. 
Staring up at the center of your deepest darkest secret, you muster up a sleepy smile when your eyes meet his. He had been busily grading away at his desk while simultaneously proctoring the exam before now, looking ravishingly stunning under the rare appearance of his oversized brown tortoise specs. A playful smirk rests upon your mouth without your knowledge, tongue breaching its barrier for a slow sensual meeting with the lower lip. He often wears contacts, only busting out the glasses whenever he knew he needed to get on your good side.  
You’ve never meant for this little preference to be made known, much less to Hanbin. Late night spend in his office in reality is much less exhilarating than what one would anticipates of a willing single lady and an open available man lock in a room, wee hours of the darkness with nothing else but the quiet cricket of night as companions. He had been on the 3rd pile of paper scribbling away furiously with a few disappointing sigh. It had only been the first exam of the quarter and already, stress bestowed upon the poor professor. His brows furrowed in frustration of where could he have gone wrong that resulted in such detrimental way to the class learning curve. A soft “God” slipped through his lips like the most dainty of wind rushing through the leaves. Your heart ached for the young professor blaming himself for the lack of the class. Seconds of sympathy turned into minutes of absentmindedly staring at how his hair no longer holding its shape but rather flopping over in evident of a exhausted long day. Even with the guilt of not being able to do more to help him coursing through your blood vessels, you couldn’t stop the primal calling of the pooling heat in between your legs. 
His svelte fingers rubbing his brows vexingly as his head twisted in discomfort. Judging from the amount of red blooming on the page, it had to be one of the stoner kid that’s even worse at showing up to class than you are. When he wasn’t nibbling gently on his knuckles, his teeth would be busy gnawing away at the redden abused lips, rolling and licking them to smithereens. You let your attention engulfed in the slight sheen on those high cheekbones, eyes lingering along the sharp jawline that had definitely had every girl in the department wishing they could trace them with their tongue. His jet black locks messily draped over the peeking undercut, no longer sinfully neat from the constant ruffle of his hand rummaging through in disappointment. A near moan-like sigh escaped your lips when his index effortlessly push the oversized pair of glasses up the bridge of his noise, tugging it gently by the end piece. Hanbin is undeniably handsome, that’s for sure. But God forbid how immorally good he looks with his specs on, playing into his part as a professor so damn well. Unknowingly, your legs less than inconspicuously crossed over themselves, clumsily rubbing hard knocking the underside of his desk a few times, begging for any sort of friction. All from the way his glasses framing his ethereal face so perfectly. You had been so lost within the mesmerizing view that you nearly lost your soul from the sudden rasp of his voice.
“Baby girl, what are you doing over there?” Checking in on you was something he had always done. Even grading get rough and tedious so you provide the right amount of distraction for a quick break.
“H-Homework...” You stuttered out in an almost incoherent mess, chest heaving, breaths steadily rising. Heart rapidly drumming against your ribcage out of shock.
“How’s that going?” He sighed, a slight smirk nestled itself on his lips.
“Uh-Uhm. Good!” You shamelessly stared at the busy man in front of you that was sparing you no glance. He continued with jotting down comments, circling mistakes.
“Are you working on art?”
“Huh? No. Physics.” For once, you wished for nothing more but for him to return to ignoring you, leave  you to your day dream. You whimpered pathetically, losing command over all your senses.
“Judging from the way you’ve been absentmindedly doodling circles on your paper, I’d have guessed it’s a kindergarten art assignment for learning shapes. But hey! What do I know, right?” Not even one single second spared. He didn’t even look up while cooly making his observation. “Then again, I could be wrong. I think your legs are busy doing something else though.” His tone remained as calm as ever. As if he was just making a passing comments on how pretty the night sky was, not the fact that you were pleasuring yourself off the jaw-dropping sight of him hard working. “Or should I teach you some anatomy lesson right now. We’ll start with picking up your slacken jaws off the floor...” Finally, that haughty, mischievous expression graced itself on his features, his eyes glanced upward just enough to witness all the color disappeared from your skin. 
“C-Can you blame me though? It’s late and I-we should be in bed by now” You somehow managed to still be the least bit sassy while throwing down your pen after the mortifying realization that he was right. Atop your free body diagram a jumble of scribbles and circles layered themselves in no particular order. Your hands immediately went to press down your awkward legs in hope of controlling your dampen core. You bit your cheek out of pure embarrassment, physically impossible to look his way. You must’ve looked so stupid drooling over him with your mouth gaped wide open while drawing random shit on your homework.
“Is that so? I did said you don’t need to keep me company when I grade exam. You can go home first...” Clearly amusing himself from watching you suffer, he quipped playfully.
“No... I’ll stay.” You insisted, wincing a bit from a particularly hard chomp against on your own lip.
