#kunicat & foxtaglia
merakiui · 1 year
Pleeeeeaaaaseee the interactions between yan!Foxtaglia and yan!Kunikitty would be so good. Because of Foxtaglia's kind demeanor id imagine that the bunny reader would start warming up to him. They play around all the time and foxtaglia always manages to distract Dottore before his experiments get out of hand. Naturally, because of this bunny reader hangs out with him more often. Kunikitty would be so jealous. He'd not act rashly but he'd lurk in the shadows of the hallway watching your every move around Foxtaglia. If he feels youre getting too close he'd go and wedge himself between the two of you. He glares daggers into Foxtaglia's soul. Foxtaglia notices. He notices as Kunikitty stalks the two of you and hes certainly not oblivious to the disdainful glances he gets. He continues his pursuit of you but only makes it more dramatized and quick paced to annoy Kunikitty.
I love this dynamic so much like bro i cant articulate it
Yes yes omg!!!!
Foxtaglia loves to roughhouse, so when you play with him and entertain his mischief he’s quite happy. Not only because it’s a chance to play-flight, but it’s also a chance to rub it in Kunicat’s face. He’ll have you pinned beneath him, flashing pretty, pointed pearly whites at you while you teasingly submit to surrender. Kunicat sees it all; he’s always watching and Foxtaglia is aware of this, which is precisely why he’ll constantly tease and play with you. It won’t be long until you smell more like him, until you favor him, until you willingly come to him. Foxtaglia loves to sleep curled up with you because it’s much warmer and comfier this way. Poor Kunicat is too prideful to make his jealousy known, so he’ll just sulk in his cat tower, silently glaring at the both of you.
Foxtaglia will also protect you when Dottore thinks a bunny hybrid is necessary for his next experiment. Since Dottore’s house is so big, it’s easy to find all sorts of hiding spaces. Foxtaglia will keep you hidden. He loves a good game of hide-and-seek, and what better opponent to test his skills on than Dottore? Foxtaglia is also quite affectionate. It’s said he came from a big litter, which could explain why he’s always so energetic and outgoing with you. He does try to get Kunicat to join in on the fun, but having sustained enough scratches he’s yet to give up in his pursuit.
He rarely shows his hybrid form when Dottore’s around, instead choosing to stay in his animal form when he knows Dottore is home. The lot of you will often transform when he’s gone because it’s more comfortable to roam about without the threat of Dottore and his love for experiments looming.
Kunicat doesn’t like Foxtaglia or the energy he brings. Kunicat likes to nap his sadness away, but ever since that troublesome fox showed up he’s been getting less and less sleep and it feels as if you’ve drifted from him. Kunicat misses the days when it was just you and him, where he’d sleep cuddled up to you or share meals with you when Dottore was out. He misses all of the time he’d spend with you. Now you’re so absorbed in Foxtaglia and it feels like he’s been abandoned.
Kunicat is sly and so very silent on his paws. He’ll slip through the shadows undetected and wedge himself between you and Foxtaglia at night, sometimes even pushing the fox off of the bed when he wants the entire mattress to himself so that he can sleep with you. Or he’ll walk up to Foxtaglia and swipe at him, claws out, when he lavishes you with affectionate nips and nibbles. He hates how easy Foxtaglia makes affection look. Kunicat has known you longer; he’s loved you longer! It should be he who you spend all of your time with.
At the very least, both can agree on one thing: the more they’re around you, the deeper into obsession they fall.
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merakiui · 1 year
The next question with yan!foxtaglia and kunicat is: how would dottore react when he realized that the two of them were infatuated with the reader? Hes an observant man so there's no way he'd be oblivious to it but i feel like hed specifically instigate problems by putting Foxtaglia in a "time-out" corner where he has to watch kunicat interact with the reader and vice versa. He'd send reader away to a friend's house for the day just to see how theyd react 💀💀
Bro would be insufferable about the whole thing
Omg Dottore sends you to Pantalone’s home for a day and when you come back Foxtaglia and Kunicat will not stop sniffing you and looking so very frustrated and angry over the fact that you smell like another male. They’ll be glued to you for the entire day so that you’ll smell like them, and once the smell of another is finally washed off they’re relieved and will relax significantly. Foxtaglia doesn’t make his dislike as known as Kunicat does, but he does stick close to you. Kunicat will only get close at night when he knows he’ll have plenty of time to secretly cuddle up to you and make you smell like him.
When you go into heat, Dottore will often separate you from the both of them because they (mainly Foxtaglia) can be unpredictable around you when you’re vulnerable like this. That, and he doesn’t want them to get you pregnant (not yet). But this never has a good effect on either hybrid because they’re both so anxious and jittery when they know you’re in heat and can’t do anything about it. Foxtaglia will pace in circles outside the room you’re kept in and Kunicat will scratch at the door, both begging to be let in. They seem to lose themselves in your tempting scent, pupils blown wide and instincts overpowering logic.
When Foxtaglia has to watch Kunicat interact with you while he’s in his time-out, he manages to keep a pleasant air about him, but internally he’s so annoyed and displeased with the situation. Kunicat knows this and can only raise his head proudly while you and him play and spend time together. Dottore will catalogue their every reaction to certain things for future reference. He’s quite invested in how everything will unfold, and he loves to watch Kunicat and Foxtaglia try with all their might to woo you. He’s had to shoo Foxtaglia away more than once when he’s cornered you or is so obviously trying to put you in more…compromising situations.
At least Kunicat is mannerly about his pursuit, though his pursuit of you is just as dubious as Foxtaglia’s. Your body is his canvas every night. Luckily his beloved bunny is a deep sleeper, otherwise you might wake to his kisses and touches.
