#let’s hope they don’t murder us much 🤞🏻
canirove · 2 years
Meu Amor | Chapter 18
Author's note: These past days this story has been getting lots of notes, and I just wanted to say, thank you very much to everyone who is reading! 💜🥺 It is ending next week, but I'm already working on something new with Rúben that will hopefully turn into something I like 🤞🏻😁
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"And that's why I think she is the ideal choice to cover for me while I'm away" Taylor says, looking at me.
"Or because she is your bff" Hugo says under his breath.
"Hugo, do you want to say anything?" she asks him.
"No, nothing."
"I think I heard you speaking."
"I was just clearing my throat. I think I need some water."
"Yes, of course. But be careful. We don't want you choking" Taylor says with a wicked smile. "Why are you here, tho? This isn't your department."
"It isn't" our boss says. "But this meeting affects him. We are in need of a new assistant, and Marc is the best choice since he has already worked as one."
"But he is my assistant!" Hugo says.
"I know, Hugo" our boss replies. "But his talent was being wasted doing statistics with you. Being pitch side is the best decision, and he has already agreed to move."
"He has? And no one cares to tell me?"
"They are telling you now" Taylor says.
Hugo replies by giving her a murderous look, but she doesn't care. "So now what? Do I have to work without someone helping me?" he asks.
"We are already interviewing new people, people who especially work on your field. And you'll have the last word when it comes to pick who will assist you."
"Thank you. I guess" he says, visibly mad.
The meeting keeps going for a little bit, our boss explaining some other details. Once it ends and people start leaving the room, Hugo grabs me by the arm.
"One day your luck will be over and they'll see you for what you truly are. A so called journalist who has gotten where she is by kissing asses" he hisses.
"You are hurting me, Hugo. Let me go."
"You are not worth of your position, and the sooner you realize it and step aside so those who truly deserve it have a chance, the better. If you don't do it, I'll do it myself. And trust me, none of your friends will be able to help you."
"What the..." I say when he lets go of my arm.
"Everything ok?" Taylor asks, walking towards us.
"Peachy" Hugo says with a fake smile, leaving the room.
"What happened? Did he hurt you?"
"I'm fine, don’t worry. But I think he just threatened to end my career."
"Let him try" Taylor says. "Now, let's go celebrate. I'm in the mood for chocolate cake."
"I think I could do with some cake too" I say, Hugo's threat still in my head.
For Christmas we decide to have both our families together in Manchester. On Boxing Day there is a derby, and even though I am working, Rúben got tickets for everyone to attend the game. I’m just hoping that my dad and my brother won’t punch anyone if City wins.
“Feliz Nadal? That’s how you say Merry Christmas on Portuguese? Like the tennis player?” my dad asks me while we are on the train.
“Yes, dad. Like the tennis player” I say, rolling my eyes.
“Weird” he says, going back to his phone where he is translating different sentences to Portuguese and trying to learn them. And learn them wrong in this case.
“Despite the language barrier, things have gone pretty well, don’t you think?” Rúben says on Christmas morning. We are sitting on the sofa, his arm around my shoulders, while everyone else finishes breakfast and opening their presents.
“They have” I say. “Everyone seems to be having fun and enjoying themselves. And your dad talked to me and even got me a present!”
“See? I told you he liked you” he says, kissing my cheek. “Feliz Natal, meu amor.”
“Merry Christmas, feio.”
“Rúben…” I giggle.
“Shh, relax.”
“You are tickling me!”
“And if you don’t stop moving, I’ll end up hurting you instead of helping you.”
“This is all your fault, tho” I say, trying to think of anything but Rúben’s hands massaging my leg. “If you hadn’t insisted on working out together, I wouldn’t have hurt my hamstring.”
“It isn’t my fault. You weren’t paying attention.”
“Because you were distracting me. I’ve already told you, you are a walking thirst trap.”
“Yeah, yeah…”
When I’m about to complain again, my phone rings. It’s Charlie.
“It’s happening” he says.
“Wait, now?”
“Yes, now. We just arrived at the hospital.”
“Oh my god, Taylor is in labor!” I say to Rúben.
“Finally!” he says, his hands still on my leg.
“How long until my niece arrives?” I ask Charlie.
“We still have a few hours to go. But Taylor wanted me to call you to let you know, and also to tell you that don’t you dare driving all the way back to London at this time in the night. You can come tomorrow first thing in the morning, we’ll be ok.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. So enjoy the rest of the night. We’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Ok. Tell Taylor that I love her and that she can do this.”
“I will.”
“And Charlie… Relax.”
“I’ll try” he says with a nervous laugh.
"Can I come in?" I say, knocking on Taylor's door and slowly opening it.
"Of course" she says.
"Congratulations, Taylor" I say, giving her a hug.
"Thank you, love. Where is your boyfriend?"
"He went to pick something, he'll be back soon. Congratulations, Charlie" I say, moving to where he is holding the baby.
"She's beautiful, isn't she?" he says.
"Very. May I hold her?"
"Of course. Little one, meet your auntie."
"Oh, Rúben. You are a sight for sore eyes" Taylor says when he walks into the room.
"Hello to you too, Taylor. And congratulations" he says.
"Is that what I think it is?" she asks, pointing at the bag he is carrying.
"Yep. Your favorite cookies. Your friend over there said that food is the best present for a woman who just gave birth."
"Or that's what the people I follow on Instagram and who have had kids have said" I shrug.
"Well, they don't lie" Taylor says, picking the bag from Rúben's hands. "God, they smell so good."
"How is the little one?" he asks, moving to the crib.
"So far, an angel who just sleeps and eats. Let's hope she keeps it like that" Taylor says, her mouth already filled with a cookie.
"Did you finally choose a name?"
"I like it. May I hold her?"
"I've been waiting for you to hold her since the day I found out I was pregnant. Let me get my phone to take some photos and videos."
"Hello, Danielle" Rúben says, slowly picking her up. Who knew someone with hands and arms so big could be so careful and delicate.
"Oh my God, that's the cutest thing ever" Taylor says.
Meanwhile, I'm just trying to process what I'm seeing and how it is making me feel. Especially when he starts whispering to her in Portuguese. Thank God I'm sitting next to Taylor on her bed, because if I didn't, I would be on the floor, lying on a puddle of my own drool.
"How are those ovaries doing?" Taylor says to my ear.
"They are gone" I say. "Completely gone."
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