#margarita ysblf
I think at this point everyone is familiar with the theories talking about how people are unconsciously attracted to characteristics that remind them of their parents (usually, the one that is of the pposite sex to them), and it's pretty obvious that Gaitán was aware of them, too. There's a whole a scene where the joke is Armando and don Hermes' parallels!
Their similarities are in personality, especially in their treatment of Betty. They are both grumpy men who are often times rude, but they are also incredibly protective of those they love (Betty in this case), which is why she doesn't take to heart their bad temper and knows they never mean to offend her and are always looking for the best for her. They don't tolerate anyone mistreating her-- not even the othsr! Which is ironic considering thwy are both quick to yell at her without realizing.
You could also argue that they share physical characteristics not in the sense that they look alike, but rather that they take similar decisions regarding their appearance. For example, that they both take a lot of care into their apparence and are mostly seen wearing formal clothes, as well as the glasses and that old-fashioned vibe.
I think that's a fact of the novela that we all know and have discussed plenty.
But can we talk about how this same phenomenon manifest in Marcela/Margarita? I saw/made a comment about this recently and can't stop thinking about it!
Their resemblance, in this case, is actually just physical. They have the same haircolor at the beginning, and after Marcela's makeover, she gets the same hair length as Margarita. They also keep their hair straight with curved tips towards their necks.
They are also seen wearing very similar colors-- for example, when Margarita and Roberto come back from London the night before the embargo, both Margarita and Marcela are wearing pastel colors. This is unlike Marcela-- she rarely ever wears such sweet, clear, and soft colors.
This leads me to believe that Marcela tried to LOOK like Armando's ideal woman (in addition, she is almost completely what he described as "perfect woman" when using the Oracle of Goddesses-- tall, slim, dhoulder lenght dark heair and non-brown eyes), but she wasn't truly it because she never actually put in practice Margarita's advice: to be Armando's peace. Betty, on the other hand, truly was.
In other words, Gaitán was incredibly clever writing Marcela's character. She is everything one would think is perfect for Armando, down to the whole "parents characteristics" theories-- but their perfection was skin depth!
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blossom-fox · 5 months
Marcela told Margarita that Armando has an affair with a very important woman. Armando AND MARCELA are her children's
And her decides to sit down with her son and say things like "un deseo que se hace realidad. Cumplir con en anhelo póstumo de Susana e Julio Valencia... Y con tu matrimonio ratificas que estás asumiendo una vida normal, la vida de un hombre adulto, responsable que además se casa con una mujer maravillosa que te ama"
And a minute later she asks him "Dime una cosa, ¿Es que no estás segura de casarte o qué?"
YOU BITCH, you don't wanna hear the answer, the real truth, you list reasons why this wedding should happen and didn't mention the most important reason why they should be married: LOVE. A wedding is a celebration of the love of two people and it's barely mentioned.
And Armando opens a little and says that he's worried about the board meeting and other stuff. She pulls the guilt card and says "Pues ojalá estes evasivo por cosas de trabajo y no por algo más. O, mejor dicho, por alguien más"
I mean, your son's wedding is 48 hours away and he doesn't even know what clothes he's going to wear, and he and your daughter in law are clearly suffocating and distressed and you don't even know how to give a fuck advice
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I hate everything she’s saying!
Marriage does not equal a normal life nor does it make you become responsible!
Bro the choice of words…💀
“se casa con una mujer maravillosa que te ama” “QUE TE AMA” broo! Who cares if some crazy lady loves you what’s important is that YOU love her.
I’m telling yall! Margarita knows Armando doesn’t love Marcela. That’s why she always mentions her love for him. Margarita knows to not mention Armando’s nonexistent love for Marcela 💀 it’s too risky! We don’t want him to realize he’s entering a loveless marriage🤭
Can’t she see his face? That does not look like a man that agrees with her. That does not look like a man in love. He looks disgusted by her words😀
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ladysophiebeckett · 9 months
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just realized he takes the most after margarita
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condesadayra · 2 years
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snowie130 · 7 months
Claire Meade would destroy Margarita Mendoza in a heartbeat.
