#lebedeva: marya morevna (misbehavc)
melnchly-a · 4 years
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@misbehavc​ (MARYA!) said:  Men die. It’s practically what they’re for. to LEBEDEVA!
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           “well yes, darling,” says lebed, who has seen so many years of men come and go, live and die, that some of them have bled one into another of them: shepherds and clerks and kings and princes. their land has always kept going, fighting on. they pass house after house as they walk, houses of skin and hair that shiver as they pass: marya and lebed, one with hair as dark as midnight, the other’s moon-pale. “but most of them live first, and what a charming time can be had with them, then!” she sighs, looping her arms through marya’s, the rose-pink blush of her cheeks blending gradually into the garnet shades shimmering around her eyes. all to compliment her latest dress of ruby-red, all to make her feel her own power, all to catch certain eyes. (and, in part, to complement marya herself, who lebedeva has always thought looked so charming with the reddest gems in her hair, like little drops of blood caught up in crystal.) “but tell me, marya, where has this thought come from? mortal men living and dying - - - what has that to do with you?” 
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melnchly-a · 4 years
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@misbehavc​ (MARYA!) said: “you know my soul.” to LEBEDEVA! 
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             “sometimes, darling, i wonder if you have one at all.” that is a tease, of course, it’s outlined by the way her lips (frosty-pink today) curve up, the depthless gleam of her dark eyes beneath the (rose-colored) shadow on her lids. marya is all dark and depths and star-like jewels, blood-reds, wine-reds, purples and greens. lebedeva beside her is as pale and sparkling-clear as champagne in a crystal flute: today she is all rosy-pinks, soft-flush reds. idly, she reaches out to touch marya’s hair, twisting a lock around her finger, leans forward to kiss the sharp plane of marya’s cheek. “the way you refuse every offer i make! why, it is positively shameful!” but those eyes fix on marya’s, and her smile becomes something else, something different, slowly. “i do know your soul, marya morevna. i would know it even if my own were lost to viy’s idiotic wars. when you are queen, i hope you remember it.” 
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