#like why do women have to be mistreated for RS to drive her plot forward
psyaurorak · 1 year
Can I just say, why is there such a focus on women being abused sexually for power in LO?
It’s horrible!
It’s implied Hera used her body to get close to Kronos
Demeter had sex with Zeus because she believed she’d marry him and be queen only to get tossed aside immediately.
(Sex by coercion is still assault I can’t believe I even have to say this)
Persephone gets sexually assaulted by Apollo.
And like why is SA being used as a way to create drama?!
Also double standards be like ‘ohh poor Persephone’ and ‘Demeter deserved it if she’s stupid enough to believe Hades would say that’
This fandom is so gross it’s not funny.
What do you mean a woman deserves to get assaulted because she’s stupid?!
Also considering Hades treatment of Demeter it’s not even far fetched for Demeter to think this!
Stop livin behind the bubble of hades is perfect! He isn’t!
Also can we talk about how Zeus and Metis’s fling thing mentioned is predatory because Zeus is younger than Hades (who’s 19 at the time of the war) and Poseidon who’s younger than Hades?
Zeus would be 15-17.
So why tf is that his fling with Metis is played off as a joke?!
I’m so mad about this. Like harhar RS we get it ‘Zeus is manwhore’ BUT THINK ABOUT THE IMPLICATIONS
The way RS portrays SA as a joke or irrelevant until it drives drama and no other thing is GROSS
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