samuraiyuvia ยท 6 years
Actual brothers theory
I know damn well i ain't the only one who thought this. Tumblr peeps be theorizing faster then me ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ but damn
But firstly....
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OKAY.... I think this is a sort of weird marriage/ honeymoon, we are 'one' type of thing. When Sangwoo killed the 'gay club' guy, he wanted Bum to witness it. Then Bum killed the girl, Sangwoo was happy cause now their the 'same'. Throughout Sangwoos plan to kill her, he tells Bum "this is for us"
So When they killed her.....now its like a engagement/marriage.
The marriage wasn't CONSUMMATED until they got out of the police station. Sangwoo was like.. "100% sure ride to die Bumi." So they fucked, and now are official...i guess.
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Now how are they Brothers?
Okay, so the whole thing is that Sangwoos mother looks like Yoonbum
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Yaass gorgeous. Any who, this is a important point to keep this theory alive. We all know Sangwoo avoided killing Yoonbum because he reminds him of his mother.
In Bums flashback we also know Bum inherited all his mother's genes....
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In Bum's flashback we know that his parents are dead, his uncle has custody meaning he was a minor when living with his uncle. I'm not sure of Bum's age? But I'm guessing he's a old teenager. His hair cut is the same to his flashback when he got a drink poured on him.
We also know that Bum's uncle was his mothers boyfriend...before she ditched him for his uncles tall, handsome brother ...being Bum's dad...
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The uncle then quotes "she even married him, it's like she was running away from me....."
Looks back at bum and says " then to make somthing like you"...somthing like that
We know Bum is 4 or 5 years older then Sangwoo. We don't know what age was Bum his parents died?..right? It's possible his parents had him before having Sangwoo, then died. OR DID THEY DIE?
...my theory in this part is that the Dad is a prick. He didn't want his first son to be a weak small man. Since Bum is identical to his mother, his dad could probably assume that Bum wouldn't be like him.
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So in the accident he abandoned Bum, probably told the Mom bum died. And since the uncle was a creep...might as well fake our death and be rid of relatives.
Somthing like that... AND WHEN SANGWOO WAS BORN...
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We all know Sangwoo look like his Daddy. Sangwoo cries about not wanting to be like his dad. Maybe his Dad was superficial and conceited like Sangwoo. Adding to the point of not wanting Bum as a son, maybe.
We all know Sangwoos dad beat his mom. Maybe it's because he knows deep down he lied and abandoned their son.
This is me filling in some blanks. Not everyone will agree....
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People are trying to say "maybe koogi changed her style? OR ELSE THIS WOULDN'T MAKE SENSE"
And im like ...in both flashbacks Sangwoo is a kid. It doesn't take that long to gain wieght people. The Dad was probably stressing, probably lost his job, probably gained weight n beat his wife.
Tho to me in chap. 5 Sangwoo looks a bit older. Any who...
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..Back to this sexy lady
The secret. Could of been that Bum is alive. Her baby boy is living and breathing. Which could of sparked the begining of the murder of Sangwoos parents.
Did Sangwoo find out he had a brother? IDK. Personally i would say no.
But... Sangwoo is a prick..he probably like "the ceremony is incest is wincest. Bum we bros."....
Then a remembered somthing...the thing that shook me
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"...cousin...you might as well should of said you were my brother..."
If koogi is foreshadowing...then this is some Game Of Thrones shit.
...now 10 years would mean Sangwoo was 11 or 12, since he's 21 or 22... According to Korea. U.S might be he was 10 or 9 depending ?
....Who knows...still some blanks....lets inspect more before completely hoping on this crazy train.
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