#lieutenant efe 'medisin' yela
mcmissileproof · 6 years
so we’re not continuing the Star Trek campaign until next year but I’ve decided, since we’re going to have a new ship and a mostly new crew after the uh, interesting events of the finale, I want there to be an ensign under Yela who never gets to know shit about what happened on the White Rose. Yela, Gwen (Yela’s girlfriend) and Lengin (medical ensign, good friends with Yela, saved Gwen’s life on the Rose) reference in the vaguest of terms something about mind-altering radiation, weaponized anaesthetic, whatever the fuck actually happened to the Rose and why, someone named Starr, someone who they think is a wrestler or something?... Sometimes a woman with mysterious powers who may or may not be a former Starfleet Captain suddenly beams in from her stolen Borg sphere for no real reason and Yela yells at her, other times a man with different mysterious powers beams in and Yela lies down and wants to die. All of this appears to make sense to the others, and who is explaining all this to this poor new ensign? absolutely no one that’s who
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mcmissileproof · 7 years
Starfleet Adventures, Season Finale!
As the semester draws to a close, we brought our group together for one last session before finals and holiday festivities claim us all.
Our last session left us in a pretty rough place. In a covert effort to prevent a rogue Section 31 scientist from activating a beacon to summon the Borg, Capt. Oberst ordered orbital bombardment on the planet housing it-- a planet home to a large Klingon/Romulan colony, a large city of which was almost entirely wiped out. While Oberst left Commander Dex to smooth things over with the colony’s leaders, a security team was sent underneath the planet’s surface to destroy the unharmed beacon and a medical team led by a furious Dr. Efe went to the destroyed city to rescue survivors. Yela and Ensign Lengin were taken into custody after rescuing 12 survivors, and the beacon was destroyed-- but not before being activated for a moment. And a moment was enough. The last session closed with a Borg cube looming over the planet as we received the Borg’s signature transmission:  "We are the Borg. You Will be Assimilated. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your Culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is Futile."
So! Let’s see how this unfolds.
The White Rose is in orbit around Guhlim, accompanied by two Romulan Warbirds, three Klingon Birds of Prey, and one Borg cube. All crew is aboard the rose except for Security Chief Vy’ssia zh’Raanquier, Oberst’s Romulan adjutant Aela Leonita, Dr. Efe Yela, and Ensign Lengin.
The Borg cube opens fire, raining destruction on the surface of Guhlim. The city ahead of Yela and Lengin explodes. A moment later, the security and medical teams are beamed aboard the Rose. Capt. Oberst stands and faces her crew, ripping her badge from her uniform and transferring captaincy to Commander Dex. Dex gives a rousing speech, telling his crew that although they may not survive this battle, it has been an honor to serve with them all. Oberst and Leonita load the runabout with weapons, instructing the crew of the Rose to make a hole in the Borg cube’s shields so that they can beam aboard and attempt to destroy it from within. Flight Controller Rawhide V’Tar downloads the personality of Hologram John Cena into a robot body and sends it with them. Dex contacts Starfleet for aid and is told that while a fleet is on the way, it will take hours and the Rose must keep the Borg occupied during that time.
The Rose and its Klingon and Romulan allies open fire on the Borg cube, an impressive display that nonetheless barely scratches its defenses. However, Science Chief Baaal Korgar scans the ship and discovers a weak point. They focus fire on it and punch a hole in the shields, allowing Oberst, Leonita, and RoboCena to infiltrate the ship. As soon as they are aboard, all communication with them is lost.
Reacting to the breach of its shields, the Borg cube opens fire, slicing the Romulan and Klingon ships to bits and leaving the Rose irreparably damaged. Baaal is injured when a panel explodes in his face, but manages to stabilize himself. Yela is called to the bridge to help.
The Borg captures the Rose in a tractor beam and 50 drones beam aboard, including 6 directly onto the bridge. After dispatching security teams to all decks, Vy’ssia draws her sword and decapitates one of the drones on the bridge. Dex and Baaal attempted to ward off the ones attacking them with phaser fire and scalpels, respectively, but both missed. Another drone advances towards Yela.
