#marsh sitting at dox's kitchen table with vin at the end of tfe is like. top ten moments ever
kingjasnah · 2 years
Okay I desperately want to hear any and all Marsh headcanons you have, either for future stuff in era 3 or 4 (or even Lost Metal), or stuff that we didn’t get to see with him in era 1
i have very few marsh headcanons in comparison to the hours ive spent wailing about his lack of screen time in era 2. i cant wait to see him become a major player again, whether thats in era 3 or 4....i thought sanderson said he'd be in heavy focus in space age mistborn but i might be misremembering? either way that's the picture of future marsh i have in my head, i see him in the stars with incomprehensible space age fashion being a complete bitch to hoid on his dead brother's behalf.
you know im not sure if current era 2 marsh even knows about kelsier and the ghostbloods. like i dont know how deep he is in the southern continent rn. i really would like them to meet up again just because theyve literally not spoken since final empire lmao. the two of them do these huge gestures (marsh at the end of final empire, kelsier at the end of secret history) that really show how much they loved/understood each other but also theyre not friends and they dont talk. brothers who become cultural symbols of life and death on the same weekend and dont talk about it
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