#lol you just need to google ''renaissance painting death''
scarefox · 2 months
that literally looks like a renaissance painting
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The Lamentation over the Dead Christ
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The Death of Socrates
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cherchersketch · 4 years
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< Day 29: Angel/Demon AU >
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crossposted to AO3
4,497,000 BCE 
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“You know, we’re not really all that different.” The demon grinned, a glint in her eye, as the angel’s wings flapped in irritation.
“I’m not one of those little humans. Why don’t you go bother them instead.”
“No look, hear me out. I mean we were both created for the same purpose right? To serve. My allegiance just happens to be my lord and master, Lucifer, and yours is to that great shining Father, the Creator of the Universe. It’s like, two sides of the same coin and all that.”
“Whatever you’re trying to tempt me to do, it won’t work.” The angel crossed his arms.
“Nah, I’m just bored. We’re stuck here for all eternity watching these little creatures.” She gestured to the figures down the cliff. They were slowly examining a spot which had recently been struck by lightning. The bravest of the bunch held a long tree branch. Gingerly, it poked at the orange light emanating from the ground. It nearly dropped the branch in shock as flames glowed from one end. Oh good, they’d finally discovered fire. “Might as well get to know each other.” She shrugged.
“I’m Felicity.” The angel refused to rise to her bait. “Ah, I see you’re the stoic silent type. Hmmm… Manakel?”
The angel lifted a brow,” Seriously?”
Felicity shrugged. “Don’t you guys all have names that end in -el or something? Hmm… the little creatures did just discover fire so… Nathaniel?”
The angel’s wings twitched once more. He stared at the demon, then shrugged. “Only the higher archangels have those kind of names. I’m just… a lesser angel.”
“So your name is…?”
Now it was the angel’s turn to shrug. “Why don’t you try guessing.”
“Whaaaaat? There’s thousands of names, Thomas.”
“It’s like you said. We’ve got an eternity here. Good luck.” With a powerful flap of his wings, the angel disappeared. It was time to nudge the little creatures a smidge into the right direction before they burned down a whole forest.
11,980 BCE 
“Fancy meeting you here, Bartholomew.” Felicity grinned.
The angel looked up from the creature petting a large wolf.
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“Come on, Jonathan. You know my name.”
“What are you doing here, Felicity?”
“Same as you, of course.” She gestured at the human as it tossed a piece of raw meat to its wolf. “Look at how these little things have grown. Taming other creatures and all.”
“Your side’s work, no doubt.”
The demon frowned, then shrugged. “I don’t know, they don’t really tell me anything. Besides, freedom to bend the rules and all that. And now they have the knowledge of how to command other creatures.”
“Yes, and there goes equality among all species.”
Felicity tapped a finger to her chin. “Isn’t this all part of some… I don’t know, ineffable plan or something. There must be something special about these human creatures for us to be sent to watch over them. Maybe, it was your side’s work.”
The angel frowned, then shrugged. “They don’t really tell me anything either.”
Grinning, the demon stretched her wings. “Well, see you around, Thea. There’s still plenty of time in the day for more mischief.”
She had never seen the angel’s ears turn so red. He spluttered.
“What? What is it?” Her eyes twinkled. “Did I guess correctly?”
“No! That name is… feminine! I’m a male!”
Felicity tilted her head to the left as she examined the angel from head to toe. “Really? It’s kind of hard to tell with you angels, under all those robes.”
Refusing to reply, he simply flew off.
“Bye, Malcolm.”
776 BCE 
“Fancy meeting you here.” Felicity grinned.
“I was wondering when you’d show up again.” The angel acknowledged her appearance with a nod.
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They turned to the human that had summoned them. Currently having an internal debate on whether to steal something or go another day hungry, it grimaced.
“Been a lot easier since this little things started developing morality. Now we can just show up whenever they need a little nudging in the right direction.”
The angel merely grunted in reply.
“Nice beard by the way.” Felicity gestured at his stubble. “You definitely look like an Adrian now.”