For a moment, Yela is frozen, standing in the present but seeing another scene. She is four years younger, the CMO of the USS Bellerophon, which over the past few minutes has taken severe damage and is being overrun. She is staring down four Borg drones as they advance down the corridor. She wants to fight, to keep them from hurting her patients, but--
“Efe! Stay with us!” Dex’s voice snaps her back into the present, and she slams a hypospray loaded with a powerful anaesthetic into the drone’s neck, sedating it. Vy’ssia dispatches the drones attacking Baaal and Dex, and Rawhide’s robotic horse, Eastwood, confronts another while Rawhide attempts to break out of the tractor beam. Yela sedates the unconscious drone again and moves to treat Baaal’s wounds as she checks in with Lengin, who does not respond. Dex attempts to reestablish communications with the rest of the ship to find it all but lost. What remains of the security teams are on the retreat, more drones are beaming aboard every minute, and Engineering Chief Garner Eldworn is cornered by two drones. He tests his experimental electric gauntlet, ultimately killing both but injuring himself, but he is infected with Borg nanoprobes in the effort. Resisting their effect, he runs to the holodeck, which turns itself into a medbay and begins treating him. Vy’ssia is badly injured on the way to the armory.
Rawhide breaks the Rose out of the tractor beam and goes to warp with the Borg cube in close pursuit. Dex orders all personnel to prepare to evacuate.
Meanwhile, on the Borg cube, Oberst’s crew’s luck is beginning to run out. As they are surrounded by drones, time stands still and an ancient tome, which she had encountered before, appears in front of her. An entity emerges and promises power if she allows it to possess her for eternity. With no other choice, Oberst accepts and shakes the entity’s hand as intricate tattoos swirl up her arm and her eyes turn pure black. Time begins again and she wipes out the drones, much to Leonita’s surprise. They continue towards the core.
In an attempt to throw off the Borg, Rawhide changes directions at warp, losing the Borg for a moment but frying the ship’s engines and falling out of warp in the process. Now in orbit around a barren planet, the Rose’s crew begins to evacuate.  Dex, Yela, Baaal, and Rawhide meet Vy’ssia, who is being pursued by several drones. On the way to an escape pod, Garner runs into Ensign Juno Starr, who is carrying a phaser and the ship’s main computer core. Saying that he has seen too much, Starr fires her phaser as Garner fires his gauntlet. They destroy each other’s weapons and Starr dies with a final “Hail the Dominion!”
Vy’ssia kills the pursuing drones with a plasma grenade as her group makes it to an escape pod. Behind the drones are four crewmates, among them Lengin, holding a bloodstained Klingon Bat’leth, and Science Officer Gwen Russ, someone Yela had grown fond of as of late. One of the others is infected, but Yela manages to treat him in the pod. Dex starts the ship’s self-destruct sequence as all the survivors launch their pods. As they descend to the planet, they watch the Federation fleet arrive and begin fighting the Borg cube as the Rose explodes.
On the cube, Oberst and Leonita set charges all around the core, set a timer, and run. RoboCena falls in the escape. They reach a Borg sphere and take control, escaping just as the charges detonate and the cube explodes. They hail the Federation fleet to let them know they aren’t Borg and inform them they will be going to the Dominion front, speeding away before they could get a response.
The survivors are beamed aboard a Federation ship, where Yela finds Gwen and envelops her in a tearful embrace. The crew was put up for promotion, but ended up losing the chance due to the events leading up to the Borg attack. Dex, however, was given command of a new Akira-class ship, the USS Entropy. Garner was reassigned to Starfleet Research and Development, while Vy’ssia, Baaal, Rawhide, and Yela joined Dex’s new crew along with Lengin and Gwen.
Oberst reports to Deep Space 9, to which Sisko responds “...what... the fuck.”
And deep in Borg space, a new drone awakens. Its eyes snap open and it waves a hand in front of its face, proclaiming,
“You Can’t See Us, Our Time Is Now. Resistance… is futile.”
