#lorian my baby i still love you i really do this was just so shocking
I was trying out the classic hunger games sim online cause its amusing to me and I'm planning to do a bigger retry with it tomorow with more characters etc etc
This demo round though...broke me right before bed..so I'm showing yall the angst and hurt too
If you like submas, be ready. Summed up, this happened:
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For context, Lorian is a Dark Souls 3 boss and is also probably one of my biggest comfort characters if not my top one. So this is super conflicting and I WASNT PREPARED FOR THE HEARTBREAK-
Someone HAS to have made a fanfic similar to this tho...and it would have been worse if Ingo and Emmet switched places imo
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starlitsea · 7 years
The first part of the finale.
Listen to monotone robot man. Why would anyone follow this dude?
Baby Elizabeth is soooo cute. ;__;
This conference looks SO AWKWARD with the Enterprise crew just … standing on the stairs in the background. Phlox is the only one who looks cheerful and everyone else looks like they’re waiting for the dentist to pull out their wisdom teeth.
Clap clap clap.
Archer KNOWS they look bad so makes everyone clap harder.
Trip REALLY doesn’t want to clap. If you watch carefully, it looks like T'Pol caught a stray thought from Trip and is just sharing in his sullenness. Archer probably made them stand away from each other because it would be waaaay too obvious otherwise.
Aw, look at this crew. Sourpusses together.
Trip says something. T'Pol answers, but even her words sound completely unconvincing.
They are totally having a private mental bitch session and none of you can convince me otherwise. T'Pol has a bit of a delay before moving down the stairs too, as though she’s finishing listening to Trip grousing in her mindspace. Also, it looks like she’s zoning out a couple of times on the stairs. LOL.
Random woman staggering in wearing a jacket from 1970.
T'Pol is backing Trip’s POV up to Archer. My babies have come so far since Season One! Also, that quick amused look Archer gives her. Like, oh, backing up Trip, huh?
Look, the bad jacket lady is shoving something at T'Pol while saying, “They’re going to kill her.” She looks like a bomber or a shooter.
Is there NO SECURITY at this Very Important Conference?!
T'Pol looks very concerned by the words of this person who has wandered in off the street.
But no, she’s a dying, emotionally disturbed good Samaritan who has a DYING MESSAGE.
Or a vial with hair in it. Doesn’t the hair look TOO LONG for a baby?
T'Pol has the facts about Susan Khouri and has clearly been doing some digging. Trip just looks befuddled. He’s more concerned about who the hair belonged to. Clearly he thinks there’s some sort of hostage situation.
Trip and T'Pol as a duo standing together is a good thing because this is a crazy truth bomb that is about to be dropped on them.
Phlox is like, yes, I know exactly who the hair belongs to. It’s a baby that contains Vulcan and human DNA.
T'Pol’s face is very calm and considering.
Phlox: I did everything possible to verify these shocking hair results.  It’s TnT’s baby!
Trip turning to T'Pol all: Wait, we had a baby?!
T'Pol looks a little unsettled by all the looks but is otherwise like, yeah, of course? in her demeanor.
Of course, the very next scene she is meditating so she isn’t THAT calm about it. Aaaaand obviously she knows who is at her door.
Trip strides in all: “We gotta talk about this.” We can only wonder how they left the conversation after sick bay but it doesn’t look like they got anywhere with it if this is where they’re starting. I assume there was a lot of Trip going, ARE YOU SURE? And Phlox going: Did I stutter?
Anyway, Trip sits down and steeples/smooshes his hands against his face. This is not an easy conversation.
T'Pol’s like, OK, I am not sitting next to you as it appears you may behave irrationally. Also, I dunno what’s going on either.
Trip’s all: Science! DNA! Verifiable facts! Logic!
T'Pol: Are you calling me a liar? I’ve never been pregnant. Like, ever.
Trip: Then WTF is going on?! I’m so confused and distraught. (Though really, if we look at the date of the first time they had sex, unless the Vulcan gestation period is VERY short, I don’t think they could have a six month old? Like, I guess human females pregnant with a half Vulcan baby actually have a TEN month long pregnancy? And she would have probably had to get pregnant when they were chasing the Xindi and like … hidden it for months as their ship was on the verge of breaking down???)