“You’re way too distracted today. What is it? Is it because I’m ignoring you?” He halted his movement, right hand placed over his left matter of factly. You tried your best remaining still in your seat, eyes glancing around, sweating like a sinner in church.“Hmm, that’s not it. I’ve ignored you for weeks before when my folks came to town. I bet it’s not my clothes either. You’ve seen me in these slacks plenty of times...” You swallowed hard, fingers nervously tapping on your thigh. He eyed you up and down, inside out, left to right with an inquisitive note to his burning gaze. 
“Ah...” Like the devil had just thrusted himself upon the man lost in thought in the mere microsecond it took you to blink. A wave of indiscernible mix of ego and arrogance submerged him in its toxic lake, darkening the light in his star filled eyes with lust. You felt lost gazing in those blown out pool of brown, feeling its seductive calling drawing you closer to losing yourself. You tried to resist but like a spell bound fool, you found yourself wandering further into his embrace. 
The sudden shift in mood had you sinking into your seat as if it could somehow eject you out of the thick tension of the room that was overworking your lungs with harsh gasps. Curiosity burned away and contentment bursting out with life like a phoenix reborn from ashes, his eyes still following you closely, latching onto the way yours darted between the collar bones peek-a-booing beneath the unbuttoned collar of his disheveled button up and his face. An all too familiar grin spread across those plump hot lips of his, a smuggest of a smirk. 
“So. My baby girl got a thing for glasses huh... Why didn’t you said so in the first place.” He leaned back into his chair, legs spread wide as if daring you to perch atop them. With a swift motion of his finger, you hopped out of your seat and straight to his side as if you just won the lottery. 
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about... What glasses?!” You stumbled a bit, catching yourself on the messy desk of his. A few brown rings of dried out coffee and the jumble of red mess on top of the paper he was amidst of working on sadden your elated heart. A sudden wave of clarity washed over your muddled mind, changing your goal of merely getting yourself off to something a bit more meaningful. 
Pulling you to rest your ass on top of his thighs that was threatening to burst out of those well fitted slacks, he smashed his lips onto yours messily, conveying the neediness of a well deserve break. His fingers dug deep into the soft flesh of your side, grasping desperately. Hands tangled, tugging gently at his dark locks elicited low grunts to vibrate across the air. Hanbin looked even more divine up close but really, he had always been, glasses was just a bonus cherry on top that got you going harder than usual. You reciprocated with all the pent up passion from watching him for the past hour before smoothly slid off his lap, landing gently on your knee. Your fingers danced up his thighs, lips attaching themselves, sprinkling small kisses along the way that seemed to affect him greatly even through the pinstripe fabric of his pants.
“Babe, you don’t have to. We’d have more privacy for that later, just you kissing me is enough for now. Let’s just do that, huh.” His voice return to the kindness it usually possessed. He sat up straight, finger supporting your chin, lifting it up so he could get a better gaze upon your face.
“I want to... And you need it. Plus, it’s not like anyone else is around, Hanbin. It’s literally almost midnight, on Friday.” You whispered, almost in fear of someone eavesdropping from the other side of the walls despite the confident in your words. With a few nods, he leaned back, letting you have your way. Satisfied with the sight behold, you creeped your way up to undo his pants. With a playful smirk, you pulled out the throbbing member, aching to be touch. “You’re wonderful, you know that Hanbin? Don’t let a few bad exams define you as a professor.” You ended the sentence with a long sensual graze of your tongue  from the base to the tip already wet with precum. He groaned impatiently, eyes rolling to the back of his head from the sudden overwhelming pleasure. You weren’t playing around and he knew it. There was no denying him of your touch, no playful teasing licks, your eyes were now just as dark as his letting known you meant business. “Those shitty kids that don’t bother to study will never get to experience the joy in watching you teach, learning the wonderful things you have to share, get a glimpse into that beautiful mind of yours.” Your voice dropping fast, barely even holding steady at this point. The sight of him in a melting mess from your ministration had got to be the best reward of all. 
You knew of the insecurities drowning your professor, being so young and so inexperienced. Although his bright and cheerful facade tells otherwise, beneath all the confident is a crumbling mess of doubts that he’s even good enough to teach, if he’s even doing his job correctly. If only he could understand the joy you take in listening to him so passionately preach his skill. The way he glowed so brightly with a soft smile on his lips reciting the steps to correctly do a formal proof had you lost for words. By the 3rd lecture of the course, you knew this wasn’t just a job for him. It’s his joy, h life, his whole world.
