#like that time last season when someone posted a photo of Tom and Carlos-with-short-hair hanging out with the guy who played Deon
icedteaandoldlace · 2 years
The ONLY way to reintroduce Cisco in season 9 is to have him do one of his classic just-in-time saves while Barry's in a dangerous situation, and Barry gives him this WTF look that doesn't leave his face the entire time they're fighting the villain. Then once the villain is properly knocked out or in police custody or whatever, Barry and Cisco turn to each other, and you think they're gonna have their "hey good to see you, bro!" moment and hug, but Barry still just looks shocked, and Cisco's like, "What?!"
And Barry just shakes his head in bewilderment and goes, "Dude, when did you cut your hair?"
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