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elsareyblog · 8 months
tengo una teoría de ysblf que se me acaba de ocurrir
bien, todos sabemos la rivalidad de daniel con armando y también podemos suponer que una de las razones es por la competencia que tienen por la atención de roberto mendoza
pero y si también fuera por una razón un poco más oscura?
daniel respeta sólo a dos mujeres en su vida: margarita (por su edad y porque lo crió en parte) y marcela. son las únicas que se salvan de la humillación de este personaje
él le lleva dulces a marcela, le dice que está hermosa, la visita y le cuenta alguna que otra cosa personal, la defiende de armando y la respeta. le dijo a armando que no merecía a su hermana y que si dudaba, no iba a permitir que él se casara con ella. es de la única que supone que tiene inteligencia a pesar de ser mujer, marcela se salva bastante de su misoginia.
qué pasa si toda su vida, daniel estuvo secretamente enamorado de (o simplemente deseó a) su propia hermana? qué pasa si buena parte de su rivalidad con armando está basado en esto? peor: qué pasa si armando en algún momento se dio cuenta o sospechó sobre esto?
qué piensan? podría ser posible?
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whentheynameyoujoy · 4 months
I appreciate how YSBLF skirts the classical telenovela tropes, e.g. most obviously the reason why the couple is kept apart for a good chunk of the run isn't just a misunderstanding implanted between them by evil meddlers; it's that the woman grew a spine and refuses to put her trust in a guy who provably, objectively, horribly hurt her.
But then there are moments where you go, yup, that's telenovela writing for you, and Margarita outright screeching "No, my precious pumpkin couldn't have devised a disgusting seduce and exploit scheme to cover up his fraud, because he would never slip it to someone as ugly and poor as dun-dun-dun HER 🤢" definitely qualifies.
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kainamendozasolano · 6 months
El diario de Betty
Nota #30
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"Le contamos la historia de los dos, sin el engaño.
Y, aún, para mi papá fue difícil asimilarlo.
Por primera vez un hombre se atrevía a decirle, cara a cara, que amaba a su hija y que tenía una relación con ella.
Y fue duro para él. Pero era, apenas, la primera noticia dura que afrontaba sobre mí."
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“Ahora me tocaba a mí enfrentar a su familia.
Desde que nos reconciliamos yo jamás me volví a ver con ellos, pero ya no podía eludirlos más.
No sabía cómo iban a tomar la noticia. Sé cuánto querían a doña Marcela y cuánto anhelaron que ellos se casaran.
Imaginé que iba a ser difícil que ellos aceptaran, especialmente la mamá. Parece que ya se había      
hecho la idea de que doña Marcela no volvería, ya habían pasado varios meses desde que ella y Patricia Fernández se fueron para siempre de Ecomoda.
No fue fácil convencer a Nicolás que lo mejor era que terminara con esa ilusión. Él dice que entiende que es lo mejor, que no iba a ninguna parte con ella. Y se prometió olvidarla. Pero yo lo entiendo, una cosa es la razón, otra el anhelo. Pero sé que lo superará pronto, ya está dando indicios.
Tenía fe en que saliera pronto de su depresión. ¿Y qué mejor que el universo de Ecomoda? Donde aparecen cada rato rubias como las que lo despeinan.
A pesar de que doña Margarita se encargó de los preparativos, tuve que compartir mi trabajo con todo lo que me implicaba casarme.
Doña Margarita era muy exigente en cada detalle de la ceremonia y por supuesto en el vestido de novia.”
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“Afortunadamente él estaba de acuerdo, porque yo igual estaba a punto de renunciar a un matrimonio pomposo. Pero sabía que no sería fácil decírselo a su familia.
Y citamos a sus padres de nuevo para comentarles la decisión. Debo admitir que me molestó que hablaran en secreto, no sabía qué era lo que pasaba y sólo lo entendería hasta el día de mi matrimonio.”
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"Espero que cuando él me vea, siga sintiendo que soy la mujer de sus sueños."
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armandoswife · 2 years
Hi! I was watching some scenes of ysblf, in particular the one in which Armando forcefully kiss Betty in the office. In your opinion what would have happened if Catalina wasn't there?