With a long well prepared breath, you sunk your head fully down his length, feeling the firmness pressing tight against your throat. Tear rolling down your cheek but you didn’t dare close your eyes, forcing them to stay on his flickering one. You swallowed hard, feeling the twitches of joy emanating through your mouth, basking in the cusses and groans of a man losing his mind. You pulled away with a pop, clear drops stringing from the top of his dick to your lips as you smirk proudly watching his nearly closed eyes so burning on you. “Fuck them. You did an amazing job with all your lecture. You gave your all to the class, staying late even when you’re not legally obligated to. Tell me, who in this damn department got enough passion for the job that they’d spend all weekend running 5 different review session to prepare those ungrateful brats for the midterms rather than going out drinking with friends?” You clearly no longer abled to control your breathing as you growled so low you were sure it was inaudible. With a swirl of the tongue over the small slit atop his tip, you sent him sinking further into his throne, hands grasping so tightly on the armrests they’re sure to crack in half any second now. “Who? Tell me!” Removing all form of gratification to his elated body, you sternly questioned with your arms crossed, face backing as far away from him as possible, needing to hear him. 
“M-Me. It’s me, no one else.” A ragged answer found itself satisfying your demented way of reassuring his ego.
“Damn right, it’s you.” Stealing the devilish smirk right off his face, you resumed gliding your small fingers over his length, earning a loud groan from the high returning to his tightening abs. “So don’t you dare even start with the ‘I’m not good enough for this job’. I can tell you right now, baby. You’re better than at least 4 of the other senior professors I’ve taken. Damn sure none of them cared enough to give us even a review guide let alone going the distant like you do. I don’t wanna hear none of that bullshit, got it?” Your pace increase as his legs could barely stayed still any longer. You forced yourself onto his lower body, elbows pinning down the jerky movements of his thighs. Mouth hovering, caressing the tip, you took the rest of his aching, twitching dick in your hand, pumping fast, occasionally grazing over his scrotum.
“Fuck, baby. S-stop... You gotta stop. I’m not gonna be able to hold back. Baby!” He grunted in desperation for relief or for you to stop, he couldn’t differentiated. 
“NO! you let go of all your stress. It’s about you right now. Don’t worry about me. I’ll do this all night and more if it means you get the stupid thought out of that big genius brain of yours. You. Kim Hanbin. Is awesome.” From the low muttered cusses, you knew he was close. From the way his lengthy fingers grasping harshly on your hair to the point of pain, you knew he was going to let it all go just for you. With a few murmurs of your name, still in fear of lingering soul late at night hearing your intimate session, he let go, just like you asked him to. Your action never ceased, continuing on well past his breaking point. You reveled yourself in the way he squirmed so helplessly from his orgasm through the oversensitivity of coming down from heaven. Softness return and you finally let go of the man slicked with sweat, immobilized in his seat. 
A lustful moan mingled with the leftover scent of the bashful scene that just happened caught you by surprise. You glanced up to see his face twisted up in pleasure watching you wiped the last bit of milky stain from your lips, licking it off your finger unknowingly turning the spent man on once again. Motioning for you to come close once more, he pulled you into a fervent kiss, no doubt basking in the pride of tasting him and him only on your tongue.
“How the hell do you look so innocent sitting there wiping cum off your lips. What the fuck, baby. I don’t get you.”
“You feel better though?” You murmured against his quivering lips, panting still from coming down.
“God, I’m lucky. Of course. Thank you so much.”
“Good, I did my job. Don’t you ever forget how amazing you are, okay? My admiration for you goes beyond physical attraction and I believe that’s the way it should be. Don’t you ever question your self worth. I’ll be really angry if you do.”
With a nuzzle into the crook of your neck, he let himself rest for a second, regaining his strength, a few quiet thank you reaching your ears.
“So this had got nothing to do with the specs I’m wearing?” The playfulness in his tone returned without much warning, scaring the butterflies in your stomach awake without much effort.
“Oh God...Please forget about that...” Red tinting your cheeks as your hands acted without being commanded to covering, pressing the heat rising away from your skin. He chuckled in amusement at just how easy you flipped from this sinful personality to blushing intensely while innocently resting on top of his lap.
Since then, he’s near impossible to say no to. Unstoppable that man is smugly under his damn glasses. He insisted the only reason he wears them was to avoid another spectacle like the one a few months back where he nearly went blind scratching his eyes while putting on contact in a rush that ultimately put him out of commission for a good week. But really, who does he thinks he’s fooling. You know his game too damn well to know it’s mere coincident he’s donning the cursed piece of accessory during exam day. 
God know how long it’ll take him to grade the exam and one could only pray for the stress about to bestow upon the young professor. You, on the other hand, completely free of all obligation now that the exam had past. There was no homework for another week,it’s not as though you worry too much about the new material. Which means, your night completely open, wide open for the usual meeting.
Nodding lightly to let you know he noticed, he quickly goes back to moving his red pen as to not draw attention to whom he was staring at. Although by the subtle complacence dancing on his handsome features, you’d say he’d much rather continue this forbidden banter than staring at the messy proofs of vector spaces. Sadden by the sudden break of attention, you pout before resting your chin on your own table and watch as everyone else struggle. You can’t blame him for his coldness, it was necessary to keep your relationship going, whatever it may be. 
