thatswhywelovegermany · 10 hours
den Ball flach halten
literally: to keep the ball flat
to hold back, to avoid taking risks, to avoid attracting attention
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thatswhywelovegermany · 19 hours
Das Poplitzer Popelmännchen
The booger manikin of Poplitz
The Poplitzer Popelmännchen is a legendary figure, a goblin or house spirit of Poplitz Castle.
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Nobleman, secret council, and astronomer Bernhard Friedrich von Krosigk had Poplitz Castle built on the foundations of an older building. He had a cornerstone from the previous building with a strange stone figure — popularly known as the Popelmännchen (booger manikin) — placed at a height of about six metres in the north-east corner of his castle.
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According to legend, the construction of the castle was seriously hampered by a goblin who every night partially destroyed the day's work. Finally, a man dressed in a cowl advised the builder to dedicate part of the building as a chapel in order to put an end to the mischief. After this had happened and the goblin appeared again, an invisible force hurled him against the corner pillar and turned him into stone. All attempts to remove this strange figure of a climbing cat failed. But construction work now progressed quickly.
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At midnight, the goblin, enchanted in stone, descends and at the witching hour wanders through Poplitz in the form of a small, grey man with fiery eyes and short, crooked legs.
Ethymology: In fact, the name of the figure has nothing to do with boogers. Since it is derived from the name of the place, one has to look at the origin of that name. Poplitz originates from the Sorbian word for ash, so Poplitz means "ash place".
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thatswhywelovegermany · 23 hours
Unvorhergesehene Gelegenheiten sind unverzüglich zu nutzen, und auf unvorhergesehene Schwierigkeiten ist sofort zu reagieren.
Unforeseen opportunities must be seized promptly and unforeseen difficulties must be responded to immediately.
Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Clausewitz (1780 – 1831), Prussian general, army reformer, and military theorist
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am Ball bleiben
literally: to stay on the ball
to stick to something
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Hochverehrtes, deutschsprachiges Tumblr:
Hier eine weitere Abstimmung. Nicht so hitzig, wie die ums Stoßlüften, aber trotzdem etwas, über das ich gerne Klarheit hätte:
(Again, all non-German-speakers: Please just wait for the results
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Die Politik hat den Krieg erzeugt; sie ist die Intelligenz, der Krieg aber bloß das Instrument, und nicht umgekehrt.
Politics has created war; it is the intelligence, but war is merely the instrument, and not the other way round.
Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Clausewitz (1780 – 1831), Prussian general, army reformer, and military theorist
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nur Bahnhof verstehen
literally: to understand nothing but train station
to understand nothing or not wanting to understand anything
Origin: The phrase has its origins in the First World War, when soldiers, tired from years of trench warfare, only wanted to hear the word “train station,” which for them was synonymous with a journey home.
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Die Roggenmuhme
The Rye Aunt
The Rye Aunt is a female cereal demon and children's fright of German folk tales, who lives in grain fields.
The Rye Aunt wanders up and down in the fields, feeds on the grain and tears out the immature ears. If she is angry with the farmer, she punishes him by drying out his fields. In general, however, the appearance of the Rye Aunt in the fields is a sign of a good harvest. During the harvest, she flees into the last truss. The Rye Aunt receives a share of the harvest, which is either left behind or thrown into the field. This custom is to propitiate the Rye Aunt and bring about a fertile next year.
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The Rye Aunt is generally thought to live underground, in the empire of the roots or in a cave.
The Rye Aunt punishes lazy maids, who have not spun off their spinning rocks in the Boxing Week. The breath of the Rye Aunt brings illness and death.
The Rye Aunt is often described as completely black or snow-white, and of superhuman size. Her arms are long or made of iron. Her fingers are fiery or iron. It is also said that the Rye Aunt has claws on her hands, which may also be made of iron.
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The Rye Aunt has unusually large breasts that are so long that she can fold them over her shoulders. She also has more than two breasts. These can be black, iron, wooden or silver. They are pointed and hard, have glowing iron tips or are fiery. The breasts are filled with tar, poisonous milk or blood.
The Rye Aunt is described as an old womanwith a wrinkled face featuring stinging awns, a crooked nose, and wears glasses. She is sometimes even described as headless or said to have an iron heart.
In addition, she can change her shape, for example into a turtle, a snake, a frog, a wolf, a black cat, a horned animal or a dog with a blanket.
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The Rye aunt is often dressed in black, but has also been seen dressed entirely in gray. Her clothes are ragged. Sometimes the Rye Aunt also wears a red skirt, or she wears a red dress and a red cap. Sometimes, she wears blue coat and wide flowing skirts. Often the Rye Aunt wears a white headscarf like a reaper. Sometimes she walks on crutches.
The Rye Aunt is associated with several weather phenomena. When the wind blows through the cornfield, people say that the Rye Aunt moves over the grain. She is also traveling with the whirlwind.
The Rye Aunt appears in particular at midday between 12:00 and 13:00. If she encounters someone in the fields at midday, she kills them or frightens them, casting spells. If she finds women who have recently given birth in bed between 12:00 and 13:00 and between 18:00 and 20:00, she does the field work for them. If she does not find women in childbed at the specified time, a misfortune will happen to the mother and the child.
The Rye Aunt is often seen as a child scare. Her activities as a child-scaring figure are extremely varied.
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In their tale no. 90 The Rye Aunt, the Brothers Grimm tell that the Rye Aunt swaps human children with changelings, but brings back the right child if the changeling is not suckled. Elsewhere it is said that she steals illegitimate children at midnight.
