#like its not like it would be all that weird for tamamao to have the potential to become a Beast so why'd they back down from that
kurozu501 ยท 5 months
i never got back to talking about the koyanskya event but i really liked it overall. it just felt a bit half baked and rushed (seriously whoever decided this major story beat should be a time limited event should have been fired) but the final battle with Beast IV was satisfying, a challenging boss fight that still felt fair. The epilogue with Olga blowing up our base, forcing us to flee on the ship, finally giving us the cool outfit from the Part 2 opening video, and then changing the login screen got me really hyped for what comes next.
i genuinely think if they had just made it a main story chapter like Limbo got it would have been fine. i guess they felt it had to be an event because they wanted to copy Temple of Time with big boss raids representing the past chapters. But even that felt undercooked since they only had raid battles for Lostbelt's 1 and 2 and then skipped over the rest of them. If you aren't going to do a proper raid for all 6 past chapters then just don't bother including that element at all! Just make it a story chapter!
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