lethrial · 2 years
My Work on FNF Ghost Twins
Decided I'm gonna use Tumblr as an actual blog rather than a proper social media account (unless Twitter completely dies out, that is). So I'm gonna start making super long posts about the FNF projects I've worked on and stuff like that! There's also a severe lack of rhythm game charting content on here and I'm adament on fixing that. So, let's start off with the first mod I ever charted for, Ghost Twins!
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I can't really believe my first mod was Ghost Twins. Granted, this wasn't the first time I'd created FNF charts, but this was the first time I'd worked in a large group to create a mod from the ground up. The director, nld, needed an extra charter for the mod, so I sent them my charts and patiently waited for a response. And voila, I was accepted! My crappy Hex recharts did wonders, apparently.
There was something I was a little concerned about going into the mod, though. If you've played the mod, you'd know about Echo difficulty, which includes the use of chords. Chords (in 4 key charting) refers to the use of multiple notes at the same time. They're sometimes referred to as doubles and triples. They look like this:
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This kind of charting is often referred to as mania-styled. Before Ghost Twins, I had never touched this kind of charting. I'll talk more about how I went about it later in this post!
My Charts
I got to do quite a lot of the charts for the main week! This mod came out around the time people still remembered what easier difficulties were, so I did quite a few of those too.
Hat Tip (Normal, Echo)
Spectral Spat / Spooky Splits (Normal, Echo)
Scuffle (Easy, Hard)
Illustrious (i forgor 💀 (wasn't Hard or Echo though))
Yuletides (Normal)
Because this came out ages before the godsend that is Psych Engine's chart editor, I used the hit new Kade Engine 1.4.2 for almost all of the charts in the mod.
Echo Difficulties / Mania Charting
As stated before, this was the first time I had charted using chords and whatnot, so I was a little worried going into the mod. Luckily, I already had a background in Beat Saber mapping, so I took an approach I was familiar with; use chords for emphasis! They feel weird when they're used on beats that really don't need them.
In this case, I used them mostly on drum kicks, but they don't have to be limited to that! Just use 'em whenever they feel fitting, I guess. I've recently seen a lot of modern mods use chords randomly, and they can hurt the quality of the charts as a result. A really good example of well placed chords is Hotline 024; the charters on that mod did a fantastic job!
I'm pretty happy with how my Echo difficulties came out, although I do have some gripes.
Mistakes I Made
Hat Tip has an accidental jack hammer on the Twins' side. My bad! Genuinely don't know how I didn't catch it. Funnily enough, the jack is fixed on Boyfriend's side for some reason, so I guess it doesn't matter all that much. Sorry to Funky Friday & Friday Night Bloxxin' players, though.
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One large mistake I made throughout the mod is how much I copied and pasted certain sections. Play through Scuffle on Hard and notice how much I reused the chorus' chart. If there's one thing I'd change about these charts, it would be the variety in patterns.
Of course, it's perfectly fine to copy paste parts of your chart, but if copy paste the same part more than two or three times, it might be best to switch it up a bit!
Abrupt Outro
I'm really grateful that I was able to work on this mod; the team was super great throughout all of its development! It was an incredible first experience in my FNF charting journey. It was super surreal seeing content creators like StickyBM, Flippy and more play through my charts. There'll be plenty more mania-styled charts from me, don't worry! (and they'll be in mods you may recognise…)
I hope you guys thought this was a good read, I'd love to make more of these posts! If you have any questions, my AMA is completely open.
If you want to play VS Ghost Twins yourself, here!
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