He rolled his eyes. “Not even close.”
The human seemed to have made its decision. Another little win for the demons. Felicity pumped her fist in excitement. The angel merely sighed.
“That’s my cue to leave. See you around, Robert.”
“Bye, Felicity.” With a wink, the demon disappeared. He stared a moment at where she’d been. Then, shaking his head, he went off to the next assignment.
“There you are.” Felicity smiled at the familiar brooding face. “Where have you been? Your other siblings aren’t as fun, you know?”
He lifted a brow, “Missed me, have you?”
“What do you think, Anthony?”
He didn’t reply, just turned back to the painting they were all admiring.
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“Is that what it looks like?”
“What, Hell?” At his nod, Felicity frowned and examined the fiery canvas.
“I don’t really go down that often but… kind of, I guess. Amazing what these little things can come up with. Is this the work of you guys or us, do you think?”
“You think demons had a hand in such beauty?” He gestured at the next few paintings.
She shrugged,” They don’t all look like that. I’ve seen… others.”
“Is that what Heaven looks like?” She pointed at the next canvas.
He tilted his head, examining it. “It’s a crude interpretation but, kind of.”
Their human finally made its decision. Its rival was going to be safe after all. Satisfied, the angel smirked. “See you around then, Felicity.”
“Don’t stay away too long this time, Edward.”
“Do you believe in all that?”
The angel raised a brow at the question. “What? Love?”
“Yea. They seem to do a lot of silly things for it.” She gestured at the stage as the play was coming to an end. Two young lovers embraced each other in death. The crowd applauded.
He frowned. “We’re not made the same. Us immortals don’t experience such things.”
“Don’t we?” The look she gave him was inscrutable. It was unnerving, seeing her face without it’s usual cheeky grin.
He cleared his throat. “You said once that we were made for loyalty, to serve the greater good, or bad. That’s all we’re here to do. To guide these creatures to whatever end the Father has in store for them. For all of us.”
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“Is that really what you believe? Is that really all we are?” She placed a hand over his. “Can’t we be more?”
He looked down at their joined hands. “I told you not to tempt me, demon.”
She opened her mouth but before anything was said, they both felt the tug of another assignment. Their current human had finally made its decision, stalking through the crowd to confront its cheating lover.
“See you around, Roy.” With a sad smile, she left.
“At least you’re not running away.”
He looked sideways at her. “It’s our job to guide these humans.”
“But you knew I would be here and you accepted this one anyway.”
He fixed her with an inscrutable look.
Another tug. This human was barely hesitating. It took up a baseball bat and walked out of its house.
The angel grimaced.
“See you around.” Before she could fly off, the angel grabbed one of her hands.
“No more name guessing this time?”
“You aren’t tired of it by now?” He lifted a brow. “William?” He shook his head.
He lifted her hand to his mouth and pressed a gentle kiss. “See you around, Felicity.”
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“Felicity.” She fidgeted with the hem of her dress as he stood by the other side of their human.
“No. But it’s good to see you too.”
They stood in silence, but for the suggestions they whispered in the human’s ear. This one was taking a long time. Occasionally, they glanced at each other before looking away again.
Decision made, the human finally sat back down in bed.
“Well, goodbye then.” As she continued standing in silence, the angel shook his head sadly and turned to leave.
“Wait.” As he turned back, she flew right up to his face, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.
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A moment passed.
Felicity looked up to the sky then turned back to the angel. She grinned. “Well, I don’t hear any thunder or anything so maybe we’re in the clear.”
Stretching her wings, she waved at the silent angel before taking off. “Bye, Jonas.”
He merely stared at where she had stood, one hand over his cheek.
“So… we’re just gonna stand here in silence? Or…?” She hovered upside down in front of him.
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Another tug. 
Felicity closed her eyes and sighed.
“Well, till the next ti-“ She was cut off by the sensation of cool hands cupping her face. A light pressure of lips on hers.
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She opened her eyes.  He smiled. Perhaps it was cliche to call it angelic, but wow.
