#max verstappem
Right, for anyone that missed it, Max has said that he might not stay around should these changes continue.
And he is absolutely right in saying so.
Over the last years it has become more apparent than ever that F1 will not go anyhwere. All of the reg changes have done nothing to actually make the sport more exciting or get the grid closer together. Normally we could brush that off because yeah, F1 has really always been about top teams/maybe 2-3 way title fight possibly but mostly a dominating team/driver combo. So it wouldn't really be that hard to accept.
But F1 continues to want to make changes that they think will make it more entertaining and manage to not only accomplish the complete opposite but also make safety worse and worse.
But that is not what this is about .
What Max is saying is absolutely within his rights and something I wish more drivers would say.
They came here because for them F1 was the ultimate goal and yet they have to sit there, risk their own lives and listen while the FIA makes decision after decision to risk their lives more, to gamble with their safety, to change a format that has worked for years, a format that was never critized when it came to the flaws that people saw in F1.
And why should the drivers have to take that? Why should they sit there and let the FIA decide how their race weekend should look like when clearly the people who know best how much time and practice they need are the teams and the drivers?
Hell, if everything goes as it seems right now Max could end up having as many championships as Fangio or even Lewis. And it's not like he needs those championships to prove his worth as a driver. He has already shown his talent and can leave at any point he wants and has the right to.
But that doesn't mean it's fair to put extra pressure on him. That doesn't mean the FIA has any right to make the decision and step to F1 even harder by making the time for practice, for actually getting to set up a car even thinner.
That does not mean F1 should take changes that result in having drivers actually think about why they should stay in a championship that not only they might never win but that also actively makes it more and more dangerous to race. That actively makes it harder to truly prepare for the actual race.
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yeastinfectionvale · 18 days
And FUCK max verstappem
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