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mcmissileproof · 7 years
so we're in the middle of the finale of our star trek campaign and are in the middle of a battle against a borg cube. six drones just beamed onto the bridge (where all the player characters are) and we're using some creative methods to fight them, including:
-throwing scalpels (didn't work)
-kung-fu robot horse (worked, spectacularly)
-sword (worked, spectacularly)
-anesthesia (worked, by some miracle, which made our science chief very happy)
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mcmissileproof · 7 years
so we’re finally having another star trek session, and oh boy is it sure a thing
our captain (who is shady as all fuck) got a secret transmission ordering her to stop some scientist from completing his research, which turned out to be a beacon to summon the Borg in order to wipe out the Dominion. this was understandably condemned as way, way too risky to actually do, but damn if he didn’t run away and do it anyway. Oberst tells us none of this, just that we’ve been ordered to destroy this ship and take whatever data we can. when we get there it turns out that the tech is underneath the surface of the planet, which houses a settlement of 10,000 people. and what does our good captain do?
orbital bombardment.
so right now we have a team under the surface trying to take out the beacon (and the Borg drones around it), command on the ship trying to fix relations with the Klingons and Romulans who lived in the settlement, and a medical team at the scene of the bombardment, sent down after our good doctor Yela (me) screamed at command to send her the fuck down there. Yela is currently tearing through the remains of the settlement, saving every survivor out of pure unfiltered rage. the authorities of the settlement threatened to arrest her if she wasn’t done by the time they got there. she said “that is fucking okay” and promised command to tear them a new one as soon as she got back to the ship.
so that’s where we are.
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mcmissileproof · 7 years
my character according to me: *years worth of detailed backstory, intertwined with other characters and events and all contributing to the person she is today, talents, flaws, and trauma coming together for a beautiful disaster cocktail of a person*
my character according to her: hi my name’s yela, I grew up on a spaceship, I’m really gay, and at some point I’ll probably hold your life in my hands so like. be ready lol
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mcmissileproof · 7 years
starfleet adventures, part the third
so we had a guest DM this weekend because the actual DM had religion things to do. the guest DM was my boyfriend, which means two things: 1) the captain wasn’t on this mission, and 2) some Really Weird Shit absolutely was
adventures under the cut because this was a complicated session
so five of us (first officer, doctor, chiefs of engineering, science, and security) took the runabout to a conference, where we talked about noteworthy events in our previous missions (mostly lies, since run-ins with the Tal Shiar and assorted other Interesting Things meant the actual details were classified). Capt. Oberst checked in on us; we affirmed that the conference sure did happen, and Vy’ssia asked for new weapons because she was bored.
 on the way back we ran into some technical issues that caused us to crash-land on a moon of some gas giant. after affirming first that we were all alive and second that pretty much all the ship’s systems were totally ruined, everyone except Garner went out scavenging while Garner tried to get communications and life support working again. while scavenging, we found a cave. there’s a weird energy reading coming from it, but no one can recognize it.
mysterious caves are always a good sign! especially when
Vy’ssia: Did I hear screaming? DDD: No?
apparently Yela did, because there she goes sprinting madly into the cave, and there goes Vy’ssia with a similar urgency. DDD and Baaal, who did not hear anything, try to stop them, but they’re far out of earshot before DDD can get a word out.
once into the cave, Yela begins hearing mechanical sounds. almost like... no. exactly like. she sprints harder.
Vy’ssia does not hear mechanical sounds, but the screams she hears are familiar. she runs harder too.
DDD remains at the mouth of the cave, wondering whether it’s better to follow his officers into the cave or leave them and try to help the efforts to avoid death on this moon. but then, what was that sound up ahead?
Yela is by far the less athletic of the two runners, but she’s high on adrenaline and gets to the first chamber just before Vy’ssia. and as the cave widens, she sees her ex, who she hasn’t talked to in years, her eyes full of desperate fear as a Borg drone closes in behind her. seized with panic, Yela leaps towards her, intending to push her out of the way. she misses, falling prone on the ground, and Vy’ssia picks her up and carries her away as the drone pierces her ex’s neck.
Vy’ssia did not see any Borg. Vy’ssia saw a pit, at the bottom of which were all of her spouses, enslaved.
