#just dont pin the blame of that frustration on other members of the same community ur apart of
kalofi · 3 years
thank you so much. all the times my mother raged about the fucking queers and why couldn’t they keep to themselves and not act so flamboyant and the fucking d-slurs and how gross they were thank you! I love hearing these words that were weaponized against people just like me. stupid not to want to be called. love that. apologies 4 not letting that go apologies 4 not reclaiming it apologies for hating that word in the mouth of every straight but it hurting more when it comes from some1 like me
look. i am just some dude on the internet. but i am genuinely and truly sorry you had to go through that, thats a pain that no one should have to endure. u r completely justified in your avoidance and discomfort of the words. that being said, they r also words that have and most likely always will be used by their respective groups as a way to identify themselves. no one is forcing you to use them, and if they r they shouldnt b. some lesbians r ok w using the d slur, some r not. some ppl in the community r ok w using the word queer, others r not. we r not a monolith and never will be, that is the point of our community. we r a collection of individuals who feel shunned and underrepresented by society's norms, and thus have chosen to come together under that shared oppression to make something by ourselves, for ourselves.
i dont want to get preachy or more rambly than this already is so ill just end it by saying this: your experiences r your own, and you are justified in however that makes you feel about the usage of specific words. however, u have no right telling others what words they can or cannot use to describe their own experiences, and are not justified in telling others they r wrong for using those words if they are able to reclaim them
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