Even though during your many times getting physical he’d casually slipped out a “You’re mine”, he had never really made it clear what he sees you as. From the beginning, you knew this was going to be the devil’s deal and nothing good would come from it. Well, lots of good things but that’s beside the point. It was a fuck up “love story” from the start and you were both just trying to make the best of a weird situation. Never once did he made a move on you despite on multiple occasions he said you hold a special place in his life for being able to understand him on so many levels. The amount of time you’ve had intellectual conversation with him was just as often as the times he fucked you practically on every single surface of his house that could support both of your concupiscence. 
Often time one thing leads to the other. After a heated session of bodies crashing into each other, you’d be wrap up in his blanket with a cup of tea in hand deep in conversation about every corner of the universe. If anyone seen you two then, they wouldn’t suspect what sort of dirty unimaginable fleeting things were whispered just moments before. He couldn’t be anymore amazing: handsome, nice body, definitely know how to pleasure a girl. But the things that had gotten you strapped down, holding onto your dear life in this crazy ride in the first place had to be was the amazing personality, and that big brain of his. He possesses the vast wisdom of an old soul yet the eccentric knowledge and open-mindedness of the young folks. It was slowly becoming a pet peeve of yours to listen to mindless gossip about how hot he looks, smack the shit out of the girls that drone on and on about the ways. Why? You weren’t really sure, it just rubs you the wrong way. If only they know what kind of shit he’s into when the bedroom door shut. 
Boredom driving away the slumber you long for, you let out a frustrating sigh earning dagger glares from quite a few folks. Whispering sorry, you look up to see him slyly pointing at his phone then you. Taking the hint, you reach into your pocket and get out your phone.
[8:31] Nerd👓: I know you hate being in my class but could you not disturb everyone else?
[8:32] Who was it that forced me into attending every session? 🤔 But sorry... I didn’t mean to ):
[8:32] Nerd👓: Bad girl don’t get what they want… We talked about this.
[8:32] 😳 I
[8:35]  Nerd👓: 🙄
Bad girls don’t get what they want
That was becoming his favorite phrase these past recent days. You had accidentally let slipped your most shameful secret about a month back during one particularly stormy night while being entangled in his soft blanket. Forcing to keep each other warm with body heat and rhythmic movements, neither of you really minded that the central heating was completely out of service and wasn’t being fix for another week. Moans lost within the noise of the badgering storm outside, you completely forgotten about the tick of time that doesn’t stop for anyone until it was well past 1 AM.  Being the gentleman he is, you driving home alone wasn’t an option with the darkening rain outside. You vetoed his suggestion of him driving you home since that would make for a very complicated situation. Not to mention the risks of him driving alone in the rain after a 15 hours day at school, exhausted was not one you were about to take. Then there was the issue of how would you retrieve your car the next morning in time for school. You couldn’t damn well as your roommate, who by the way has an intense crush on Hanbin, to drop you off at his house. When he offered to pick you up the next morning, a bigger problem presented itself. Nobody could see you two together in such a intimate manner. Being a broke ass college student, you share an apartment with 2 other girls. How was it that you made it home but your car didn’t.
 “How did you get his home address? Why do you have a key and his security code. Oh and by the way, was that the hot professor dropping you off at wee hours of the night? Wait he’s picking you up tomorrow too? What’s going on?”
You remember yourself pacing back and forth enunciating everything sarcastically to make your point. He chuckled at the unraveling worry mess in front of him which pissed you off even more. None of this was funny, if you two get caught it’d be big trouble in paradise. Walking up the  embodiment of stress in the middle of his living room, he pulled you into a big embrace calming your nerve almost instantly. Once you had calmed down, his hands traveled to cup your face tenderly. Pressing a haste kiss onto your cheek, his lips curled into a soothing smile.
“You’re overthinking it. Stay with me tonight.”
He never needed to do much to get you warp into this carefree pocket of life. Every time was like the first time being with him all over again. All your worries, all your caution went out the window the moment his soft lips meet yours. Scratch that, all your thoughts and senses also go out the window. Your arms immediately retreated back to their favorite position around his body, gently ghosting over the soft skin of his naked torso. At your consenting touch, he ran his hand through your hair pushing the kiss deeper. The other hand assumed its favorite resting place on your ass signaling the start of another storm of your own kind. 
