#larissa weems halloween queen
liliummmmm · 1 year
hi <3 i woke up with a scenario in mind and a lot of questions and heebiejeebies about it so here i am with some headcanons.
could you please for a second imagine what halloween would be like with larissa?
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⭒i know she gets so excited because not only does she have the opportunity to dress up, but thanks to her powers so to speak, she can also become whatever she wants and look a thousand times cooler than anyone else. she puts on a whole show for the holiday, she loooves to do a performance of the character/whatever she chose, completely sinking into the role for the rest of the day.
what do you think her costume would be? me personally... i can't decide.
⭒which leads me to say for sure that she was a theater girl, a little performer (she told me herself this morning), for that reason she loves to wear funny clothes and put herself in someone else's skin besides her own. she loves acting, that hobby never ceased to be an important part of her life, even as she became an adult with endless responsibilities, she always found a space for this activity.
⭒every year you would do your best to be at least a little bit up to her level, and every year you are vastly outdone by your wife.
she doesn't really care what you decided to wear as long as you feel comfortable and like your outfit, the only thing she truly cares about is the time she spends with you getting dressed up together. when she sees the final product she showers you with compliments, you look ravishing even specially in the most hideous and terrifying costume.
⭒she also enjoys the process of it all, the make over, and she needs to plan everything to perfection, down to the smallest detail, at least one or two months in advance. this in between the little breaks she has from work.
⭒and yes, she does look for makeup tutorials on youtube.
⭒matching costumes is a huge yes for our silver lady.
⭒if you live together, i can say for a fact that she has boxes and boxes stored with a lot of decorations both purchased and also handmade by the two of you in previous years.
making crafts with you relaxes her like you wouldn't believe.
⭒be sure that your house will be full of candy for the children who come knocking on your door trick or treating.
⭒and if you have an out-doors relationship, as the date approaches, you pick out a small antique from the local store that she can use to set the mood in her home, or maybe something made by your own hands, which she appreciates tremendously.
⭒she likes to make a special date with you to go pumpkin picking in one of the pumpkin patches outside of town. your opinion is important to her even when it comes to little things.
⭒she is very versatile and likes to learn a little bit of everything, she is constantly looking for something new to do, so she is a fan of try and making themed cocktails not only for halloween. you can be having dinner in a comfortable silence one night a few weeks before the end of october, and suddenly she'll be talking to you with her eyes glued to the screen of her cell phone, a sweet, excited smile painted on her lips as she tells you she found a recipe that sounds delicious, already scheming what glasses she could serve them in, what cute little thing she could put on them to make them look a bit more spooky.
she has impeccable taste. we all know that.
⭒thrillers and horror movies, a nice bottle of wine, a warm blanket and a sweet cuddle on the couch are clearly your every-single-year special thing.
⭒the party she throws at the academy is simply unforgettable, to say the least. as the perfectionist that she is, she takes care of every little tiny thing until the very last minute, spares no expense and of course, seeing her students and the love of her life enjoy her efforts is more than enough pay for her.
⭒she's a teaser, she talks dirty, but she likes it discreet, classy, something that's not too explicit, but that makes it very clear what she wants to do or do to you. with all this said, halloween dirty jokes are on the table.
⭒if you're not much of a halloween lover, trust me, she'll take it upon herself to turn you into one with everything in her hands, definitely getting her way by having a slightly more... naughty costume to wear exclusively in the privacy of the four walls of her room with you that night.
keep in mind that she gets into the role like a pro ;)
⭒trick or treat kind of role play.
⭒this woman loves to give you a little something that day as if it were christmas because why not?
⭒sometimes she pulls some of her favorite costumes out of her closet and models them for you in the living room, no matter what month of the year it is, just for fun. that's quite a show too as she looks incredibly delighted by the way you applaud every time she changes outfits and gives you a brief explanation of the characteristics and personality of the character she is bringing to life at that moment.
hope u liked it <3
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Hello☺ could i request a Larissa x 18+student please?
S and Larissa realized they were attracted to each other and even tho it's wrong, they decided they would "release some pressure together" (without feelings and everything). But each time they had sex, feelings started to grow, but they don't want to end what they have so they don't tell each other. One night, Larissa wants to try something new (strap) and when S was about to cum, she asked Larissa to hold her thight and kiss her, Larissa wasn't sure if she wanted to do that because she knew what it meant, but decided to do it. And then when S came, S said "i love you so much". Larissa was shocked (because they didn't want that to happen) but end up telling her she loves her too.
I hope you like it and want to write it☺
Heyyy there anon! Ofc, I’d love to write this for you 💕 I incorporated a friends to lovers vibe as well as a bit of angst… 😏
More than just Sex ~Larissa Weems xFem Student!Reader
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Mommy…Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, implied eating out, d!ck riding, love confessions, bit angsty, age gap (all legal), friends with benefits, friends to lovers, etc…
Enjoy (;
You walked into Larissa’s office after a long school day to find her on the phone. You sat down by her desk and ran through your phone while you waited for Larissa to finish her call.
“Sorry about that Darling, how was your day?” Larissa asked, once she’d finished your call and hung up the phone.
You put your phone down, giving your attention to the blonde sitting across from you, “Pretty average. You?”
“Same. Buuut, it could be a lot better if you used that skilled tongue of yours…” Larissa purred with an edge of lust in her voice.
You chuckled as you came around her desk to the stunning principal and dropped to your knees.
“Anything for you, My Queen…” you toyed with your lover.