“See you around, Felicity.”
“Bye, L-“
“It’s Oliver.” With one last bow, he left.
Some Author Notes
Disclaimer: I only did like 5 mins of googling so please don’t look too deep into the details. 
Dates:  4,497,000 BCE - first bipedal hominids, larger brain 11,980 BCE - first domestication of dogs 776 BCE - first Olympic Games in Greece, not much significance to the section really 1400s - a generic time period in the Renaissance 1596 - one year after Romeo and Juliet was written, apparently 1600 - one year after All Ado About Nothing, apparently 1687 - discovery of laws of gravity, no significance to the section really 1735 - cataloging of organisms by species,  no significance to the section really
Names:  Manakel - Angel of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. I... don’t remember why I chose this either Nathaniel - Angel of Fire Thomas - Tommy  Bartholomew - Barry   Jonathan - John (Diggle) Thea - come on, self explanatory. lol Malcolm - same. self-explanatory Adrian - Adrian (Chase) Robert - Robert (Queen) Anthony - Anthony Edward Stark (Tony Stark) Edward - same as above. If you thought it was a Twilight reference, I’ll scream Roy - Roy (Harper) William - William (Clayton) Clayton - same as above Jonas - Oliver Jonas Queen (we all knew this)
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
5k Survey XLIII
2201. Do you have a favorite song by The Cure? >> Fascination Street. 2202. Are there things you’ve never told for fear that others would judge you? >> Sure. There’s a lot of weird shit in my history that I don’t want to tell the average person because the average person just isn’t tactful or particularly compassionate in their reactions, in my experience. 2203. Do you have a favorite Glen Miller song? >> I don’t even know who that is. 2204. Can sex ever be casual? >> Of course it can be. It just isn’t for me, so I prefer not to have casual sex. (Or any sex, but that’s beside the point.) 2205. Who was the last person to let you down? >> I don’t know.
2206. Do others feel that you expect too much of them? >> I don’t know if others feel that way. 2207. Did you forgive the last person who hurt you? >> No. 2208. Does one bad deed outshine many good deeds? >> Negativity bias makes it feel that way sometimes, especially since I’m already sensitive to bad behaviour since I’ve dealt with so much of it. But I recognise that it’s an unfair and unnecessarily intense way to think, so when I can overcome that negativity bias, I try to. 2209. Would you like to go on television to receive a make-over? >> Fuck no. 2210. What will no one ever see you do? >> Anything I do Inworld. 2211. Are you quick to anger? >> No. 2212. Are you slow to forgive? >> Yes. 2213. Do most people around you have a positive attitude? >> No, most people around me have a pretty realistic attitude about how fucked up many things are. Some people are more pessimistic about it than others, and others are more hopeful and determined to do something about the fucked-up-ness (which is probably my favourite kind of “positive” attitude), but I don’t hang around people who are overly positive in their disposition, because excessive positivity is just disturbing to me. 2214. What do you need help with? >> A lot of things. 2215. Do you know a lot about geography? >> No. 2216. Do you take the easy way out of things? >> Sometimes. It’s not like I have an unlimited amount of energy to just be expending on every fucking task. 2217. What is your favorite fabric to wear? >> Cotton, I guess. Whatever’s soft and durable. 2218. Would you finish this survey if it went up to 10,000 questions? >> I don’t know. I think 5000 is more than enough, though. 2219. Would you rather visit the desert or the rainforest? >> The desert. I’d love to see the rainforest too, but I prioritise desert because there’s less bugs, lol. 2220. What does Domo Oregato Mister Roboto actually mean? >> I’m not Google. 2221. Do you still make a wish when you blow out your birthday candles? >> I don’t make wishes or blow out birthday candles. 2222. Make a wish now: >> What did I just say? 2223. Do you look for four leaf clovers? >> No. 2224. What are you the guardian of? >> Inworld. 2225. Do you treat people differently based on their appearance? >> I try not to. 2226. Are you for or against censoring child pornography? >> I think it’s best for everyone that we continue criminalising the creation and sharing of child pornography. 