T'Pol can’t explain how it’s possible and Trip is just … not dealing very well.
T'Pol: Do you believe me?
This is a really important question. This is a crisis here. Like, this is basically her LIFE PARTNER (and father of her child(ren)!) questioning whether she is telling him the truth.
And we don’t see her expression but we see Trip’s expression, and slowly, slowly, he says, “Yeah.” He believes her. Phlox must be wrong.  If she’s never been pregnant then she can’t have a baby.
He is having some MIXED feelings here. On the one hand, we KNOW he loves the idea of having kids with her. He LOVES THEIR KIDS. He was SO DAMN HAPPY about Lorian. On the other hand, at least T'Pol is not a giant liar McLiar McLying face who had his baby and hid it from him only to have dangerous people kidnap it?
And ever since he said that he believed her, she’s been moving closer to him. And she sits down in front of him now, so close, now that they are finally able to be in the same space, and she tells him, she knows that it’s their baby.
He’s like, Wait a minute, did you NOT just tell me two seconds ago that you’ve never been-
She hasn’t.
And now he’s all angry and confused and going crazy again. WTF is going on?!
Here you can hear the emotion leak out of her. She can’t explain how their baby exists, but it does.  There is definitely a baby out there that is theirs.
And Trip’s face is just a picture of WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING? How do you know that?!
She just rapid-fire responds with: I’m Vulcan.
His disbelieving face is the best. It’s like she said, I know because I’m a witch. And he just slumps a little like, Samantha, why didn’t you tell me you were a witch BEFORE we got married?! (Okay, I actually dislike so many things about Bewitched, but this is just the example that popped to mind!)
Archer has faith in humanity. Yes, reference that theme song!
He’s rebutted with: We can’t afford to operate on faith.
Archer: No, ‘cause I’ve got faith of the heart! I’m going where my heart will take me! I’ve got faith to believe, I can do anything!
Archer is like TnT are going bananas, please tell me what you found out.
Yeah, now Archer has to call on Malcolm for a shady favor.
Malcolm hanging out at the actual docks. LOL.
Ugh, now Malcolm is back in the shady covert organization. All for Archer.
Everyone’s like: where did this baby come from? The mysterious secret dude doesn’t even know.
The bad guys are plotting. The TnT baby is so cuuuuuute that no one can resist. She’s a cutie patootie.
Terraists are always totally crazy (see LoGH, I mean Terraists).
Megalomaniacs always have scale models of buildings in their rooms.
I still don’t see any security at this conference!
Why do politicians always look so sleazy?
Archer is being pretty decent at getting information for once. Not enough underlying threat, though.
Travis’s subplot again. Hi, subplot. Travis is mad because Gannett broke up with him.
Trip needs some one to talk to so he goes to Phlox, because as you know, starships were not equipped with Counselors back in the day.
Trip gets right to talking about the baby. He wants to know about it, if it’s a boy or a girl. After what T'Pol said, it’s become real to him.
He’s so gobsmacked that she’s a girl. He’s in awe. He is fucking INVESTED. Immediately. Instantaneously. As soon as he let himself believe in it. (He is gonna back SUCH A GOOD DAD.) Now he wants to know if she’s okay, being a hybrid. (I mean, he’s seen Lorian so he knows it’s possible for her to be fine.)
Phlox says humans and Vulcans are pretty similar (yeah, all that Seeder stuff) so to the best of his knowledge, she’s perfectly healthy. (Nuuuuuu, whhhhyyyyyy.)
Trip is relieved and smiles a little bit. Then Phlox is a little TOO free with the info and tells him that she has his eyes. He laughs. Lorian had his father’s.
And T'Pol’s ears. Lorian had those too.
Trip’s still flabbergasted. It’s so much to take in.
Phlox is like, yeah, it’s totes weird since T'Pol’s never been pregnant. (And as her DOCTOR, he should know.)
And then Trip says: She could have gotten pregnant and not told me about it.
I will cut him a little slack because the situation is so completely bizarre and they were definitely having their fair share of problems, but, seriously Trip, you need to have more faith (of the heart)! That was beneath you.