One day Dottore will put one of them in the room with you when you’re in heat just to see what will become of that (though he already knows very well what will happen). He wonders what your offspring will look like and what features will be most prominent.
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merakiui · 1 year
I think this is my first time sending an ask here so I'm so sorry if this is phrased weirdly, but a while back in your foxtaglia and kunicat post you mentioned how Dottore would seperate the reader from them during heat because they're unpredictable and I've just... Been thinking of Dottore railing the reader instead. You're so clearly aching and wanting, it'd be borderline cruel of him to leave you alone with no help
Omg he would!!!
(nsfw, slight yandere from kunicat and foxtaglia)
The way you cling to him, look up at him with watery eyes, and spread your legs for him, all while whimpering his name in hopes of enticing him. You’ll do anything in that moment, assume any position, prep yourself in any way—all while practically begging him to stuff you full. You’re always so insatiable and needy during your heat; it’s so very cute. Dottore supposes he has far more control than the other two, who are currently scratching and pounding at the door in a desperate attempt to get in because they can so clearly smell you and hear you and Dottore, but he’s locked the door from the inside.
Dottore won’t satisfy you immediately. He likes to draw out the process for as much as he can, teasing you with fleeting touches and little bites in the places you find most pleasurable. He’ll work you open on slim, skillful fingers, and you have no choice but to grab fistfuls of bedsheets and arch your back up, no longer coherent. And after teasing you for what feels like forever, after you’ve sloppily kissed him all over and touched his painfully hard cock, he’ll finally slot himself inside you. Dottore knows very well that one round isn’t enough to satisfy a cute bunny hybrid in heat. Luckily, he has plenty of stamina to go many rounds.
Poor Kunicat and Foxtaglia have to listen to your cries and moans all while they continue to work at breaking the door down. They finally succeed after Dottore’s finished fucking you through yet another orgasm, with your body limp and unconscious due to the sheer overstimulation of everything.
Kunicat and Foxtaglia will have to mark you all over and from within in order to scrub every trace of Dottore from you. Envy will fuel their determination to have you all to themselves. Next time your heat is upon you, they’ll be sure to catch you before Dottore can. After all, they can’t allow you to fall for Dottore when you’re meant to be theirs.
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merakiui · 1 year
Kunicat when he find out you pet another cat(or specifically ginger fox)
Omg this is exactly it!!! He loses his mind. He's so jealous and betrayed and upset; you're meant to smell like him at all times after petting him! After all, he so kindly lets you (and only you) pet him. To think you would turn your focus on Foxtaglia when Kunicat is all you need... Unforgivable. >:(
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merakiui · 1 year
Mera! HELLO ITS BEEN AWHILE! I managed to get a c2 r0 Scara and named him Kazuyuki (I forgot the meaning behind it as Im brainfarting horribly) but Ive been having thoughts of omegaverse a lot recently so consider: Omegaverse with Kunicat but you yourself have a set of animal ears and tail (either a cat like him or any other animal, you choose!) I actually dont have a concrete scenario for it other than maybe you being a stray and Dottore takes you in. Of course theres banter between yourself and Kuni due to you being in his territory but that all changes when you go into heat/rut and Kunis instincts are going absolutely nuts now.
I hope you've been well! Been busy lately with making appointments and the holidays and haven't been checking up on your blog so I just spent a good 2-3 hours catching up on everything. Seeing the previews of your works gets me so hype to read them when they eventually are finished 💅🏻 Tyt in creating them, they'll be amazing!
Hello hello!!!! :D a big congratulations on c2 Scara and his weapon!!!!! The name you chose for him is very beautiful!
Omg omegaverse with Kunicat!!!! Since it's the year of the rabbit, maybe darling is a bunny! He doesn't like you at first because you're encroaching on his territory and he'd much rather live alone instead of having to share his surroundings with another. He hisses and swipes at you if you get too close to him, but the day you go into heat/rut is when everything changes. Kunicat's eyes are blown so wide the minute your enticing scent fills the air, and now he doesn't know what to do with himself because his instincts are telling him to stuff you full while his heart is wondering what these feelings are. He will be so protective and even more territorial of you afterwards. Dottore breathes near you and he's ready to attack.
Aaaa you've given me so many omegaverse Kunicat thoughts now!!! Imagine if Dottore takes in another stray (a mischievous alpha fox who may or may not be Foxtaglia >:D) and now Kunicat is even more possessive of you!! Thinking so hard about this... orz the intense rivalry between Kunicat and Foxtaglia... orz orz
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merakiui · 1 year
hi !! I had a question about your valentines event (though admittedly it is a bit late to be asking this) but are we allowed to request from the menu with characters of an au you have? for example, could we request something off the menu with the (kazuscara) roommate au?
Hello! Yes, that is allowed! I should have noted that you can put in orders for aus in the beginning, but it slipped my mind. Here is a list of aus for both genshin and twst:
genshin aus
✧ kazuscara roommates (or any roommate au we have discussed such as the harbinger roommates or roommate xiao)
✧ bittersweet secret
✧ the tsaritsa's handmaiden
✧ android au/android scaramouche
✧ ob-gyn albedo
✧ kunicat & foxtaglia
✧ stalker ex scara
✧ omegaverse
twst aus
✧ death row undertow (serial killer jade)
✧ apocalypse au
✧ android jade (or any other character as an android)
✧ researcher au (goldfish mer riddle/trio in captivity)
✧ reverse isekai au
✧ incubus au
✧ housewarden idols
✧ omegaverse
✧ any of the azul thoughts (childhood friend, princess au, ceo azul, fwb Azul) because those are technically aus on their own hehe :D
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