Thanks for the question:) and sorry for lasting so long:( Well it’s really hard to know, but here is what I think:
Armando would keep kissing Betty, I honestly don’t think he would have r4p3 her or something. Do you know how she always ended giving up and kissing him back?? well thats what I think it would’ve happened. Now im giving to alternatives:
Paty, Margarita and Marcela actually entering Armandos office, which would’ve lead to they all watching them make out and Marcela going fucking insane. In this version Betty would’ve been fired, because obviously Margarita and Roberto would’ve support Marcela. Now this is something really hard to define: What would happened with Armando and Marcelas weeding?? Well Marcela would probably break up everything at first, like she did in the novela, then Daniel Valencia would’ve asked to divide the company and they would’ve found that its seized by Betty. I think all the legal process would be the same as in the novela. Now my favorite part bc i love romance: Armando is unemployed because he refuses to stop the relation with Betty. Betty hasn’t talk with Catalina yet, so no Cartagena plans. They are both in the same city and Armando is determinated to keep theyre relationship even though theres no more real reason, cause Betty is cooperating and doing everything the Mendozas and Valencias are telling her to. Armando would’ve show up everytime he could to Bettys house until someday he cofesses that hes in love with her to Doña Julia in order to convincing her to let him talk to her doughter. Betty wouldn’t believe Armando at first but hes determinated to show her his real change, so he keeps defending her in the boarding meetings and he accepts in front of everyone that he loves her. Lets remember there is not look change here so its not the happy ending we originally get, but at least they end up together. And of course Marcela. after seeing that Armando wouldn’t go back with her, leaves Ecomoda with Patricia Fernandez like in the novela.
Now the second version where there is no Paty, Marcela or Margarita. As I said I dont think that Armando would’ve raped her. I think here there isnt too much differences to the originally story, because at the end, for the pressure and pain that The Plan causes to Betty I think she woul’ve confess everything to Catalina Angel, who wouldve offered to take her to Cartagena and then basically the Telenovela would have been the same
Im really sorry for taking this long, I started the post, save it as a draft, and Ive been habing so much things going on that I totally forgot abut it till, well, now. I know the quality may not be very good but Its 2am and I wanted to answer it now bc if not i will forget again;)
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Hellooooo ❤️
I love your blog a lot, you're so insightful and it's like an oasis in the desert of media literacy in the YSBLF fandom, lol.
Wanted to ask, what do you think would've happened if Don Hermes found out about the Sinister Plan? I think that regardless of the point in the story he would probably be unable to forgive Armando for it and might be the biggest deterrent for Betty to be with/accept Armando back, but I wanted to know what you think and what possibilities you see!
Hiiii! Thank youuuu!🥰🥰🥰🥰
Oh, I love this question!!! It has multiple answers depending on when he finds out and how. that would have definitely been a big stone! Big enough to have been the plot of a sequel or of a whole other part of ysblf (that ik couldn't be, but it had the potential), or, simply, ending it all on tragedy.
I'll go for him finding out after Cartagena and through Armando. My first idea was him finding during Cartagena and through her diary, becaus I think the novela mainly nodded to that (given how he eyed the diary when Betty was leaving and how foña Julia mentioned he might try to read it), but after thinking it through, I think that if don Hermes had read through Betty's perspective how it all went down, how it shattered her, how it's not the first time a man manipulated her like this, and how she thinks her life is nothing but a "cycle of tragedy", he wouldn't have let her go back to Ecomoda at all. His protection style is avoiding the thing that can hurt her, like how he isolated her from the kids who mistreated her as a kid and how he didn't want to let her go to that "date" with Roman's friend. And it all would have ended right there, with Ecomoda back in th Mendozas/Valencias' hands for a microsecond before being eaten alive by the debts, lenders, and banks.
So instead I think the only way it could have worked and the relationship between A&B would have still happened would have been if he had known it all after the relationship started. Otherwise, he wouldn't have let Armando get anywhere near Betty. Probably Betty wouldn't even be allowed to go back to Ecomoda! The novela made a big point of Don Hermes not finding out under any circumstance.