DDD and Baaal have entered the cave. Baaal sees interesting bugs; DDD hears what he believes to be officials of the Orion Syndicate conversing. he enters the chamber to find their leader standing at a table littered with vital strategic information, unguarded. this is DDD’s chance to take down the Syndicate! he shoots the leader in the head; the leader falls dead.
Baaal sees some more neat bugs and some field data about them.
Garner has gotten short-range communication back online! he tells the others as much via their badges. in return he receives incoherent screaming.
Vy’ssia tells DDD what she’s found. DDD concludes that this must be an Orion slave outpost. Yela is too panicked to talk.
Vy’ssia leaps towards the pit to rescue her spouses and is shot down by a guard. She drops Yela, who sees no guard but finds herself in a room full of Borg in the process of attaching implants to people immobilized on surgical tables. she is slightly concussed. she rushes to find any who aren’t beyond help. she won’t let this become a repeat of last time.
DDD and Baaal send back the information they’ve collected to Garner. Garner says it’s gibberish. DDD says no, this is going to help him take down the Orion Syndicate for good! Baal says what? how are a bunch of notes about insects going to do that?
hold up.
Yela runs for some people in holding cells at the back of the room. they haven’t been assimilated. she can help them. they turn to face her-- oh no, oh god, she can’t help them, their faces, they’re Borg. it’s Wolf all over again, she’s useless, she can’t save a single person. and now she’s been noticed, and a drone is coming towards her. she fires her phaser. it does no damage. oh no.
DDD and Baaal have heard the phaser fire, and are starting to catch on that this might not be real. they run towards the source and find Vy’ssia unconscious. they wake her up and tell her what’s going on. Vy’ssia thinks they’re in prison cells, but decides they probably aren’t. they go to find Yela, who is hyperventilating so badly that they can hear it from a room away, and discover her scrambling around the room with her phaser raised, eyes glassy with panic and fatigue. DDD tries to bring her back to reality.
Yela sees three Borg drones advancing on her. one of them tells her this isn’t real. she doesn’t understand why it’s talking. she raises her phaser. it slips in her hand and sets itself to kill. it probably won’t work, but what other chance does she have? at least this time she’ll have died trying to do something. she aims at the talking one.
at close range, DDD can use his Orion pheromones to subdue Yela. she falls unconscious just as she tries to fire the phaser, and they carry her out of the cave.
well that was interesting! Baaal names the weird radiation from the cave Baaaaal Particles. communications with the White Rose are back; Oberst is pissed that they managed to get themselves stranded on such a short mission. it’s okay. they beam back onboard. Vy’ssia goes to see her wife, and they get to some marital activities.
hey, we’ve got some new crewmembers
DDD goes to see the counselor; Yela goes to the bar to drink away her trauma, and also to avoid the counselor. both see their exes.
Baaal’s files are all gone. he’s sure he had backups in triplicate at least. he asks the captain.
DDD gathers the others and tells them this isn’t real. Vy’ssia, who has been with her wife this whole time, says it’s real enough. Oberst overhears and accuses them of mutiny, then offers Vy’ssia the chance to decapitate them all. Vy’ssia agrees that it isn’t real. they’re beamed to the brig.
well hey! now everyone’s waking up in medbay. they’ve been out for three days. Ensign Lengin confirms that the Baaal Particles don’t appear to be present anymore. everyone sighs collectively and hopes that this is the end of that bullshit.
of course, even if that particular bullshit is over, there’s no shortage of other bullshit! a flash of blue light and a middle-aged man in a Starfleet uniform appears and introduces himself as Q. he talks briefly with Oberst while Garner tries to attack him but is ordered to stop. he expresses excitement at seeing what becomes of what promises to be the most interesting ship in the galaxy! he offers everyone beer; Vy’ssia drinks five tankards because almost no one else trusted theirs. Q disappears the way he came.
Yela lies back down and screams to no one that she signed up to be on a research ship.
they live to deal with more bullshit another day.