Phlox does not bat an eye that they’re clearly sleeping together (well, he half orchestrated the whole thing), but the way he says, “Ah,” is so heavy and chiding. “And she had the embryo removed, also without your knowledge. I believe you know the answer to that theory, Commander.” Phlox is shaming him for his line of thought and Trip acknowledges it and that he’s wrong to think it. He knows that he should believe in her.
Phlox is like, OK, I will give you a pass this time, but you better not be a dumbass about it and say anything like this to T'Pol.
Trip thinks hard, nods, and says that’s good advice. He just won her back after a hard fought struggle. He’s not enough of an idiot to throw that away again.
Trip shares the fact that his father always wanted a granddaughter and bothered his sister about it all the time. (Was Lizzie married? I think originally he might have been supposed to have an older sister, but she got wiped from canon, so it must be Lizzie who’s being referenced.) For once, talking about his sister doesn’t seem to be painful for him. He’s smiling.
Phlox plays along and says it seems his father got his wish.
Trip shakes his head and blows out a breath, feeling overwhelmed. Here he is, dealing with sudden fatherhood. But to his credit, he already loves this baby he’s never met.
Ugh, listen to these xenophobic Terraists. Watch this robo-dude shoot himself up.
Travis and subplot checking out the shuttlepods. Ah, Shuttlepod One. The scene of many close encounters. You guys should close the door at least? C'mon, Travis.
Trip and T'Pol are the only ones sitting at the table. Like everyone else is standing around giving a presentation and the two of them need to be sitting in case there’s more bad news. Trip immediately volunteers to go on the undercover mission to the moon. T'Pol looks conflicted for a second, listening to him, but makes up her mind that she also wants to go. They’ve gotta get to their baby. Archer sees their resolve and doesn’t argue.
Doctor dude from earlier is the end result of ROCKS FALL.
Why are we mining the moon? Poor moon.
Trip and T'Pol are apparently the ONLY ONES on the undercover mission. Like, uh, you couldn’t send a couple MACOs??? These people have their baby. DON’T YOU THINK THEY’RE KIND OF RECOGNIZABLE?
Anyway, they are quibbling over directions while dressed in truly ugly jumpsuits.
Trip accuses T'Pol of downloading an outdated map.
She’s affronted. The map is fine!
Trip: “Maybe you’re reading it wrong.”
She is so peeved right now. She is pursing her lips in annoyance. THIS is the man she’s in love with? Really? But she restrains herself like a Vulcan and offers gently, “We can ask for directions.”
Trip is NOT asking for directions and tells her to give him the map.
He tells her that he’s figured out the problem and she clings on to this glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. “What?”
“We’re lost.”
Her irritated face is a delight. They’re lost. Also hilarious.
He suggests going in one direction and she inquires as to his reasoning.
He doesn’t recognize the tunnel and she bows her head and gives in.
Well, they’re alone in this tunnel so she wants to have a heart to heart. She knows he’s not convinced that she told him the truth about the child.
He looks really serious here when he asks her what she means.
She looks both sad and a little testy as she says, “You think I might have gotten pregnant without your knowledge.”
He can’t really deny it and looks away, but tries to defend himself anyway. “I never said that!”
“I know.” Jolene’s delivery here is so good? She is acknowledging that he didn’t say that even if he was thinking it, and she knows it was because he didn’t want to hurt her, even if she is still hurt by it. She does a little swallow after she says it too.
He’s not mad or anything but the first thought that comes to his mind just pops out of his mouth: “You’ve been talking to Phlox.”
And by this T'Pol is a little skeptical as to where the conversation has gone and turns it around on him. “Nooo? Have you?”
Now he’s kind of frustrated but not mad. “Look, it’s because you’re Vulcan, inn’t it, that you know all this?!” Like he’s at a perpetual disadvantage and T'Pol is full of some witchy secret mind-reading knowledge that he’s not privy too. She knows that the baby is theirs. She knows that he has doubts. (Darlin’, she could read you without the psychic bond. And don’t forget, you once told her the same thing.)
He’s sick of the bond!
Now, this riles her up. She doesn’t particularly enjoy it either. Especially when it tells her her partner is doubting her!
But the way Trip handles this really shows how much he’s grown and that he really took his talk with Phlox to heart. He tells her that for the last time he DOES believe her and that if she gets any more feelings (I think he was probably going to tell her to talk about them with him first rather than stewing in her own juices) – but he gets distracted by T'Pol staring over his shoulder.