Knowing where this was heading, you hopped up quietly when his hands grabbed your thighs and pulled your body up. Walking back to his bedroom, he laid you down on the bed before gingerly crashing his whole body weight on top of you. Hanbin’s a very passionate lover - gentle and delicate with just the right touch of firmness. To him it wasn’t just casual sex but rather making love. He took time caressing every part of your body with either his hands or his mouth, letting you know in between touches how much he appreciate the moment. His touches were soft but by all mean straight to the point. Sliding his finger up and down your clothed slit, he whispered lovingly “you’re all mine” before another collision of lips happened. Arching your back in pleasure, your hands tried their best to get in contact with whatever skin they could find. God, how could someone skin be so smooth and velvety. Feeling the desperation in your touch, he sat up and let you worked on his pants. Pushing his hip up to help you slide away the piece of clothing that was getting more and more constricting as the seconds passed from his growing member, he slid off your pants and panties as a whole. A mischievous smile danced on his lips before his strong hand spread your legs wide open and his face hovered in between. He wasted no time in making out with your hot core. Tongue ravaging your sweet cave, his eyes focused intensely on your hands that was now shoving inside your shirt to reach his 2nd favorite part of your body, first being your eyes. Your hands tugged your lust filled nipples to further the gratification that’s radiating from your clit. Clearly enjoying the show, the contact from his kisses get sloppier and quicker as your moan amplified. Breaking away for a moment, he let out a very rare firm demand for you to remove your shirt. It was an unusual thing for him to do since if he wants it, he’ll get it done himself. It’s almost like you don’t have to lift a hand, just respond to his touch is enough. Slightly turn on by the commnad, you flung your shirt off at the speed of light and he resumed his activity. Gentle Hanbin is your favorite but something about the rare split second where it almost seemed like a his hidden, rougher and harsher self slipped through the crack his carefully well maintained controlled one that turn you on like nothing else in this world. The need for release increased and your hand caressed through his hair, pushing his face in even further. In response, 2 fingers were shoved inside your messy core suddenly causing you to hiss while his tongue still having fun on your clit. A third finger caused a sensory overload on your body and what came out next forever changed your entire dynamic. A sudden aggression filled his movement making you cried in utter pure lust.
- “Shit, that feels so good daddy. Please, Hanbin...Harder”
The second the desperate pleading left your mouth, both your hands flew toward your face, hiding it in embarrassment and your eyes jerked open. He was clearly caught of guard as all contact on your body ceased, doe eyes staring down at you in a rush of debating whether he had heard correctly. Scared that you might have driven him off, your fingers parted slightly so you can take a peak at your lover. What you thought would be shock on his face were actually a mix a devilish smirk and something you never thought you’d see from him, cockiness. Confused by his expression, your hands dropped away from your face and you stared in awe. It was like you had just seen the 8th wonder of the world. Out of nowhere, his thumb went back to kneading your clit gently while he moved in closer. Startled from the sudden touch, you jerked your body upward but his hand firmly on your chest pushed your body back onto the bed, hovering dangerously close to your throat. A dark cloud of lust took over his gentle eyes while the weird mix of expression still lingered. Finally he spoke.
- “Oh, baby girl… you really shouldn’t have said that. Do you even realize what you did just now by calling me that?
You shaked your head hesitantly while your hand felt up his perfect abs. Even though his finger was still working on your core, it was nothing compare to the waves of pleasure from a moment ago. His free hand grabbed yours and slid it up across his chest then back down. He placed your hand on his hard glistened with precum dick and motioned for you to continue rubbing. Eyes still gazing deep into your soul, his lips curl into a grin.
- “Do you know how hard daddy had to try and hold back because I thought I’d scare you off? That I might hurt your little fragile self?”
- “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you wanted me to… If I had known….”
- “Well, no matter. Just know, you just did a very, very bad thing. Are you sure your body can take whatever daddy wants?” His voice sultrily tickled your bare skin, raising all your hair on their ends.
- “Yes.”
- “Yes, what?” He grunted, voice dropping to the depth of the deep sea as displeasure curled his lips into almost a snarl.
His fingers pinched your clit causing you to yelp out in surprise. Fulling understanding he’s no longer playing around, you complied to his every request thinking to yourself maybe that slip up might not be so bad after all.
- “Yes, daddy” you squeaked out timidly, putting up the best innocent eyes you could mustered up under such corrupted situation, fearful of being deny pleasure.
He bent down and pressed a hot kiss to your forehead, momentarily went back to his usual soft spoken self to make sure you were really okay with everything. Pulling his lips onto yours, you murmured a yes onto his lips before he harshly pulled away. You had dreamt so many time about calling him daddy but never once thought he’d be the type of guy that’s into such kink. Although your sex was nothing close to being vanilla, he was so gentle and loving, not a mean bone in his body. Who would’ve thought he’d play into the role so perfectly. Disappointed in the lack of contact, you pouted and he just simply smirked at the new found power.
- “Maybe if you beg hard enough, daddy will do whatever you want.
That marked first day you officially stay overnight and the day everything changes. After that night, an accident turned into a routine. A routine lead to many more discussion about each others’ sexual limits, pushing boundaries and setting new ground. Even with the new dominant side, he would always make sure you were okay with things before acting upon his desires. 
Glaring back up after reading his text, you spot your beloved professor with a smirk on his lips while penning away at the stack of exams. You were never one to back off from a fight despite letting him dominate over you most of the time. If he really want to play this game, so can you.