I'm sure no one would tell him the truth, so I think he would have needed to find out on his own. Maybe he heard a rumor, or maybe he found something like the diary or a copy of the letter
Point is, he learns the truth, ans immediately his half-hearted tolerance of the relationship becomes full on disapproval
He already knows a few things that I'm honestly baffled about him just forgetting and approving of so quickly: that Betty was Armando's mistress and that they did semi ilegal business together
Add on top of that that Armando used Betty like that, and don Hermes definitely would have absolutely disapproved
He'd likely ban Armando from his house, and would make it extremely clear to Betty that he disapproves of Armando and doesn't want to see them together
Doña Julia would try to talk him out of that, but it wouldn't work.
Knowing don Hermes, he probably wouldn't even tell her why he hates Armando
Honestly, I think Nicolás would have been on his side
Personally, I think everyone by the end of the novela accepted the relationship simply because there was no more time, but if there had been, a whole new part of the novela could have been handling these types of issues
I definitely think Nicolás, don Hermes, and doña Margarita wouldn't have approved. Roberto would have likely continued nof being too present.
So I think the pressure of having almost no support from the people that they cared the most would have hurt a lot
Doña Julia may approve, tho
Nicolás would disapprove but be like "do whatever you want but I think this is wrong" ans would treat Armando coldly whenever they saw each other at Ecomoda
In the novela Armando basically implies that his dates with Betty were mainly at her house, so I'm guessing in this case they'd likely be mainly sneaking around in the office
Not that the relationship is a secret, but rather they would just keep it pretty lowkey
It would bring them down a lot, because for them it's important to have their parents' support
But by the time the engagement comes, Armando is sort of okay with knowing his dad is basically out of his life and his mom is very reluctantly in it
Margarita is not only angry about what happened with Marcela, but she's also angry about how quickly he went to Betty. ((With her too I think her quick acceptance of her was mainly due to lack of time))
Eventually don Hermes would have to tolerate Armando, but they would never form a good relationship
In general, as long as don Hermes finds out AFTER they are together, I don't think much bad would happen! I think Armando and Betty were ready and willing to fight for the other by that point. But if it were to happen during Cartagena or immediately after??? Or if he finds out through her diary??? Hell no, all hell would break loose! Don Hermes would get his gun and threaten Armando at gunpoint to never get near Betty again. He would forbid Betty from going back to Ecomoda. If Armando tried to go again to the house he'd be kicked out.
It's a lot of different possibilities depending on when he finds out!
Thank you for the ask🥰🥰 i'm glad you are enjoying my blog🥰🥰
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blossom-fox · 5 months
I want talk about Nicolas Mora
Hes such an angel, his best friend tells a lie and instead of being mad, he buys flowers, dresses his best suit, and makes a serenata. So cute.
But obviously i wanna make few points:
1. If the Cuartel lives before Armando arrives, Nicolas probably will meet him that night. Betty probably tried to avoid that but I'm not sure she can. I love to imagine that kind of drama.
2. When Don Hermes says "Es un muchacho muy simpático, muy querido, que vive aquí metido en la casa. Es para nosostros, como quien dice el hijo que nunca tuvimos, doctor". We can see all the alarms going off in Armando's head. To other people this is ok, but not only does he think Betty likes Nicolas l, that situation is very trigger for him. I mean... Daniel Valencia is "the son we didn't have" to Roberto Mendoza and they were all raised as siblings but he still ended up engaged to Marcela.
This whole situation is just planting seeds for the paranoia that he will reap in gaslighting arc
Song: N - Nando Reis, AnaVitória
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armando-triplepapito · 9 months
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Hell no!! Marcela is better than me cause I would’ve slapped Margarita!
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ladysophiebeckett · 9 months
i do love that scene with margarita and armando, before the reconciliation, where's she's like 'okay my son is in the dumps and i need to just accept that he's never gonna make my valencia\mendoza sims wedding come true. okay, gotta talk to marcela. one last manipulation for the road'. and she's not even that good at it bc marcela sniffs it out in a minute. regardless, it works. so.
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condesadayra · 2 years
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armando-triplepapito · 7 months
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Camila Mendoza I’m disappointed in you but not surprised 😔 at the end of the day she’s probably exactly like Armando, wanting approval from her parents 😞
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