2227. Are naked child images in paintings more acceptable than photographs of naked children? >> This is my opinion, yes. It’s the exploitation and unavoidable harm to real life children that I’m concerned about, not the fact that there’s some naked-baby cherubs flying around in a Renaissance painting or whatever. 2228. Now that we can create such lifelike digital images, do you think it should be allowed for digital child pornography to exist (as in there were no children involved in the porn, it is all digitally made, the kids aren’t real, they just look real)? >> Oh, I’ve heard of this. I’m not sure how I feel about the fact that this is even a dilemma, but what I will say is that if watching some VR toddlers prevents someone from harming an actual real-life child, then you know what, at least there’s that. 2229. Do you like wheel of fortune or jeopardy better? >> Jeopardy!. I sometimes learn random shit from that show. 2230. Are you a fan of the Clash? >> I’m not familiar enough with their music to say. 2231. How do you feel about Jerry Orbuch’s passing on? >> I don’t know who that is. Or, er, was. 2232. What celebrity are you dreading the future death of? >> I haven’t really thought about it. I did experience what it was like to have a celebrity I felt an emotional attachment to die (David Bowie), and I gotta say, it wasn’t that bad. It just made me sentimental and kind of sweetly sorrowful -- the Blackstar album definitely contributed to that feeling. 2233. Are you a fan of Joy Division? >> Not really. I’d listen to them if they were on, but I don’t have any of their songs saved to Spotify. 2234. If you were going to ‘make over’ your diary what theme would you give it? >> --- 2235. What is your favorite tarot deck? >> Right now, it’s the Starman Tarot. It’s so beautiful. I also have Prisma Visions which is lovely, and Quantum Tarot which I haven’t used in years and honestly forget I own most of the time. Necronomicon Tarot is another favourite of mine -- that was my first deck, way back when. 2236. How do you feel about file sharing (especially movies and music)? >> I support it. 2237. How do you feel about wicca and paganism? >> I find all the iterations interesting. 2238. Do you believe that people who practice the above religions are able to accomplish magic? >> I think accomplished practitioners are certainly doing something. I mean, honestly, witchcraft in its myriad forms has endured for so long that there has to be a reason why people keep doing this stuff. It’s a lot of work, man, I can’t imagine they’d be doing it for nothing, lmao. 2239. If you were given the opportunity to lead a creative writing program for a small group of students in a high school with a low budget in generally poor neighborhood, would you do it? >> I don’t think I’m qualified to do that, but if I was, absolutely. The creative writing group in high school was one of the few places I felt absolutely supported (for that short period of time, until my father made me stop going >.>). 2240. If you could pick anyone who would you want living next door to you? >> I don’t know who I’d want for a neighbour. Someone quiet who minds their business unless explicitly interacted with, for sure. 2241. If you were a tarot card which one would you be? >> The Alien from the Starman Tarot (he’s what would be The Hermit in a regular deck). 2242. Should high school cafeterias stop serving Twinkies and other fatty foods? >> Yes. 2243. Would you rather that McDonald’s took a lot of fat out of their fries even if they wouldn’t taste as good? >> Didn’t they try that at one point, like they switched up the kind of oil they used or something? I feel like they ended up switching back, though. Anyway, this is irrelevant to me because I don’t usually eat there (which I think is the best move, overall). 2244. Do you neglect your friends when you have a significant other? >> This isn’t something I’ve ever understood, no. 2245. Do you think that an advertisement for a cake decorating set would make good song lyrics? >> I don’t know. 2246. Would a band that used this ad for song lyrics take off or just fizzle out? >> I don’t know??? 2247. Are you more practical or imaginative? >> I hope I’m a reasonable combination of both. 2248. Can you see beautiful colors without closing your eyes? >> ???? 2249. What are the four best songs or bands to listen to while making love? >> Personally, I’ve had some great Inworld experiences while listening to this Mandy-related playlist I have saved on Spotify.  2250. What do you believe in? >> Hm.
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