[8:33] I’m sorry daddy… I just wanted your attention. I got sad cause you barely even looked at me ): I just had the most amazing wet dream about you before i got woken up. I just want daddy’s hands all over me.
The moment the little check mark indicate ‘read’, his face went pale and cold from the shock that’s crashes down on him like a tsunami while you’re sitting there glaring in stone cold arrogant. Hand still clutching his phone tightly, his head immediately snaps toward your direction with the most dumbstruck with terror expression on it. You tease him even further by putting on the best doe eyes pouty face you could. You were never brave enough to do anything like this so publicly, you know better than to risk getting caught. However today, seeing how you carefully chose to sit in the very last row in the very corner seat next to the wall, what’s the harm. That meant no one could see what you were doing from behind and luck was on your side, you had the whole entire row to yourself as everyone else chose seats up close to the board. Not even a minute later your phone buzz in excitement.
[8:33]  Nerd👓: Baby girl, what do you think you’re doing? You know better than this… Don’t make me angry.
[8:34] But Dadddyyyyy… I’m bored. I finished my exam already. Can’t you cancel the class and play with me? Look how wet I am for you…
You pull up the hem of your skirt slightly to reveal the dampen underwear before spreading your legs and inconspicuously snap a photo under the table. Praise the heaven no one is sitting within 5 ft radius of you. You can see his hand hesitate for a moment before letting out a sigh and opening up your text. He knows all too well a picture message from you could be nothing but trouble. His fingers furiously type a reply before going back to grading. If his expression was stone cold before, it was now stiffening to a slight shade of fury as his eyebrows furrow and nose scrunches up a bit.
[8:35]  Nerd👓: You need to stop this instant. I’m serious, stop playing around. What did I say about texting me dirty things in class?
[8:35] You’re so boring. I was gonna tell you about my dream and all the things I want you to do but whatever. I don’t wanna play with daddy anymore. By the way, interesting choice in accessory today. Don’t say I started this, you did.
You don’t need to be told twice to know he’s not into the game. You strut down the steps of the room, exam in hand. You muster up your best resting bitch face and stare him dead in the eyes before sliding the paper neatly on top of his desk. His expression has gone back to being soft after seeing you up close, wanting... needing nothing but one smile from you as salvation to the tedious work ahead. He give a small smile but you chose to just ignore him, keeping a straight face. His smile drops and guilt begin tapping at your heart but still, you made your bed now you’re laying in it, keeping true to your cold facade. Walking back to your seat, your hips put on their best performance swaying back and forth to tease him, the hem of your skirt swings freely with each step. Getting frustrated, you flop your head back down onto the table and forcing yourself back to sleep ignoring the buzzing of messages radiating from your pocket.
As you run through the perfect meadow of your dream, a sudden tightness on your thigh sends distress to your peaceful mind. A gasp escapes your mouth from being jerk away from sleep so suddenly. As your eyes flutter open, you feel warmth on your lips while the tighten hold on your thigh persist as it slides up higher on your thigh. Your hand put a dead stop to the foreign hand as it was now reaching under the hem of your skirt, finger squeezing as hard as they can hoping your nail could do some damage and ward the stranger off. Your eyes shot open quickly before a calming voice put ease into your whole body with soft pets over your hair.
- “Time to go home, you can’t sleep here all night.”
Recognizing the sweet voice, your hand loosen its grip letting the strong, large hand continue on its destination, tips of his finger playfully toying with the seam of your underwear. Your lips returning the warmth it received while murmuring quietly.
- “Hanbin?”
- “Yea. Come on, let’s get going.”
- “How long was I sleeping for? I’m so tired.”
- “Not too long. I didn’t want to wake you up before everyone left. Daddy needs some alone time with you.”
He groans as his hand still running up and down your thigh, teeth grazing your earlobe slightly. Finally lifting your head up from the table, your haze filled eyes caress every inch of the tall body in front of you with insatiable hunger. Motioning for you to get up, his arms grab hold on your waist after you stumble slightly. Pulling your body close, he whispers for the usual meeting. You gather up your belonging before giving him a haste goodbye kiss and head out the door. Walking toward a coffee shop nearby, you figured some coffee would be good for whatever he had in mind when he asked for ‘alone time’. Also,it would probably be a good idea not to show up to his office right after the exam in case of stragglers wanting to talk about how badly they did on theirs. Coffee in hand, you stop off to get him a sandwich as a reward seeing how hard he worked during class. As usual, you surf the net till you get the go ahead
[10:15]  Nerd👓: the coast clear
[10:15] Comin’ (:
Getting the safety confirmation, you hasten your way across campus toward a habitual path. Walking down the dark hallway, you have to admit being at school so late is kind of creepy. Most of his hallway office mate had gone for the night, thus the dark room behind the locked door. The rare room with light was tightly shut, probably staying late to grade exams. Who said teachers have it easy. Finally reaching your destination, you knock timidly with your foot as your hands are preoccupied with the coffees. A few second passed and you hear clicking of the lock. Slipping in quickly, he sticks his head out to make sure no one was watching before locking the door. Setting the food and drinks down, you throw your bag pack clumsily onto the floor earning a groan from him.