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mcmissileproof · 7 years
adventures from the USS White Rose’s mission today:
Repeated attempts and failures to resolve a dispute between the Federation and Klingon heads of a colony, partially because they kept blaming each other for the colony’s problems but mostly because the human man kept making passes at the Klingon’s niece, which he didn’t appreciate. Security chief got hit in the head with a beer bottle.
Tried to resolve what we thought was a cultural dispute, ended up being seized by insect people while our two crewmates who got lost in the woods discovered a genocide plot against said insect people
Security chief invited the Klingon leader to spar, learned of the genocide plot during the fight, arrested him for suspected war crimes immediately after defeating him
Surprise, there’s a Romulan spy behind the plot! He’s beamed onto the ship minus a leg, where the medic exercises amazing self-control in painlessly closing the wound, discovers a cyanide pill at the same instant that he tries to take it, body-slams him and forces the antidote on him because you don’t get out that easy
A Romulan ship shows up! It’s bigger than us! A lot bigger! They’re asking for the spy! Unfortunately, as the captain points out in a ridiculously smug exchange with that ship’s captain, they want an ensign and we only have a lieutenant commander, and that name is so common, can’t be the same person, we have no idea what you’re talking about, goodbye!
We again survive with our lives and careers. The medic returns to the bar to drink away her stress and question why she took this assignment.
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mcmissileproof · 7 years
the return of the rpg highlights... in SPACE
So yesterday my friends and I had the first episode of our Star Trek Adventures campaign, and even though I knew approximately three and a half things about Star Trek before I started preparing for this campaign, with the help of my nerdier friends I ended up being really excited about it. The campaign starts in 2371 aboard the USS White Rose, a new Nova-class ship tasked with, among other things, testing the improvements on the ship’s design on extended missions.
Our party consists of:
Captain Hrista Oberst, the captain (:0), a Trill woman who is talented in command and has never been seen with a weapon. She has a solid background, but since she’s played by my boyfriend none of us believe she isn’t a little bit shady.
Commander Delcidie D’vana Dex (DDD), the first officer, an Orion man with terrible hand-to-hand combat skills and history as a ship counselor. He used to be in a Starfinder club with Captain Oberst.
Lieutenant Efe Yela, the chief medic, a Bajoran woman who grew up on a freight ship and was a huge nerd when she was younger, though life events have made her significantly more dead inside. She worked with Capt. Oberst seven years ago and spent the last four or so years working in a lab with Korgar. She likes to joke about malpractice and flirt badly with whoever she can. She’s also me!
Ensign Rawhide V’Tar, the flight controller, a Vulcan woman who was part of the neo-cowboy culture on Luna and who built a robotic horse (named Eastwood) as a mobility device after she lost her legs in a transporter accident. Capt. Oberst taught her in Academy. Everything she says is almost guaranteed to send the crew into fits of hysterical laughter, and if you want to understand why then imagine a Vulcan trying to talk like a cowboy.
Lieutenant Commander Vyssia zh’Raanquier, the chief of security, an Andorian woman with a passion for linguistics and guns. She’s very buff and married to the bartender.
Lieutenant Commander Garner Eldworn, the chief of engineering, a human man whose capacity for crazy new ideas leaves almost no space for reason. He doesn’t like transporters and he’s done some pretty neat things with improvements to safety and efficiency, but he keeps hinting at really inadvisable plans. Lt. Efe has told him multiple times that if he gets hurt doing any of them, she won’t help him.
Baal Korgar, the chief of science, a Betazoid man who loves to dissect things. He can’t remember names and uses nicknames for everyone instead. He has a pet tribble named George the 2nd who he trusts as his first assistant in everything.
Along with the central crew is a total crew of around 80 people, including a few characters who work closely with members of the central crew (introduced as needed).
So our first mission involved investigating a mysterious space station and saving the team of scientists trapped in the station and the society of pre-warp natives being harmed by the gamma rays emanating from it. It was an exciting mission, and many interesting things were said and done! Continued under the cut so as not to be obnoxiously long:
Rawhide, as we prepare to embark on our ship’s maiden voyage, in an emotionless Vulcan voice: Yee Haw Ready To Ride. entire crew: *dies laughing for at least a full minute*
DDD, on how to evacuate the natives without violating the prime directive too badly: We could... make a replica of one of them, and send it down to tell them about the danger. And then have it self-destruct. Yela: “Wow, Bill, thanks for warning us all about the gamma radiation and then exploding!”