Yup, they finally found the area they were looking for. So Trip was right about that. And then they have to table the conversation because finding their baby is more important.
Also, hasn’t it been a day or two since you guys were originally having sex? You were the one with the friend on the moon base so TnT could sneak in so you had to have been productive at SOME point. Were just helping out between bouts of having sex in the shuttlepod?! Has Gannett just been hanging out on the ship the ENTIRE time?
Hoshi is fixing the universal translators. Malcolm is getting antsy.
Trip’s been singled out and is playing along to get in good with the good ol’ boys club. Uh, Josiah is being a Xenophobic butthead, but the rhetoric sounds so familiar. It’s not lost on me that they have multiple black men AND an Asian being xenophobic buttheads, BTW, but in Star Trek race isn’t an issue anymore. It’s species.
T'Pol comes up and without preamble starts to tell him that she’s figured something out. He grabs her, makes a gesture for silence, and hides her behind him to make sure everything’s clear. Gotta protect his lady.
T'Pol’s telling him about the dead doctor with the air of someone revealing the set up of a murder mystery.
Trip immediately knows that she’s not buying the cover up and they agree to split up and figure out what they can tonight.
Ugh, I don’t want to listen to the alt-right meeting, I mean … no, that’s exactly what I mean.
T'Pol is checking out the scene where the doctor’s body was found and of course she gets shot.
5 thousand unregistered aliens on Earth. Could be 10 thousand. Humanity won’t exist in the future because of aliens among us. Wow is this episode timely. Like LOOK, THESE ARE THE BAD GUYS SPOUTING THIS BS.
Trip, you’ve been found out. Your face is too famous.
Yeah, Archer and Malcolm have found out that your girlfriend is a spy.
Trip gets thrown in the room and the first thing he sees is T'Pol sprawled on the ground, struggling to get up. “Are you all right?”
“I think so.”
When he hears that, he is so upset that she didn’t respond with “Yes.” That means she got hurt or worse. He sees the guard and rushes at him, demanding to know what he did to her. He is about to go to town on this guy but is held back.
The guard smirks at him and says, “Not nearly enough.”
Trip’s face right now? This is the face of a man memorizing all of your features, buddy. So that he can find you later and beat the ever-living crap out of you so that even your own momma doesn’t recognize you. HOW DARE YOU.
Now Paxton comes and is just so ludicrous with his delivery, comparing them to Romeo and Juliet, (Seriously, you guys were SO NOT DISCRETE – EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT YOU), ranting on about them being starcrossed lovers …
Trip is wondering if this is all a huge joke. Is he being punked right now?
He and T'Pol both come to the realization that Paxton is the man in charge.
Then he rambles on about their baby being fine.
T'Pol is so pissed. Trip is so pissed too. He demands to see her.
Paxton yells: “No!” and then starts ranting some more. Trip’s face is like, WTF is even happening?
Paxton starts dissing Vulcans in particular. Then he starts dissing Trip and T'Pol’s relationship in general.
T'Pol wants to punch Paxton in the face and she is logically considering whether it will be worth it. Emotionally, it will be SO worth it. But logically, it could put the baby, Trip, and herself at risk.
I have always thought this, but apparently Trip and T'Pol are SO NOT discrete that even an organization of xenophobic whackjobs knows about them. Goodness.
TnT exchange a look, like, is he serious right now? This is the guy who’s the threat? THIS yahoo?
Yeah, the moonbase is mobile. He’s just letting Trip and T'Pol stand around with no guards? Like, really?
Gannett is being interrogated and wants a lawyer. Travis cannot believe this is happening.
Hoshi is only slightly judging.
Yeah, that’s correct, the entire mining facility is taking off.
Trip and T'Pol thinking that they’ve been caught by an absolute madman here who’s going to warp INSIDE the system.
Trip is like, WTF is holding this together, spit and string? Why would you even make this monstrosity?
TnT are a unit here.
Since when did we arm Mars?! With, like, the outpost from The Martian and lasers shooting out of the satellite dish?
Why are we ALWAYS firing on our poor Moon? Like, LEAVE THE MOON ALONE.
T'Pol literally feels sick standing next to this man.
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