It had all started a couple months ago when the semester had just begun.
You had been attending Nevermore for years and knew Principal Weems well. You also knew yourself well, so you weren’t ignorant of your feelings to the tall principal. But you had had these feelings for years, and you weren’t about to act on them now. Even though you were 18 now…
The year had started as normal as one would expect. Larissa had gotten everything prepared to a T for the new semester. And eventually the students arrived. And you walked into the school… She had always liked you, but this year that attraction shifted. Larissa could feel her attraction had grown out of hand, but she was determined to keep it handled.
But all of that was thrown out the window at the Halloween Bash. Larissa and you had both drank a bit too much and eventually you had confessed almost everything to the other in a secluded corridor.
That night had started with Larissa kissing you against a column and had ended with you both completely naked and in Larissa’s private quarters.
From there, you were both concerned about you being a student and Larissa being the fucking principal. But you both were quick to admit that staying away from each other wasn’t an answer. So you both simply defined your relationship: you were fuck buddies. Plain and simple. No dating. No feelings. Just sex.
And that’s how it was. For months. Until everything slowly started to fall apart…
At first you thought you could ignore all the signs. The butterflies… The longing for her at all hours… The jealousy you felt when other flirted with Larissa… etc.
But walking back to your dormitory after your most recent meeting with the blonde principal, you left with a pit in your stomache.
You knew what this was. It was feelings. But you didn’t want to admit that to yourself. You couldn’t admit that. To yourself or to Larissa. It had been slowly growing over time, the more you and sex with the goddess of a woman, the more you fell for her…
You sighed, wanting to rid all and any thoughts regarding this, so you simply went to bed.
A week went by and you ignored Larissa out of ignorant guilt. On Friday evening, you got a text from the blonde…
Sorry I’ve been so busy lately… Got a new toy for us to try (; Meet me in 10?
You texted back,
You Bet (:
Before getting up to go meet Larissa in her private quarters. You entered her office thought out knocking and went straight to her attached private quarters. Upon entering and locking the room, your brain completely short circuited.
Larissa was standing next to the bed, unpinning her curls while in a deep scarlet lingerie set, but most importantly, she was also adorning a brand new purple strap on…. You gulped and we’re at a loss for words.
Larissa met your gaze and smirked at your dumbfoundness, “Well… What do you think…?” she purred, making her way towards you.
“I think I’m wearing far too many clothes…” you whispered, and then you immediately began stripping in front of the blonde.
Larissa’s eyes widened the more skin you revealed. Her lips quickly crashed into yours as desperate hands tore off your clothing. She kissed you all the way to the edge of the bed and allowed you both to fall onto it. Larissa backed up to the head board, and spread her legs to for you fill.
“How about you ride my dick, hmmm darling…?” Larissa purred with a lustful glint in her eye.
You bit your lip and nodded eagerly, coming to straddle her form. But before you were able to line your soaked cunt up to her massive dick, Larissa halted you by kissing and sucking on your pressure point. She then grabbed some lube from the night stand and graciously coated the plastic dick with the lube.
“Wouldn’t want me to split you in half, now would we…?” Larissa teasingly purred, as she then grabbed your hips and aligned your aching pussy with her member.
“Please Larissa please…” you groaned out.
You sunk down on Larissa’s cock with a guttural moan. Suddenly this all felt really vulnerable and intimate. You looked up to Larissa and you swore you saw something besides lust.
Once you had adjusted to her filling you up, Larissa helped you start to ride her. Strings of moans and cries flowed from your desperate lips. Your climax approached quickly and in an overwhelming nature.
“M’mm close… God Larissa…!!” You cried out and then smashing your lips into hers.
This kiss was different as well… It was more heartfelt and caring…
“Doing so well for me, baby… cum for me…” Larissa moaned into the kiss.
“It’s too much…!! Hold me…?” You whimpered out, not thinking straight.
Larissa parted from your lips for a moment and stared at you as if she was contemplating something. As if she was also thinking what you were thinking about constantly…
And she apparently decided that it was worth it. As her lips smashed back into yours and she took you fully in her embrace, rutting up into you and causing you to spill over the edge.
“Holy—Fuck! I love you so much…!!” You screamed, as you toppled over the edge on top of the blonde.
You hadn’t even registered the words that had come out of your mouth until you had come down from your high. But it was very apparent very quickly after that. Larissa had stopped all administrations and was staring at you, mouth agape.
You wanted to take it back. Say “No I’m sorry, it was a mistake!!” But nothing came out…
You gulped and looked down in shame, taking yourself carefully off the blondes dick. Larissa then went out of the room, and for a second you were concerned she was just going to leave… But she didn’t. She came back with a warm washcloth and helped clean you up. All in silence.
Eventually, the silence became unbearably awkward as the two of you were just sitting on the bed, staring at each other and then glancing away quickly…
“I’m sorry…” you managed to whisper out, but not being able to meet her gaze as you spoke.
Larissa head swiveled back to meet your gaze at your words. Her eyes were glossy and waves of emotions tore through them.
“I… I love you too…” the blonde quivered, stuttering to say such a vulnerable thing.
You were taken aback. What…?
Larissa then scooped your up and pulled you into your embrace, her lips ghosting the shell of your ear, “I love you too…” she repeated, “and I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to admit it…”
You melted into her embrace, tears beginning to flow from your eyes. You stayed in each others arms for a while, Larissa cradling your form and whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
Larissa Weems Masterlist
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