#like obviously don’t harass birds like teen lestat did
c0rpseductor · 1 month
i think the thing that irritates me about people saying that geese and swans are just soooo evil and aggressive is that like, they give very clear signs that they’re irritated with you and if you heed those signs and don’t continue to do the thing the animal doesn’t like it will not fuck with you. it’s incredibly simple to approach an animal with caution and retreat to give it space if it changes its behavior as a response to your presence. with some animals obviously you shouldn’t approach them to begin with and it’s generally best to give wildlife a wide berth, but i think in the contexts most people interact with swans and geese (say like, at a park), if you’ve pissed it off you probably deserve to get chased or pecked or whatever. idk what to tell you. they’re really clear about when you’ve made them angry and it’s trivial to stop doing whatever is pissing them off, which is usually just being too close in their space. even as a teenager whose sole mission in life was to autistically bother every bird i could see and try to interact with and (DO NOT DO THIS) touch it i have never in my life ever ever ever been attacked by a goose or swan. Quite frankly it’s a skill issue
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