#kaido as kusuo's older brother when💥⁉️💥⁉️💥
tobisiksi · 3 months
the parallels between Shun&Toki relationship and Kusuke&Kusuo relationship always get me
Toki is way 'better' than Shun (at least physically)
and Kusuo is way 'better' than kusuke( in every single thing)
the younger sib surpasses the older, but shun knew better and didn't take it too personal, yea it kinda sucks bc toki can fight pretty well and I can't, but oh well he's still my little brother
while kusuke couldn't handle it, he let his jealousy take over him in the worst way, yea he still loves kusuo with all his heart but he just can't stop feeling despise towards him for being better
I blame their parents tho, I don't think that kurumi or kuniharu ever had a little talk with ku-kun about how little sibs often copy the older bc they feel admiration towards them
aaaaghh I'm thinkiiiiigngnngieif it huuuuuurtssz
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