#mavos is most like his mother and sil is aware that was going to happen
littlegalerion · 4 months
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So glad to have my digital art ability back!
A rough concept WIP for Mavos 2024, all grown up and feral. Just proud of what I have so far.
My goal was to have at least ONE son of Trechire's that, in looks and tone, takes after her. While Kirr has the Galerions' good looks, his tone leans more towards his father. Fennorian and Rinyu are perfect blends of their parents in looks and tone, and Sunnabela strongly resembles his father in looks and tone.
Not to mention Mavos is a perfect foil to his elder half brother, Aithilo. The two sons of Sotha Sil. Aithilo totally rejects anything clockwork related, sticking to his worship of Sithis (in the Argonian sense) and embracing Tamriel's natural beauty. Mavos is more accepting to his father's legacy, but to the point that he is acutely aware of the multiverse (like Trechire is) and aggresively makes sure people and/or things stay in their proper place.
I kinda get Maliketh vibes in the sense that "there wasn't a daedric prince that didn't fear him" suits him.
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