The Rye Aunt lies in wait in the field for all those children who want to pick cornflowers in order to scare and punish them. She also lures children into the field by waving her arms. She abducts children by putting them in her big bag or basket, of by taking the children under her wide flowing skirts to bring them to the empire of the roots. She may also pull children to her with an iron fireplace poker and has them guarded by a toad. She leads children astray in the field and lets them starve to death, or she comes with her flock of elves and lays the children on cushions of flowers, whereupon they fall asleep and never wake up again. The Rye Aunt appears as a witch when she casts spells or the Evil Eye on children, She may also appear as a nightmare when she sends evil spirits to disobedient children at night.
Children often have to suck on the breasts of the Rye Aunt. Sometimes, disobedient children get the big breasts beaten around their ears. The Rye Aunt is said to, hug children so tight that they are pressed against her breasts die as a result from suffocation or getting crushed in her embrace. The Rye Aunt also crouches in wolf form, hiding in the grain, and is accompanied by small dogs that lure children into her iron embrace. She is also regarded as the mother of the rye wolves, who eat the children.
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The Rye Aunt chases children on horseback or runs as fast as a horse herself. In the latter case, she chases children to death in races. She can also fly and takes children to the sea to drown them there. If she accosts children, they must die.
The Rye Aunt demands that children eat a slice of bread spread with tar. If they do not comply, she cuts off their heads. She also smears children with tar from a bottle or covers their eyes with tar. She also scratches out children's eyes or blows out their eyesight. The Rye Aunt strangles children, twists their necks or cuts off their heads, and also cuts off their necks, noses, ears, or fingers. She also beheads children with a sickle, a knife or a saw. She cuts off the children's legs with a scythe. The Rye Aunt also tears off children's legs.
The Rye Aunt binds children into a bundle with a thread or ties the children to a thread and then beats them up. She pinches children with iron pincers or uses a pinch. She stabs children with pikes, of which she has three, one by the head and one in each hand. The Rye Aunt also stabs children with stalks or drives nails into their heels.
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In her hand, the rye maid carries a rod or whip, which is to be regarded as a lightning rod. She also has a sceptre or an iron scourge, which she uses to beat children. She puts children in a nail barrel and rolls them around in it or drags them into a cave and crushes them there with a giant meat grinder. Otherwise, she also crushes children in an iron butter churn.
The Rye Aunt also bites and eats children. To get hold of children, she sets out traps. She slaughters and eats the children or kills and roasts them using her burning breasts and fingers. The Rye Aunt also throws children into a cauldron of hot water or sucks their blood.
All these stories were told children to deter them from wandering through the fields, which posed several dangers, including getting lost and freezing to death at night, encounters with dangerous animals, suffering injuries from farm equipment used on the fields, or merely the destruction of crops and yield loss by walking over the fields.
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Krieg kennt keine Sieger, jeder militärische Triumph erweist sich in Wahrheit als Niederlage aller Beteiligten.
War knows no winners; every military triumph actually turns out to be a defeat for all involved.
Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Clausewitz (1780 – 1831), Prussian general, army reformer, and military theorist
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incredible translation of sheeesh thank you google
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Der Krieg ist eine bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln.
War is merely the continuation of politics by other means.
Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Clausewitz (1780 – 1831), Prussian general, army reformer, and military theorist
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The Language Nerds
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Im Reich der Interpunktionen
nicht fürder goldner Friede prunkt:
Die Semikolons werden Drohnen
genannt von Beistrich und von Punkt.
Es bildet sich zur selben Stund
ein Antisemikolonbund.
Die einzigen, die stumm entweichen
(wie immer), sind die Fragezeichen.
Die Semikolons, die sehr jammern,
umstellt man mit geschwungnen Klammern
und setzt die so gefangnen Wesen
noch obendrein in Parenthesen.
Das Minuszeichen naht, und - schwapp!
da zieht es sie vom Leben ab.
Kopfschüttelnd blicken auf die Leichen
die heimgekehrten Fragezeichen.
Doch, wehe! neuer Kampf sich schürzt:
Gedankenstrich auf Komma stürzt -
und fährt ihm schneidend durch den Hals,
bis dieser gleich - und ebenfalls
(wie jener mörderisch bezweckt)
als Strichpunkt das Gefild bedeckt!
Stumm trägt man auf den Totengarten
die Semikolons beider Arten.
Was übrig von Gedankenstrichen,
kommt schwarz und schweigsam nachgeschlichen.
Das Ausrufszeichen hält die Predigt;
das Kolon dient ihm als Adjunkt.
Dann, jeder Kommaform entledigt,
stapft heimwärts man, Strich, Punkt, Strich, Punkt.
Christian Morgenstern (1871 – 1914)
Hallo deutsches Tumblr - nicht deutschsprachig, sondern wirklich Deutschland-deutsch, bin selber aus Österreich - helft mir, was rauszufinden: Kennt ihr die Wörter "Beistrich" und "Strichpunkt"? Nicht ob ihr sie verwendet, nur ob ihr die schon mal gehört habt und versteht.
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Krieg ist ein Akt der Gewalt, um den Gegner zur Erfüllung unseres Willens zu zwingen.
War is an act of violence to compel the enemy to fulfill our will.
Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Clausewitz (1780 – 1831), Prussian general, army reformer, and military theorist
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That's not easy. That's not fun.
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Wirtschaften ist friedliche Ausübung von Verfügungsgewalt.
Economics is the peaceful exercise of power.
Max Weber (1864 – 1920), German sociologist, lawyer, and national and social economist
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sich wie die Axt im Walde benehmen
literally: to behave like the axe in the forest
to behave like a bull in the china shop; to consistently display a destructive behavior; to keep bullying the people around you
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