#just shoot an ask about like what ego ya wanna hear Dudz' thoughts on
cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
Dudz aka my ISWM OC but re-done
So uh yeah I re-did this fucker,, bc I just didn’t like the old description- It wasn’t spaced out enough and just- annoying to look at-
I’m much prouder of this dude now
TWs: Cannibalism, Injury, Death, and Vomiting are kinda mentioned here
| Real Name: Chase Dudley Blackwell
| Nicknames: C, Dudz, or Cryptid
| Title: The Arnston Forest Huntsman sometimes called The Rabid Huntsman (considering the name Chase means ‘the huntsman/huntsman’ I figured it’d be fitting here)
| Gender: Trans FTM (He/Him)
| Age: Mid 30s/40s
| Height: 7’3”
| Species/Race: Human but he’s god VERY inhuman strength
| Occupation: …Not really an occupation LMAO- but he’s a Murderer essentially, a cannibal for more specifics!
| Eye Color: Baby Blue (REALLY dark circles underneath his eyes)
| Hair Color: Black (his hair is just frazzled, messy as hell, hasn’t been brushed in years and it’d hang completely over his face if not for Murdock insisting he pin it back with a man bun or ponytail)
| Weapon of Choice: His favorite weapon is his large ax (aka Ax Big) second is just a butcher’s knife
| Skin Color/Body Type: He’s extremely pale and fat (big large and w i d e frame man)
| Appearance: Dudley’s main outfit is a black apron that’s torn up and dirty in many places (he usually just keeps it on since he’s constantly going and getting more victims to consume), he wears a dark purple turtleneck sweater underneath it, gray jeans that are also ripped up and his outfit is pretty much covered in blood.
He has black combat boots with purple laces in them, he thinks it looks nice ok? A killer can have aesthetics too-
He wears a black bull mask over his face as well, he wears black gauges in his ears, he doesn’t have pointed ears or anything like that but he does have two sets of fangs, he also has black n purple painted nails too (it looks terrible, he’s not good at it at all) and he has a circle beard.
And he has TONS of scars like ALL over his body, there’s too many to count or name he’s got so many, most of them look like they were from past struggles essentially (aka victims fighting back and some of them got pretty fuckin n a s t y with him)
And those scars were caused by all sortsa things, like some were bullets, some were stab wounds, some were burn marks, etc- That’s actually one of the reasons he wears the mask over his face.
He made it himself out of a bull skull that he painted black in the end, the most prominent scarring is the burn marks covering his face, hence the mask he wears.
| Personality: I was gonna skip this again but fuck it, okay he’s a sadistic bastard likewise, that much won’t change, he’s a goddamn menace who takes pleasure in hurting and or killing others, he v much loves eating humans- He’s a disgusting bastard-
He’s still very selectively mute and doesn’t much care for talking even then (the most he’s ever talked to someone was his dad, Stan The Water Man, not even Murdock has heard him speak that much) that’s the only silent thing about him though.
He’s a HUGE dude so he’s going to make a lot of noise otherwise but that’s besides the point, he’s cruel, evil, and very dangerous- that’s short, straight and to the point as I can get it-
| Side Facts: Okay so first up is how Dudz n Murdock met and instead of giving a mini-fic, Imma keep this as short as I can- (newsflash its not short) First and foremost- Dudz is kinda a notorious killer, especially around the Arnston Forest area, not many people stay around Arnston these days.
Because of all the murders that happened, they ESPECIALLY actively avoid the forest like wildfire …But hey you always have your idiots who’ll go exploring in places they shouldn’t, yeah those idiots haven’t came back either.
But basically, Dudz met Murdock after one of his own victims escaped and ran into the forest (unknowingly mind you)- Dudz was out just patrolling around, seeing if anyone wandered in when he heard one of his traps go off nearby.
He had his ax with him and headed that way and sure enough, he found a person there …They were pretty marked up already, more so than just the bear trap, in fact those were… Stab wounds? …Oh well either way
Of course they screamed at the sight of Dudley which only made him exhale deeply through his nose, he wasted little time in picking them up by the head (with one hand mind you, I’m not joking when I say he’s HUGE and inhumanly strong)
He practically tore them from the trap, their uh poor leg getting left behind unfortunately which only caused them to scream and cry louder, which he was getting annoyed at (...there is a sense of sadistic satisfaction)
But he just h a t e s the… the l o u d… Too loud, it's too loud but he doesn’t have time to uh…
Deal with that right now so- He just swings them over his shoulder (Murdock had caught up btw, I forgot fgjdklgfjdfs, he’s been watching in the bushes and he saw Dudz pick them up by their head and rip them from the trap with o n e hand)
Murdock would usually be angry at someone for stealing a kill from him …But this time? Oh no… He was actually mildly curious so he followed behind at a distance, being careful as to not be seen or anything.