“Kid, I know you don’t care for school but can you at least take care of your school stuff.”
Turning around, you press your body onto his, hands resting on his chest.
“I do care for school, i just think it’s tedious.”
“Is that what my class is to you? tedious? is that why you either skip or sleep during it?”
“No, your lectures are great, and funny… It’s just i’d rather sleep.”
To hear his life work taking lower priority than a physical necessity, he smacks your ass hard causing you to jump backward, stupefy about what had just happened. Without warning, his eyes take on a shade of seriousness that instill fear on your poor nerve still recovering from the sudden switch as he slowly struts toward you. Sensing the looming event, you subconsciously back away from his large stature. Still moving forward, his hands begin to unbutton his cuffs and rolls them up.
“Now about what you did in class earlier… Did you think you can play around like that and expect daddy not to punish you?”
Playing along with his pretend anger, you mewl out your best cry and beg for mercy.
“I’m sorry daddy, please. I didn’t mean to upset you, please. I won’t do it again.”
At the same time, you stop backing away and drop onto your knee. Once he’s within arm reach, your hand shakily play with his belt buckle. As much as you love how tightly his slack hugs his ass, he looks much better with it off. He let you go as far as pulling the buckle open before bunching up your hair and pulls you away from his body. You let out a whimper at the sudden cut of contact.
- “What did daddy say about being a bad girl?” his voice lowers, tickling your spine.
- “Bad girls don’t get what they want.” You whimper almost pathetically compare to his firm tone.
- “Right! Now would you rather me ignoring you for being so bad or take your punishment like the big girl I know you are. I gotta warn you, my punishment won’t be pretty.” He muses over the option, brows raise in anticipation of your choice. Deep down, he’d much rather you choose the latter because his poor soul could never ignore you for long.
Obeying his every words, you bend over onto his desk and wait in silent, making your choice known. You don’t need to look to know he’s taking his time admiring the view, smirking victoriously. Another second passed before you hear clinking of his buckle and the swift sound of it being pull away from his pants. His hand rubbing your ass slightly before pulling the hem of your skirt up to reveal a lace cheeky pair of undies that’s already soaked. Hand still grabbing your ass harshly, he leans so close you can feel every breath.
“Do you know how much i love when you’re willing to bend to my every words? how much I adore seeing you so utterly obedient to all my will and wish?”
“Yes, daddy” You quipped without hesitation, adoring the way his rough hand kneading at your soft flesh.
“Good. But doesn’t that make you even more guilty for defying my words like you did in class today? Knowing it’d make me mad? Why?” The way your eyes flutter close and gentle smiles radiate jolts of intense satisfaction all through his body. Your face almost looks serene despite the near skin splitting bite sinking into your lower lip.
“Because… I know daddy will punish me if I do.” 
“So you like it when i get rough with you?”
“Yea… Sometimes...”
“What is it, baby?”
“Sometimes I just need you to be rough. You won’t break me, I promise!” You said with almost an innocent glee to your voice, completely unsullied by the sinful acts that was happening. It honestly break his tough shell faster than any other force on this planet. He fully realizes by the 3rd time sharing skin with you that you do it completely unintentional, not even realizing what it does to him. 
“If that’s what my baby girl’s wish, who am I to deny her.”
You peek over to see him folding his belt in half before snapping it loudly. Preparing yourself for what’s going to happen next, you quickly grab his jacket and clutch onto it tightly for some sort of comfort. Smirking at your action, he smooths his hand over your ass before snapping his belt onto your left cheek quickly. Walking toward the other side, he places a hand onto the dimple of your back indicating another hit was coming. You let out a loud muffled whimper from biting on his jacket just as the whipping sound echo through the room. Running the cold belt buckle over the large red hot stripes blooming on your ass, he bends over to kiss your hair. finger pulling back a few strand of hair and tucking it behind your ears, he places more kisses on your cheek before whispering for you to get up. Dropping the belt onto the table, he pulls you into a warm embrace, palms pressing tight against the hot skin soothing it.
- “Did I hurt you?”
You whine and nod onto his chest while arms tightening around his body.
- “I’m sorry.” he whines kisses your lips.  “It’s all done. Are you gonna behave like the good girl I know you are now?”
His hand move away from your face and down onto your breasts. Eyes focus completely on your cleavage while thumb absently rubbing circles around your nipple.
“Yes, I’m sorry for upsetting you. I just want you to touch me.”
“I know, I wanted so badly to take you then and there. I have a meeting in 10 minutes so how about you go home and wait for me? It shouldn’t take too long.”
