#just because they can't handle a smidgen of cognitive dissonance
corbinite · 5 years
Every leftist fb page I follow just turns into such a toxic fuckfest. If you MILDLY criticize their idols they act like you personally drove to their house and shat on their lawn in front of their children. If you say steve irwin, while an overall cool guy, could have used methods that respected the animals better and were less anthropocentric, you get accused of “gaslighting”. If you point out that peta isn’t actually respected in vegan circles and carnists are projecting onto the organization for their own narrative as if peta is the only voice of authority for vegans, they talk about how you live in a bubble and peta is actually the only thing worth talking about when it comes to veganism, or even more paradoxically get accused of defending peta (because what is reading comprehension). If you say “I am a survivor of gaslighting and I don’t appreciate being accused of this just because your ego is too wrapped up in the idol worship of someone you never even met” you get mocked and derided, they dig into your further and act like it’s funny. So much for these pages and their followings taking a stand against abuse and its apologism.
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