And the whole thing goes as, Dudz takes them back to his dusty crusty old cabin he stays hidden out in when he’s not visiting his dad- And he chops them up and prepares a meal n such as that-
Murdock is watching through the window and that’s when it strikes him- Cause this guy seemed familiar already but he just couldn’t put his finger on it (there are wanted posters of him after all)
This was that cannibal the news n things had been talking about! …And oh man… Murdz was SUCH a fan, sure, okay, yeah- don’t get him wrong, cannibalism? Not his schtick, he would never- But this killer… Just, oh m a n-
…As Dudley is preparing the meal, Murdock notices- the guy’s setting out… Two plates? …Is he expecting someone and then he sees Dudz grab his ax and suddenly whip his head around to the window Murdz was in.
The two locking eyes right then and there (I said this was going to be short and straight to the point psh, since when can I ever?) But uh I’ll… Try to wrap it up- Anyways- Dudley motions for Murdock to step in and to his surprise he does, he figured the other would run.
Then he notices the bloodied knife Murdz is carrying, and then he blinks slowly (almost like a frog blink) ah, so that’s why the victim was already pre-stabbed… Makes sense.
Murdock tries to ease the tension down because he can tell Dudz is a bit ‘trigger’ happy with his ax right now and on high alert, just tries his smooth talk, puts his weapon away and then to his surprise Dudz puts his down.
…Murdz does uh the talking since Dudley doesn’t, well, ya know- Tells him that he’s actually a big fan which Dudz tilts his head at, he looks… Bemused if anything upon hearing that- A… Fan…? Of his work?
Murdock explains that he’s heard many things about The Arnston Forest Huntsman or… The Rabid Huntsman, whatever he prefers- Which is when Dudz announces his name/nickname which seems to startle Murdz, like o h damn- he CAN talk- okay
“...Got’cha, Dudz…” And then Murdock introduces himself and Dudz seems to perk up at that name, and it's clear that he knows who Murdock is …And okay he’s not- gonna fanboy rn-
Although Dudz can see the excitement in his face ….hmm… Cute… And then it goes from there, Murdock makes a deal with Dudz bc he’s also on the run too, the two could use each other’s help- even though Dudley seems to be the loner type …Surprisingly he agrees.
The two seal the deal by having a meal together, despite Murdz attempts to get out of it bc o-oh no I don’t eat hu- …Dudz’s death glare and heavy breathing was enough, he sat down and tried it (he didn’t tell Dudley but he threw up within the hour)
…Dudley was none the wiser and VERY pleased Murdock liked his meal so well- And so they kinda just, hit it off from there essentially-
Dudz finds Murdock to be very annoying at times with all the scheming and planning, he h a t e s all this talking and shit- So Dudz just d o e s, he’s the brawns more so than the brains- He just wants f o o d, he’s definitely by no means smart, he’s a dummy-
Murdock is genuinely surprised that Dudley hasn’t gotten caught yet with how reckless and dumb he can be but eh surprise surprise- Despite the two seemingly hating each other on the outside, looking to constantly get on each other’s nerves.
Deep down, they are very close, Dudley is genuinely overprotective of Murdock- He’d lay down his own life to protect the other, and Murdz would do the same to Dudz- They do love n care for each other deep down a l o t …Also they’re gay for one ano-
Dudley despite most his meals involving human, is a TERRIFIC cook and he’s a very excellent baker as well, sometimes he’ll be lazier and not go out hunting humans- Sometimes he’ll actually just fix normal food-
He’s got a HUGE sweet tooth and is HEAVILY motivated by candy, probably a way you could survive (...yeah ya know what I’m getting at here) if he smells candy on you, he’ll lower his weapon and just start drooling all over you.
Murdz has used the candy motivator many times on Dudley to get him to do something he needed or to follow along with the plans he’s made, literally if you throw the candy- Dudley will get down on all fours and run at it like a dog.
