#like johnny was in an insane situation he was NOT equipped to handle alone. and he tried
katnissgirlsmakedo · 1 year
and also. furthermore. sorry, back in the belly of the beast. i cannot stand it when people characterize kit’s dad as abusive. what did johnny rook ever do to you people. yeah he sucks a little bit. ok. and? he’s not abusive…. why must fanfiction and fandom in general always characterize the sad boy in their gay ship as being abused by their father. like do we need to blame blue neighborhood for this or are fandom people just that out of touch that this happened naturally. sorry to troye sivan for bringing his hit album/iconic music video trilogy into this. but seriously do we need to blame him. why does every fandom do this. but especially why does the tsc fandom do it to KIT. kit is a pov character man we KNOW kit. and you’re still just making things up about him…
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