jalabharmooton · 11 months
| @floatingshadow​ | | setting: before leaving the riverlands for the reach |
Normally he was quite careful when conducting any sort of business. The problem with people like Margret Blackwood was they did nothing wrong. They weren’t a lot of secrets. She had an embarrassing crush on Jack Archibald Grafton, a great big oaf of a man who was equally boring unless they chose to count vanity as a crime. In that case the cells would overflow with the amount of men and women who spent more times pleasuring themselves to their reflections than thinking. Other than that, there was nothing about the woman and for months he set his spies out to watch her, track what she did, who she did, and who she spoke to. Boring. Boring. Boring. Then, then something came to his mind about the whole matter. He would just lie.
Occasionally the loyalty he holds for his Tully kin outweighs sense. He did not wish to know what Casimir would think or do if he learned the details of the Frey bitch’s death and he would rather not have to get his hands dirty. It was how they worked. He did as need if it was clean and quiet. They King was the King, and the man of whispers was a man of whispers. There was little need to confuse the point. The darker points of a kingdom would never bubble to the surface and if it did, well, one could only hope they would all be dead. That was the way for ones secrets to be discovered, when they were useless to everyone reading the words. Of course, Qorban tried to avoid the written word often as he could. Paper trails were unwise.
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“Lady Blackwood.” Qorban walked over to her, stood in front of her to stop her steps as he smiled. It wasn’t unusual to a Riverlander. Qorban was a lad when he was alongside the younger Ben. Some would say, old friends catching up. Qorban wanted those thoughts to stay way. 
“How are you? Well I hope. I wish to speak with you something you presume to know about me. Walk this away where there are no eyes and fewer ears.”
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joshdon · 2 years
𝖼𝗅𝗈𝗌𝖾𝖽 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗍𝖾𝗋 for @r-maggs​ ♡
na ÁREA EXTERNA dias depois da cerimônia 
Apesar de não ter muito trejeito social, era observador, e sabia como adquirir conhecimento assim. Imitando a ação de um outro participante, que observou fazer alguns dias antes, preparou dois drinks e caminhou até a segunda área externa - sempre tinha alguém lá, e estava contando com isso. A loira parecia estar sozinha, então suspirou como se tentasse ganhar coragem, enquanto se aproximava com um drink em cada mão. Falando sobre aparência, Margareth parecia ter exatamente o que ele descreveu gostar em uma mulher, agora era a hora de saber se ela tinha o mesmo potencial nos outros quesitos. E, também importante, se ele se encaixava no que ela estava procurando. De alguma forma, talvez inconsciente, vinha a evitando pela semelhança visual com uma ex-namorada, mas precisava deixar isso de lado e ver o que o programa reservou para ele.   “ ━━ Eu aposto dez dólares do prêmio que você não adivinha o que tem nesse drink. ━━ ”   Sentou-se na espreguiçadeira ao lado, virando o corpo de frente para ela.   “ ━━ Não tá envenenado, prometo. ━━ ” 
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gemma-devereux · 11 months
CLOSED STARTER who: @maggiedereux where: Dolly's Diner
"Do not get that in my hair," Gemma ducked, catching Petunia's wrist and directing her arm away from her. In her first, Petunia had the end of her milkshake straw in her hand, and it was absolutely a risk that chocolate milkshake was about to cover all three of them. "You my dear are on a sugar high," Gemma giggled, tickling her niece at the ribs so she could pluck the straw from her grasp and put it back into her milkshake. She was sitting on the same side of the booth as Petunia, Maggie across from them. From what Gemma could see, ever perceptive to her siblings, but mostly to Maggie, her sister was dead sober, which was a victory because she'd heard she was anything but sober at the festival.
"You're getting too big," Gemma pouted, running her hand down Petunia's hair, which seemed to have gotten so much longer since she'd last seen her. "I would like a monkey, please," She said, tapping Petunia's placemat with her fingernail, which was currently already covered in drawings. Flicking her eyes to Maggie, she leaned forward, nudging her sisters ankle with her own. "How's mom?" She wondered, twirling the straw of her own strawberry milkshake between her fingertips. She was asking something between the lines - she knew how their mother was, considering Gemma talked to her probably most of all, but what she specifically wanted to know was how Maggie and their mother's relationship stood at the moment. "You look good," She added, another loaded comment meaning, I know you're sober.
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fromdusk-toausra · 4 years
It had been a little bit since she’d met with Ivan and had the whole ‘I’m going to be your future wife and the queen of Russia’ talk and Ausra was, honestly, still letting the news sink in. She hadn’t seen Maggie yet, wasn’t sure how she’d take it, wasn’t even sure how she felt about it herself. Ausra couldn’t avoid the whole affair anymore though and she figured the best thing to do was to face it head on. ‘Head on’ of course meaning still somewhat avoiding Ivan, but inviting Maggie to tea. If the Russia princess didn’t know already she deserved to find out from the source rather than through gossip. 
Proper invitation sent and staff coordinated with for a delightful afternoon tea with snacks and desserts of a large variety Ausra made her way to the cozy tea room. Hesitating at the door she left out a slow exhale to calm her nerves. It didn’t make sense to even have them in the first place, she’d known Maggie for years, they were close friends. She couldn’t imagine the princess was anything less than enthused about her joining the family, and honestly being sisters with Maggie had been one of the few things she’d been looking forward to since receiving the news. Shaking it off she pushed the door open with a smile, excitedly calling the girl’s name as she did. 
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