…Murdz has also been pounced on and nearly had his bones crushed because of said candy motivator tactic but AHEM besides the point.
Dudley would… NOT give great hugs- I don’t care how soft he is- …I’m not saying you CAN’T hug him- oh no, I would never- But he’d either crush your spine or he’d just take a bite out of you, either one really- …Even if you give him candy, your gonna get crushed-
The only one he’s TRULY and fully gentle with is his dad, Stan- Stan The Water Man.
Lemme be clear he isn't super rough or careless with Murdock, he’s kinda gentle with him but not as much as he is with someone like Stan bc he knows Murdz isn't AS fragile in a weird sorta way.
NOW- Speaking of Stan- likewise, Dudley isn’t related by blood to Stan oh no no- BUT- Stan adopted Dudley, now sure… He is a… Grown man but it just looked like Dudz could use a father figure in his life at the very least bc to Stan he didn’t seem to be doing much-
And also when Stan called him ‘sport’ ‘champ’ and stuff like that it seemed to make him c r y- at first Stan thought he had offended him or upset him but Dudley slowly explained, even switching to sign language when his throat was giving out.
It went fairly normally, although the adoption wasn’t uh set in a legal setting- …It couldn’t be because for some reason unbeknownst to Stan- Dudley didn’t want uh to go anywhere where like cops n shit like that would be
…But oh well! Stan STILL considers him a son! No documents don't change that! Dudley is VERY fond and attached to his dad (as you can imagine, his real parents were shit) honestly? Stan is the only real dad he’s ever considered.
Stan wholeheartedly and fully supported him when he found out Dudley was trans, he was a little confused at first, but Stan tried v e r y hard to be mindful of the questions he asked until he got on track, and he told Dudz these words “Well no matter who ya are, I’ll always love ya and support you, sport”
Murdock has met Stan, their first meeting went HORRIBLY wrong bc uh he didn’t know this was Dudz’s dad- Murdz did try to kill him but uh Stan is oblivious as hell and didn’t even notice like at ALL
Dudley fucking rushed Murdock and grabbed him by the face and practically tossed him out the window, Murdock was of course angry like DUDLEY WHAT THE F U C K MAN?!? …Dudley quickly began explaining to Murdz that, that man was OFF limits.
Bc dude, that’s my dad you dickhead! You’re NOT killing my dad! And then …Oh m a n was it awkward… Murdock actually apologized for that, like …o-o h  shit- sorry Dudz, I uh- didn’t know- …The two apologized and made up- Dudley for tossing him out the window and uh Murdock for almost killing his dad.
Stan’s first ACTUAL meeting with Murdz, oh my fucking g o d it was awkward as hell bc this man had no idea this one had tried to kill him n shit- and he would NEVER know- …When Murdock left after the meeting-
Stan literally turned to Dudz and told him “...I don’t trust that one too much, sport… He might be a bad influence on ya” …Dudley sweating profusely at that (Stan don’t know the half of it)
BUT if that’s who Dudley chooses and loves, then he won’t hold him back and stop him, just… He just wants his son to be careful- which brings me to the end of this nearly- Stan has NO fucking clue his son is an actual cannibal serial killer (has never seen Dudz’ face but he’d probs recognize him uh if he saw under that mask)
But for now Dudley INTENDS to keep Stan away from the truth, he’s very desperate to hide his true identity from Stan, he’s terrified the other will be scared of him, upset with him, disgusted with him, that he’ll even be like ‘you… You’re no son of mine, you’re a monster’ he’s got it deeply ingrained that Stan would hate and disown him if he found out the truth…
And lemme tell you right now, Dudley would NEVER under ANY circumstances hurt and or kill Stan, even if Stan was about to turn him into the police, he’ll just run away if he could and NEVER return to Stan ever again but hahaha what are the chances of that oblivious man EVER finding out his son is a wanted cannibalistic serial killer?!
…Oh btw he has never and won’t ever try to feed Stan human meat either, no no- any meals he cooks for his dad are STRICTLY normal foods/desserts n shit like that-
Was the one to get Dudley to actually properly hydrate bc oof- oh m a n this dude was fucking b a d at drinking water n shit- Stan helped him to drink more water.
He’s got a southern accent when he speaks bc why not- complete this weird unholy era of cannibals having southern drawls
And to finally finish this shit off because god this has gone on for-fucking-ever! Dudley is Pansexual.
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