We’ve sent a team to the planet to protect the natives from radiation and convince the mayor of the planet’s small society (and his advisors) that evacuation is the best choice. Things are not going well.
Mayor: Yes, welcome! We’re so happy you’ve finally found the center of the universe! team: *looks around, looks at each other, sighs* Uh... yeah!
Astrologist: I have extensive research that this planet is not only the center of the universe, but also a cornerstone of the universe! If we were to leave, everything would simply... crumble away. DDD: *looks at the research for about three seconds* Yeah... this is too flawed to be anywhere near right. Sorry about that. Astrologist: *walks away crying*
Chief of Athletics, who is absurdly buff: I will only be convinced if one of you can best me in hand-to-hand combat! Lengin, a Klingon medical ensign who really prefers reading over fighting: no damn it damn it shit fuck damnit stop looking at me stop
DDD ended up being picked for the fight and lost initially, but thanks to the holodeck’s technology we were able to create an indestructible John Cena capable of impressing the athletics chief into compliance.
Meanwhile, on the mysterious station, our other team has gained entrance and is picking our way through a maze of corridors guarded by sentry robots that attack on sight.
Yela and Capt. Oberst’s adjutant, Lt. Aela Leonita, have found an injured scientist pinned down by fallen beams, his life signs fading fast. Beside him lies his linguistic data from the station; ahead is a sentry robot who has yet to notice him. Yela is compelled to help him, but is useless in combat. Yela: What do we do? Leonita: *sneaks forward and grabs the data* Yela: Are you serious?!
We call the other half of the team, who are currently fighting another robot. They tell us not to engage in combat until they get there to help. Unfortunately the robot sees us and begins to shoot at us; fortunately, it malfunctions and blows up its own weapon before doing any real damage. The combat team shows up, ready to help, the second it falls.
We’ve found the two survivors of the science team who had been trapped, and thanks to Yela’s help, they’re going to be okay. But! Now we’re being accosted by holographic projections from the ship! Part of our team is trying to break into the central computer and disable them.
DM: Above you is a hologram that looks like a humanoid form encased in crystal. It begins to break, and you see a naked body-- Vyssia: Sexy! DM: ...It’s not.
And we’ve been betrayed by the team who called us to help in the first place! Turns out they’re doing some illegal research, aided by cultists from the planet we just evacuated. Capt. Oberst has ordered our ship to fire on them, a group has entered the station, and we’re trying to get out so that we can destroy the station and escape. Ensign Juno Starr, who pilots the runabout that took us to the station, is standing by to collect us.
One of the traitors has been stabbed by the cultist accompanying her. Lt. Leonita, to her motionless body: Oh wow, how does that feel? Yela, after stabilizing her so she survives to be interrogated: Okay, now I don’t feel as bad about this. *picks her up roughly by one arm and drags her towards an exit*
Oberst: Starr, blast the gate! Starr: *misses at point blank range three times before hitting the gate* Oberst: I will see you demoted for this.
Just as we were about to get out of the station, Vyssia is accosted by another computer’s creation, the Warmaster! A vicious fight ensues, but unfortunately I had to leave at this point so I’m not sure what happened afterwards. I’m told we escaped with lives and careers intact. Stay tuned for the next episode to see if that changes!
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mcmissileproof · 7 years
so I’ve been trying to make/develop a character for a star trek campaign that my friend is running (despite previously knowing like, three and a half disconnected facts about star trek) and it’s interesting because there’s so much information about the universe that’s readily available that it loops back around and becomes confusing again. like if making characters for an original universe is working in an information vacuum that I have to fill myself in order to put together a backstory, making this character is like piecing together bits of coherent information from an indescribably massive pile of lore while the internet continues to throw more details at my head and everyone is screaming
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mcmissileproof · 7 years
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So Yela is in charge of a new boy now
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