#listen i was like 'im gonna write b. a thoughtful and heartfelt starter' but my hands typed this so HHHH
fatalelity · 2 years
sometimes when the uniform comes off & synthehol is consumed,  it’s as if the failsafe in her brain — preventing her from being an utter fool — shuts down.  a night with a klingon man & woman whilst thrilling,  is also a decision that she’s come to regret more than that one alcohol induced hangover she had when she was a first year cadet.  thankfully, it’s early enough that no one is going over to the sickbay for their check ups —— and knowing beverly, she’s most likely fixated on some project or asleep at her desk. 
the moment she hears the hissing of the doors, she finds a look of regret creeping onto her face. addison is by no means a prude,  but 0500 hours is a little too early to explain her little escapade to anyone. but she needs that hypospray,  oh she needs that dermal regenerator from that bite on her back. 
“   okay, before we play fifty questions — i ... i think i dislocated my left shoulder a-and pulled some muscles ... also i’m bleeding on the back & i can’t reach it so ...   ”
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