#lots of little anxiety spikes I couldn't address during the daytime came back to haunt me at night fhfgsgdh
heartshattering · 2 months
rambling below cut
Six great nights in a row (!!!!!!), then one not-so great night last night... 😵‍💫
I'm still coping a lot better than I normally would though. A similar situation would've turned me into a mess not too long ago, but this time it just felt like a minor blip. So I think I still deserve to be proud of myself. I wish I could prevent nighttime panic episodes altogether but at least I've gotten better at pulling myself out of them before they blow up too badly. I've figured out how to soothe myself without going into catastrophe mode. Plus I was able to finish something I was working on last night so now I'm able to go on a break until the end of the month (and honestly the work hanging over my head might have been one of the major factors contributing to my panic last night, so luckily I don't have to worry about that anymore).
Tonight will definitely go better since I figured out what went wrong and know how to tackle it. I just have to put in a little extra time for self-regulating and winding down (which should be easier since I got rid of one of my stressors already, and I've been keeping my healthy coping strategies in mind for when I feel overwhelmed). Last night wasn't the best but tbh it might have been necessary since it did push me into getting one big task out of the way (that I might have kept avoiding otherwise because of anxiety) and now I can relax more. I'm feeling way better now and today has been going alright so far so I'm glad. It will be okay.
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