He senses the disappointment in your pouty face and so he presses big wet kiss onto your lips. Pulling away from him, you frown, dropping your arms off his body.
“ Awe. Don’t be like that. I don’t want to rush it.”
Mumbling a quiet okay before turning away to pick up your bag, you were anything but happy. Before you could reach the bag, one of his arm wraps around your waist flushing you impossibly close against his body, pressing his bulge tight on your backside. the other arm snaking down pass your skirt and resting on your core. Fluttering kisses on your neck and shoulder had you slumping over in completely lost of control over your own body. You squirm under the intense gratification blooming fast with every touch of his lips, his fingers rub hastily on your clit. You let out a gasp from the sudden flood of pleasure, your knee buckle causing you to grab his muscular arms for support. Never cease contact, he move you back toward his desk. Turning your body around, he lifts you off the ground and set you sitting atop the wooden piece of furniture. Without warning, he drops to his knee and dine away in between your legs. You squeeze your thighs around his head trying your best to cope with the rush of gratification. Leaning back on your elbows, your back arch and cusses slip out of your mouth when he pushes 3 fingers into you, pumping fast. Breaking contact for a moment, he peers up at the sight of the melting mess he’s causing and smile.
“I’m sorry, I thought we’d have more time for this. I didn’t think the students would stay that long.”
- “It’s okay, I can wait. You don’t need to, I’ll wait for you to get home.”
You somehow manage to mutter a comprehensible sentence despite the pulsating wave of satisfaction from your core, a deep puddle building up fast in your stomach. Your hand move to grab his hair and pushes his face further in indicating you were close. His tongue works harder as his fingers pump even faster. A mischievous grin breaches his lips from the sight of your fist shoving knuckle deep into your mouth, muffling the harsh pants and moan. Not a minute later, your nectar gushes all over his lips and fingers. Dropping your body onto the desk heavily, your chest could barely keep up as you try to catch your breaths. Your eyes lazily gaze over to see him pulling his dirty fingers out of his mouth with a loud pop. Smiling softly, you raise both your arms up and he walks over to pull you up into a hug. Leaning on his shoulder, you reach your finger up to pull his chin toward your face. Noticing his fingers trying to wipe your left over stickiness on his face, you help out by licking and kissing whatever remnant you can reach.
- “Okay, i don’t think licking is working… that’s making it worse actually” he lets out a chuckle but did nothing to stop your tongue.
- “Okay, stay there.”
You quickly hop off and make your way over to your backpack. Pulling out a pack of wet-wipes, you proceed to wipe his chin and neck while he lean on the desk to rest. Tossing the wipe away, you pull down his sleeves and buttoning it back up, straightening out the wrinkles as best as you can. Grabbing the source of the forming bruises on your buttcheeks, you loop his belt around his slack and buckling it back up while giving him a small kiss. Staring up at his messy hair, you let out a small chuckle before moving your  hands up to style it back to how it was before. Sliding your hands off his shoulders for the finishing touches, you back away and stare him down with a satisfying smile.
- “There, good as new and totally presentable.”
Pulling you back toward him, he presses a kiss on your nose and you let out a giggle.
- “I can really use to this. You should stop spoiling me before I do.”
The smile on your face fades off from his comment fast completely unaware of by the happy man. There he goes again saying things that confuse the shit out of you. Glancing back up at the clock, he stands up and begins to gather his things.
- “Alright cutie, I gotta go before I get yell at. I’ll see you at home okay?”
Snapping out of your daze, you smile and nod. Grabbing the sandwich you’re forcefully shoving into his hand, he stares at you in confusion.
- “I know you’ve been working all day and skipping dinner. Pastrami and black coffee, your favorite. I hope at least this will make the meeting go faster.”
Smiling and pinching your cheek, he plants another kiss on your lips before walking off. Staring up and down the hall to make sure no one was around, he motions for you to come out.
- “You’re seriously so cute. I don’t think anyone ever notice that i skip meals while simultaneously sleep in class before. That’s a pretty amazing skill set, definitely list that on your resume. But stop spoiling me, if i get use to this then you’re in trouble.”
- “I don’t mind. I’ll see you at home okay? If you come back and the sandwich is still not eaten, you’ll be the one in trouble.”
You whisper lowly in case someone still lurks around the empty hallway. Turning your heels, you begin walking toward the exit to give some distant between you two. Before reaching it however, you turn around to see him locking the door.
- “By the way…” his hands stop and he looks over your direction. “ … I record your lectures and listen to it at home. You’re a great professor.”
You flash your best smile at him before continuing on your path. The young professor stands there completely at peace with everything that was happening. Joy erupts on his handsome features as he basks in the sunshine of something new, something he was now sure he wants with you. 
Part 2 
Okay so like I was looking for a gif of Hanbin in glasses or at least a suit to go with the professor theme. Miracle if I could find him in both... and I got this little gem of fetus Binnie. Just thought I’d leave it here.
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